Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


Well-known member
At first the drug addict is going to ask his parents for money (he needs it to buy books for school, etc. etc. etc). After mommy and daddy get wise to that and say that they can't give said drug addict anymore money, he starts rifling through their bedroom closet, dresser drawers, etc. for cash. He then sends his drug addict friends into burglarize their house and take anything that can easily be sold on the street so that they can get their fix.

This is the good part Jr., so pay very close attention:

When said drug addict gets very desperate, he starts physically abusing his mother and/or grandmother (beating them up) because they won't any longer contribute to his "needs".

Said drug addict, will then be sent away to prison for those "victimless crimes" that he's responsible for, and needless to say, will become someone's 'girlfriend' inside prison.

So how is this any different than before legalized marijuana?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I smell a trap, your trying to get a list of all the pot heads,, uh humm....

:nono: This is not dopeoline, There is no one on TOL who is a pothead, we do not let real dope users post here. There are a few pretend pot smokers, however, they are just bragging, as to how dopy they are.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
At first the drug addict is going to ask his parents for money (he needs it to buy books for school, etc. etc. etc). After mommy and daddy get wise to that and say that they can't give said drug addict anymore money, he starts rifling through their bedroom closet, dresser drawers, etc. for cash. He then sends his drug addict friends into burglarize their house and take anything that can easily be sold on the street so that they can get their fix.

This is the good part Jr., so pay very close attention:

When said drug addict gets very desperate, he starts physically abusing his mother and/or grandmother (beating them up) because they won't any longer contribute to his "needs".

Said drug addict, will then be sent away to prison for those "victimless crimes" that he's responsible for, and needless to say, will become someone's 'girlfriend' inside prison.

So how is this any different than before legalized marijuana?

More lives will be ruined then before.



:nono: This is not dopeoline, There is no one on TOL who is a pothead, we do not let real dope users post here. There are a few pretend pot smokers, however, they are just bragging, as to how dopy they are.

Au contraire Ktoyou. Doper shagster01 brags about smoking dope through a vaporizer (and he has one living brain cell to show for it). Doper Mark did time for possession (and something else that he doesn't want to talk about. Make note to ask him about the different shades of lipstick that his cellmate made him wear).

Unfortunately the real world has slithered into this fine Christian website, but I hear tell that bug repellant can chase those kind off.

patrick jane

Au contraire Ktoyou. Doper shagster01 brags about smoking dope through a vaporizer (and he has one living brain cell to show for it). Doper Mark did time for possession (and something else that he doesn't want to talk about. Make note to ask him about the different shades of lipstick that his cellmate made him wear).

Unfortunately the real world has slithered into this fine Christian website, but I hear tell that bug repellant can chase those kind off.

i'm gettin' ready to shmoke a 'fatty" - :plain:


'Skunk' Pot May Hinder Brain's Ability To Send And Receive Messages

Smoking especially strong pot — or skunk — may damage nerve fibers responsible for sending and receiving messages in the brain.

A study published Friday from researchers in Italy and the U.K. found a bigger effect on the corpus callosum in people who smoked high-potency cannabis than people who smoked marijuana with lower levels of THC or those didn't smoke at all.

The corpus callosum is that thick band of nerves in the center that connects the left half of the brain with the right.

These are the same researchers that earlier this year said the easy access to skunk in London could be behind a rise in psychosis reports linked to cannabis. They say this study shows there's possibly less transfer of information between the two halves of the brain.

Read more:|main5|dl2|sec1_lnk3&pLid=1152739478

Other side of Cannabis Movie Trailer


New member
Is there a comparison between the risks of marijuana and those of tobacco or alcohol, such as whether users become violent, or the relative chances of addiction? I still see plenty of violent drunks and homeless alcoholics.


Well-known member
Hadn't seen this thread til today. I see it goes back to 2013.

Has there been any independent studies on the effects of this drug in states where it's legal now? Has crime increased? Has the gate to other drugs been kicked down? Is it too soon to tell?

Addiction has such awful affects on families as you have noted and I have seen. Alcohol has damaged so many lives and is a poor justification for MJ. I have heard proponents say it's safer than alcohol, but I have no experience with it to compare. If you were a cop as someone said above then you probably have dealt with both types of addiction. Would be interested in how you might compare and contrast the two.


Is there a comparison between the risks of marijuana and those of tobacco or alcohol, such as whether users become violent, or the relative chances of addiction?

Violence due to tobacco use? What are you Brits lacing your...ahem...fags with?

I still see plenty of violent drunks and homeless alcoholics.

But but but drunks can be violent too! Great observation Sherlock.


Hadn't seen this thread til today. I see it goes back to 2013.

Has there been any independent studies on the effects of this drug in states where it's legal now? Has crime increased? Has the gate to other drugs been kicked down? Is it too soon to tell?

Review the entire thread, there is plenty of information to answer your questions. I don't recall if I put Bob Enyart's articles in here somewhere, but they are well worth reading as well.


Well-known member
Review the entire thread, there is plenty of information to answer your questions. I don't recall if I put Bob Enyart's articles in here somewhere, but they are well worth reading as well.

I was more interesting in your direct experience as an officer but will read what Bob says.

Read the HuffPo. Bob linked to another older ARTICLE which says officers have a difficult time telling if someone is high at the moment. That indicates it is not as bad as alcohol which a simple close eyes touch nose test verifies. My opinion is Bob wants marijuana illegal but recognizes the impracticality of that as shown by prohibition with human demand. So if it must be legal at least make it a controlled substance. Overuse will make you "stupid". That leaves me thinking that alcohol is worse than marijuana.

The kgov article was quite detailed and certainly brings up some serious concerns beyond just being stupid but overuse can corrupt DNA and cause cancer. It reminds me when I was a kid the arguing that tobacco did nothing to cause cancer. That was a long hard fight with the sides going toe-to-toe not letting the facts speak for themselves. In time I am sure the harmful effects will be undeniable with marijuana but too late for many who were crushed by it and their loved ones.

It seems making it a controlled substance that is kept weak might work out best, treating it just like alcohol is now. And hardly agree with Bob that anyone who drives high using whatever substance is going to jail. Will keep reading, just thoughts for now.


New member
I heartedly agree on alcohol.

From what I have read so far pot smokers also drink alcohol and smoke tobacco and that makes it hard to isolate its effects alone.

Tobacco smokers are generally more addicted and smoke more than marijuana smokers. And alcohol is a depressant which wrecks lives and relationships and harms those around them. Both alcohol and tobacco are more harmful to individuals and society than marijuana. No wonder acw revised to answer questions about comparative harm, it destroys his argument, such that it is.

Of course individual people are healthier not smoking pot, but in a free society that has rejected authoritarianism people should be as free from government interference as can reasonably be achieved. And personal health is not everyone's ultimate priority - most want health in order to live, they don't live solely to be healthy.