ECT MAD interp chaos #456: You can't be in the New Covenant


New member

Paul is merely relating the origin of what he is talking about.

How that his God given mind of Christ -on things - was revealed to his (Paul's) mind (spirit) by the Spirit.

By what means?

In word imagery given to his spirit by the Spirit.

Word imagery he found the yet carnal in their naturual man perspective Corinthians, nowhere near ready to receive, let alone comprehend said imagery concerning the things of God his God given words were meant to convey to them.

You're like that, andyc.

These things are spiritual - only understood through the Word.

What do you do?

Read your Charismatic take on things into them.

You disagree with this.

You stop there.

It is what it is.

The best toward you on that non Mad thread of yours. I shall continue to respect your wish; not your one sideness.

What I've been telling you is not based on charismatic reasoning. Read a different translation, and any commentary of your choice on the matter.

john w

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Did you know the Gospels, 2 Cor 3-5 and Hebrews are all pre-chopped and that you are barred from entry? You can't have what they offer?

Ask the MAD guys who need to get out, get air, have a beer, and "do the work of an evangelist" so they stop screwing up the Bible with overthought junk-theology.

They think you cant' enjoy the New Covenant. They don't realize it is here now, in Christ now, for all people. It is not a restored Israel. It does indeed sound like it, but it is not. There is not a hint of restoring the land to Israel at any time it is mentioned:

1, the last supper. Forget it.

2, 2 Cor 3-5. Written to mostly Gentiles. Written for all mankind. Justification is for all mankind. God was in Christ for all mankind. MAD is butt-naked, emperor's clothes nakedness and madness, mental illness.

3, Hebrews. Anyone who know the basics of Hebrews knows it is not about regaining the land. If that's not clear from 11, just finish the book's vision of where all this is going: TO AN UNSHAKEABLE KINGDOM of the Jerusalem that is above and nearly here, and the Cloud, and the new high priest. Because it is in a letter where the first third of the book was to prove that THERE WAS A PRIESTHOOD BEFORE THE LAW AND AARON!!! That's the priest we want and have.

MAD is as much fraud as Hilary.


Obey Leviticus.

john w

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No it is obvious that it is the KJV that is in error, as the subject is the gospel (new covenant)

Satanic-the devil child asserts that the gospel is the new covenant.

No scripture says that.

" it is obvious that it is the KJV that is in error"-candya

Translated: It is obvious that "fill in the blank of any translation/version" is wrong, since it does not support my satanic "doctrine." Thus, I, candya, will correct those versions/translations, so that it agrees with my "doctrine," as I am the final authority, not the bible.

Ssssssssssssssss..............Your daddy devil taught you well, loser.

john w

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Now 1Cor 2:12-14 must have given the KJV translators a nightmare, which you'll also struggle with.

That's rich, as this little punk, who would not know the difference between the book of Daniel, and Daniel Boone, weighs in on the KJB translators, who, objectively, were viewed even by most critics, as amongst the brightest, in terms of knowledge of Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic................?

Funny, candya.
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Thus, the KJV's correct translation of verse 6 in the lower case - "spirit" not "Spirit."

The original King James Bible has "spirit" the same in verse 3 and verse 6.

See for yourself HERE

So, which King James Bible are we to believe?

john w

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Hall of Fame
The original King James Bible has "spirit" the same in verse 3 and verse 6.

See for yourself HERE

So, which King James Bible are we to believe?

Who taught you that, weekling? You plagiarized that argument.

Define bible believer.

Watch the little arm punk punt that for the 100+ time.

Do you read(not believe) a bible made by human hands? Why do you say the word of God is looking after the flesh, since it is literal?

What's the problem, unemployed Craigie boy?

Which bible do you believe, and not correct, bible corrector?


And isn't obvious - the correct one :chuckle:

Someone changed the original first edition King James Bible.

Look again at the top of the page. The top of the page even says "Letter and Spirit", with "Spirit" having a capital "S". HERE

How do you decide which King James Bible to believe? The original first edition KJV with a capital "S", or the modern KJV with a small "s"?

Also, for those of us who don't have to defend Darby's false teachings (like you), it's really simple:

(2 Cor 3:17) Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

patrick jane

Someone changed the original first edition King James Bible.

Look again at the top of the page. The top of the page even says "Letter and Spirit", with "Spirit" having a capital "S". HERE

How do you decide which King James Bible to believe? The original first edition KJV with a capital "S", or the modern KJV with a small "s"?

Also, for those of us who don't have to defend Darby's false teachings (like you), it's really simple:

(2 Cor 3:17) Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Who cares about lower case or capital S?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Someone changed the original first edition King James Bible.

Look again at the top of the page. The top of the page even says "Letter and Spirit", with "Spirit" having a capital "S". HERE

How do you decide which King James Bible to believe? The original first edition KJV with a capital "S", or the modern KJV with a small "s"?

Also, for those of us who don't have to defend Darby's false teachings (like you), it's really simple:

(2 Cor 3:17) Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Who taught you that? Rhetorical q-want to see from which web site you obtained this satanic "argument," Craigie boy?

How do you know that the "originals" were/were not changed by "someone," Craigie boy?

He won't touch that.

How do you know that what you cited was "The original King James Bible?" Ever seen it? Touched it? Is it literal?



New member
Someone changed the original first edition King James Bible.

Look again at the top of the page. The top of the page even says "Letter and Spirit", with "Spirit" having a capital "S". HERE

How do you decide which King James Bible to believe? The original first edition KJV with a capital "S", or the modern KJV with a small "s"?

Also, for those of us who don't have to defend Darby's false teachings (like you), it's really simple:

(2 Cor 3:17) Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

I just now googled Darby's translation and found that although his translation is also lower case; his commentary on the passage was that the new covenant was what was being referred to.

You are just being your same old slandering you.


New member
Who cares about lower case or capital S?

You just might be right.

It is what was being talked about to begin with, when something else was mentioned within that, that reveals the intended sense or meaning of any word or phrase; not whether a word is spelled one way or another.

What was Paul talking about when he then said what he said?

He was talking about a heart issue.

The entire chapter is dealing with heart issues.

Which are often referred to as man's spirit in other passages. As in...

Psalms 34:18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.