You can't be this dense?
From your article:
"the discrimination and persecution that Turkish Jews have suffered since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923"
The prophecies to the seven churches stated that the Christians would be persecuted by Jews.
Secondly, because your a Darby Follower, you're not allowed to tie current events with Bible prophecy.
Unless of course, you're one of those 1948 Darby Followers?
It shows that persecution is currently occurring and has from Muslims, and will, for that matter.
As far as your weird way of looking at everything through Commentary, there's this thing called the Bible and the Holy Spirit. You should try it some time.
I can't help that you sold your would to Darby for years and then got bitter when one Commentary had something on another. I don't know about you, but I love reading the Bible and praying. I don't like Commentar. That's just me.
Will your mom let you on TOL tomorrow?