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Originally posted by beanieboy

Poly, who's at the door.
You or Jesus?

It's his time table, not yours.
Oh I see.

"Uh, sorry, Jesus, we don't want any. Come back tomorrow and I'll let you know then."

Could you be any more prideful? :nono:


New member
Originally posted by Poly

Oh I see.

"Uh, sorry, Jesus, we don't want any. Come back tomorrow and I'll let you know then."

Could you be any more prideful? :nono:

I can understand how you see it that way, and I suppose, from your point of view, I am being prideful.

Still, he knocks, does not pound.
He doesn't say, "Geez, let me in already? Could you BE any more prideful..."

No. He knocks.


I apologize if I haven't immediately converted and in so, offended you, Poly, but I can't in honesty.

I can assume that you weren't rushing to the door when Christ knocked either. Can you give me the same patience?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Lucky
Originally posted by avatar382

Jesus was in no way prideful. Although he claimed to be the son of God, he sure didn't act like you'd think a heavanly prince would... He was born to a common woman in a manger. He was a carpenter. He lived a humble life and encouraged others to do the same. He never boasted and he was never self-righteous. To Jesus, humility was a virtue.
From your perspective, this is true. But this was not how many of the Pharisees and other religious leaders viewed Jesus at all. And I think your view of Christians is very similar to how the Pharisees viewed Jesus.

Pride is arguably the most dangerous and oldest of all sins.
Perhaps spreading the message of humility was not Jesus' main purpose, however, who can deny the fact that Jeses was one of the most humble people to ever live?
I don't know everyone who has ever lived, so I cannot make that judgement. Yes, many a time Jesus was humble in his approach. But even some of those opposed to using name-calling in evagelism will point out that Jesus was at times very harsh.
Are Christians not supposed to be Christlike?
I've often defined Christian as "like Christ", but sometimes "follower of Christ" is more accurate. Only Christ (who is God) has the power to forgive me of all my sins. Thus, I cannot be "like Christ" in that respect, as I am powerless to forgive someone of all their sins.

But that's probably besides the point. You mean Christ-like in the sense that we should be humble 24/7. I find it hilariously idiotic when a non-Christian attempts to render a Christian useless in a debate by telling them, in a roundabout way, they "need to be more Christian."

Is humility not a virtue?
Yes, but not the only virtue.
Do you believe that Christians should be humble?
Humble, yes. Neutered, no.
I am not a practicing Christian now - (thanks to experiences with people who were much like the "truthsmackers" around here...)
How convenient to blame fellow Christians. Have fun trying to justify that excuse to God.
I will assume that you say I am "unfamilair" in the sense that I am not a member of your faith,
You assume correctly.
I believe that those who are humble and meek have a better chance of achiving true happiness than those who are prideful and vain. If all of humanity were more humble, the world would be a better place.
So to you, inheriting the earth means happiness on earth. Okay.
:first: POTD


New member
Which is more bizarre, a nonchristian quoting the bible to a christian, and pointing out contradiction, or the christian that says, "Oh, yeah? So what! What do you know! You aren't even a christian!"

If you ignore your own book, expect the same response from a nonchristian: So what?
You don't even listen to your own holy book.

If it were judgement day, and Jesus were at the throne, and said, Bean, buddy, why didn't you listen to those who preached to you?" and I answered, "I quoted the Bible, and they didn't listen, and so if they wouldn't listen, why should I?"

What would Jesus' response be to me, and to the christian ignoring what was quoted to him?
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Merely Christian
You aren't so special, ya know?

We all make our choice. The reason you don't accept Christ is because you love your sin too much. Your god is sexual perversion. You would die for sexual perversion. The works you perform with your body glorify sexual perversion. This is who you are and proud to be. beanieboy the homosexual.

When you are finally crushed under the weight of your sin, there will only be one person to look to for help. In that lonely desperate painful fearful moment of your life, please remember, Jesus stands and the door and knocks. I pray that moment in your life doesn't come when your test comes back positive.


