Marjorie Taylor Green

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What the retards are being told to believe - a smear piece from Salon

Moreover, it would not have been at all surprising if Greene did not summon up some tears on Wednesday outside of the Capitol or during her press conference the next day as she started to howl about how Bowman was a "giant negro" and "predator" who desired her and had violated her "honor." White women's tears were and remain some of the most powerful white supremacist weapons of terror and violence against Black and brown people.




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Caution language. 😅😅😅

By the way this is an excellent example of the way that the left is unabashedly hypocritical and dishonest. And they don't care. As long as it furthers their agenda

Apparently people who claim to worship God who have Jesus as their Savior also use foul language, even in the same breath.