Well-known member
At first the drug addict is going to ask his parents for money (he needs it to buy books for school, etc. etc. etc). After mommy and daddy get wise to that and say that they can't give said drug addict anymore money, he starts rifling through their bedroom closet, dresser drawers, etc. for cash. He then sends his drug addict friends into burglarize their house and take anything that can easily be sold on the street so that they can get their fix.
This is the good part Jr., so pay very close attention:
When said drug addict gets very desperate, he starts physically abusing his mother and/or grandmother (beating them up) because they won't any longer contribute to his "needs".
Said drug addict, will then be sent away to prison for those "victimless crimes" that he's responsible for, and needless to say, will become someone's 'girlfriend' inside prison.
So how is this any different than before legalized marijuana?