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Originally posted by avatar382

How exactly did the Pharisees view Jesus, in your view?
They thought Jesus had no business doing what he was doing.
  • Matt. 21:23 -- Now when He came into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people confronted Him as He was teaching, and said, "By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority?"
Later on in that chapter...
  • Matt. 21:45-46 -- Now when the chief priests and Pharisees heard His parables, they perceived that He was speaking of them. But when they sought to lay hands on Him, they feared the multitudes, because they took Him for a prophet.
The Pharisees and religious leaders did not consider him humble at all. To them, he was was a bold challenge and threat to their authority.
BTW, there are thousands of sects of Christianity. I harbor no particular negativity torwards Christians as a whole, only those who are rather nasty people.
Interestingly, Jesus was harshest to the proud. I am not saying that harshness and humility are mutually exclusive.
However - in this thread, the harshness present seems to arise from a sentiment of superiority - you're a sinner and I'm not - become like me or you will burn in hell... unless there is a case of imminent harm or personal offense, what use is harshness in witness anyway? Unless maybe the purpose of said harshness is not really to edify, but to berate...
Can you clarify what it is that you consider harsh? If it's the "petty-name-calling-and-not-much-else", I agree. I don't see much use for it. But it seems as though you think even the pure Gospel message itself (both the bad news and the good) is too harsh. If that's so, answer these next three questions please. 1.) Why is it fine and humble for Jesus to preach the Gospel, but if his followers preach that same Gospel we are considered full of pride? 2.) Can you honestly call us prideful for simply believing in what Jesus (who you consider as "one of the most humble people to ever live") taught? 3.) Furthermore, can you blame us for hoping you too will have a place in the Father's house? (John 14:2)
What do you mean by "neutered"?
Neutral, as in, not taking a bold stand for the truth.
Are you suggesting that humility leads to weakness?
If it is not part of a well-balanced diet of virtues that includes things like courage, it is possible it can lead to weakness.
That was not my intention at all. I throughly enjoy debate.
I "blame" no one for my deconversion.
Well it sure sounded that way when you said...
I am not a practicing Christian now - (thanks to experiences with people who were much like the "truthsmackers" around here...)
But as I can see here...
I simply stated that one of the major causes that led to my eventual deconversion were my dealings with arrogant, prideful Christians. Honestly, I should be thanking them.
It's been downsized to simply "one of the major causes."
Yes, From my perspective, this life is all we have that is guaranteed. It seems to me that those who are humble tend to make the most of it.
I hope that after you go through the many events life has to offer you come to the conclusion that there must be more to life than what meets the eye.


The Dark Knight
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Either live it or leave it. If you're not going to accept the Bible as the word of the living God, quit quoting it to argue your point. And don't give us that same tired, "give me patience..." defense. You have made it pretty clear that you don't want Jesus in your life, and aren't going to let Him in, ever. Just remember that it is not I, nor is it Christ that condemns you [to hell, or in any other way], it is you.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy
If it were judgement day, and Jesus were at the throne, and said, Bean, buddy, why didn't you listen to those who preached to you?" and I answered, "I quoted the Bible, and they didn't listen, and so if they wouldn't listen, why should I"
What would Jesus' response be to me?

"Relying on our own righteousness, are we? Nice try. Next..."

and to the christian ignoring what was quoted to him?

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. The Pharasees liked to twist Scripture around and try to trip Me up too."
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The Dark Knight
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Ummm...crow, I think Jesus would say that Satan tried to twist it to trip Him up. He'd want to get the point across that beanie was doing the work of the adversary.


Well-known member

I just want to suggest to you that you seek The Lord while He may be found and call upon Him while He is near. He won't be available or closeby, as He is now, forever. As you continue down life's road, in the wrong direction, you're walking away from Him; and as you do so, His Voice will continue to become more and more feint. One day, you may turn and find that you have gone too far. Today is The Day of Salvation. Now is The Appointed Time. Today, if you will hear His voice, don't harden your heart against Him, as many have done before you, but listen to His Words. He is only against anything and everything that will cause you harm. He would not be against sin, if it wasn't harmful. He loves you, and wants only good for you. Here is one of my favorite passages of Scripture:

Jeremiah 29: 11-12

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.


"You have a cold hard heart indeed" says Ninevah as she then condemns beanieboy to eternal torture.

Double sons of hell are not easy to make.


Merely Christian
"Double sons of hell are not easy to make. "

Really? You make it look like a breeze.

Tell me, hypocrite, do you revel in your neighbor pataking of a distructive life?


New member
Tell me, hypocrite, do you revel in your neighbor partaking of a destructive life?

In a lot of ways this is what your whole concept of Christianity is - simply a mindless energy feed - worship the Devil, - that is what your concept of the Father is - the devil - some sort of diabolical monster, take the Bible only, and take it literally - what ever is not there = sin.

You are hopeless - but with God, all things are possible.

With Christ's Love



Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101

In a lot of ways this is what your whole concept of Christianity is - simply a mindless energy feed -

I guess the 4 legged cow precept taught you that. Biblically the idea is "the mind of Christ".

worship the Devil, - that is what your concept of the Father is - the devil -

I imagine your precepts have taught you that as well, however, my Father will put satan away forever.

some sort of diabolical monster, take the Bible only, and take it literally - what ever is not there = sin.

Perhaps your precepts have taught you to ignore obvious sin. I find most pagans have the ability to justify ignoring clear teaching, especially where being guilty under the law is concerned.

You are hopeless - but with God, all things are possible.

Christ is the reason I have hope today :)

Have you ever humbled yourself before the living God and repented?


New member
Originally posted by lighthouse

Either live it or leave it. If you're not going to accept the Bible as the word of the living God, quit quoting it to argue your point. And don't give us that same tired, "give me patience..." defense. You have made it pretty clear that you don't want Jesus in your life, and aren't going to let Him in, ever. Just remember that it is not I, nor is it Christ that condemns you [to hell, or in any other way], it is you.

I'm not going to let him in ever?
I never said that, and it makes you mad that I haven't been convinced by you haughty, snide attitude.

I will no longer quote the bible to you, because you can't handle the fact that you are a liar and contradict the bible.

By the same token, when ever you quote the bible to me, I, too, shall just say, "If you won't listen to the bible, neither shall I."


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

You aren't so special, ya know?

We all make our choice. The reason you don't accept Christ is because you love your sin too much. Your god is sexual perversion. You would die for sexual perversion. The works you perform with your body glorify sexual perversion. This is who you are and proud to be. beanieboy the homosexual.

When you are finally crushed under the weight of your sin, there will only be one person to look to for help. In that lonely desperate painful fearful moment of your life, please remember, Jesus stands and the door and knocks. I pray that moment in your life doesn't come when your test comes back positive.

I am special. You are, too.

To you, I am simply beanieboy the homosexual.
God sees my heart.
You're lying in the worst way when you say that is all I am.

May God forgive you and have mercy on you.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by beanieboy

I'm not going to let him in ever?
According to these responses having to do with accepting Christ or repenting, you're not.

Originally posted by beanieboy
It's creepy.
All in the name of Go-wad.
Originally posted by beanieboy
But it is my choice.
a response made when told that to reject Christ was to reject life
Originally posted by beanieboy
That is why I reject your bloodthirsty God.
You can explain that to God while I'm playing chess with Gandhi.
Originally posted by beanieboy
You want me to love a God that would have me put to death.
Originally posted by beanieboy
IGod doesn't live in a cage that you build for him.
He is where he wants to be.
He can reveal himself in any book, any religion. He is not limited to the Bible.
And I believe that all are created in the image of God. All of us have, deep down, a soul that is like a reflection of God. Buddhists call it the Buddha within.
Once you understand this, guilt replaces hope.
Sadness is replaced with calm confidence.
Originally posted by beanieboy
Am I sincere in my religions that God will admit me into heaven?
It doesn't matter. What matters is how I live here.
Originally posted by beanieboy
But I have seen the ugliness of Christianity, and the arrogance that no matter what you do or how you act, if you are a christian, God will forgive you.
I don't agree with that.
Originally posted by beanieboy
Then they want to know if I want to sign up, and are angry and confused when I say no thanks.
Originally posted by beanieboy
I'm a liberal.
I have respect for you to worship Christianity.
I simply don't want it imposed on me or anyone else.


New member
Poly, I said that I don't worship YOUR God.
You have a black heart.
I have no interest in YOUR God, not the True God.
I have yet to see one fruit of the spirit come out in your posts.
I feel sorry for you.
I believe that you are lost, and don't know it.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

I am special. You are, too.

At one time, I thought no one ever knew anything I could be feeling. That was one of my justifications for sinning. So, no, I wasn't special.

To you, I am simply beanieboy the homosexual.

Well, good guess, but no. I think of you as a creature created in the image of God that has become so in love with sexual perversion you have turned your back on the One Who created you. It's you that makes you an unrepentant homosexual.

God sees my heart.

Yes, He does. He sees your unrepentant rebellion and love for sexual perversion. He also sees your rejection of Christ.

You're lying in the worst way when you say that is all I am.

I didn't say that is all you are, you are also unrepentant. Another thing you are is not so different than any other unrepentant sinner looking for any excuse to continue. I've been there too, you aren't so special in that regard.

May God forgive you and have mercy on you.

Now this is where you and I are different. I was crushed by the Law and in repentance, saved by Christ. You can be, too.