ECT MAD has no clue what "dispensation " means in scripture ! NONE

James Dalton

You can't be this dense?

From your article:

"the discrimination and persecution that Turkish Jews have suffered since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923"

The prophecies to the seven churches stated that the Christians would be persecuted by Jews.

Secondly, because your a Darby Follower, you're not allowed to tie current events with Bible prophecy.

Unless of course, you're one of those 1948 Darby Followers?

It shows that persecution is currently occurring and has from Muslims, and will, for that matter.

As far as your weird way of looking at everything through Commentary, there's this thing called the Bible and the Holy Spirit. You should try it some time.

I can't help that you sold your would to Darby for years and then got bitter when one Commentary had something on another. I don't know about you, but I love reading the Bible and praying. I don't like Commentar. That's just me.

Will your mom let you on TOL tomorrow?

James Dalton

Think, bro.

Absent of that.

Absent of having to go to a source outside of the Scripture.

The actual Acts 9 Position never has to.

The question must always be 'what are the distinctions about these things in the Scripture itself?'

One distinction among others is just as obvious: those seven churches described in the book of Revelation are not Grace Based assemblies.

I was adding insult to injury. Is that so bad?


It shows that persecution is currently occurring and has from Muslims, and will, for that matter.

Yet, Revelation specifically says it's Christians persecuted by Jews.

No Muslims in Revelation.

Probably because Islam didn't exist in the first century.

As far as your weird way of looking at everything through Commentary, there's this thing called the Bible and the Holy Spirit. You should try it some time.

The Bible proves Darby's false teachings wrong.

The words "soon", "near", "shortly", and "quickly" are all found in the Revelation. Yet, because you're a Darby Follower, you have them all meaning 1,900+ years and still counting.

Will your mom let you on TOL tomorrow?

Darby Follower 101


For the record, I subscribe to a really, really, really, early date of Revelation.

Paul was referring to John receiving the Revelation in the following verse:

(2 Cor 12:2) I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know--God knows.

Most Dispies claim Paul was referring to himself in the third party.

Paul would have never done such a thing. Paul was a "me, me" kinda guy. "my gospel", "my Lord", "in me first", etc.


New member
That's correct Danoh.

You claim Israel's prophetic clock was stopped somewhere in Mid-Acts. Was John's letter to the seven churches written before or after the clock stopped?

You tell me.

See if you actually understand the actual Acts 9 Position.


You tell me.

See if you actually understand the actual Acts 9 Position.

First off, I don't subscribe to the "stopped clock" theory, as the events from 66AD - 70AD prove that theory wrong.

Secondly, I believe the Revelation was written 14 years before Paul wrote his epistle to the Corinthians.


New member
First off, I don't subscribe to the "stopped clock" theory, as the events from 66AD - 70AD prove that theory wrong.

Secondly, I believe the Revelation was written 14 years before Paul wrote his epistle to the Corinthians.

I asked you to tell me the actual Acts 9 Position on when the Prophetic clock stopped.

I mean; since you are such an expert on Dispensationalism :chuckle:



The 14 years before Corinthians theory was Bullinger's (the Acts 28) Position on that.


I asked you to tell me the actual Acts 9 Position on when the Prophetic clock stopped.

I mean; since you are such an expert on Dispensationalism :chuckle:

Well.... I was an Acts 2 Dispy.

It's hard to get the "official" Acts 9 position, since so many MADists who claim to be Acts 9 don't agree with each other. Jerry calls them "Neo-Mad".

Most say the stoning of Stephen was when the clock stopped, others say it was when Paul blinded Elymas.

Like I said, I don't subscribe to it.

The 14 years before Corinthians theory was Bullinger's (the Acts 28) Position on that.

Bullinger wasn't 100% wrong on everything. Neither was Darby, Anderson, Stam, Scofield, Chafer, etc.

However, all of their systematic theology was wrong.


I asked you to tell me the actual Acts 9 Position on when the Prophetic clock stopped.

You're doing the same thing as the mysterboy.

You're afraid to answer the question.

Once again...........was the Revelation written before or after Israel's prophetic clock allegedly stopped?


New member
You're doing the same thing as the mysterboy.

You're afraid to answer the question.

Once again...........was the Revelation written before or after Israel's prophetic clock allegedly stopped?

Nope, as I do have an answer.

And I gave you the actual Acts 9 Position on it; when I related that the Seven Churches in Revelation were 1st Century assemblies but none of them were Grace Based.

Which should have meant what?

But obviously, you need a thing pointed out to you.

It is why you failed Dispensationalism 101 - the moment you found yourself unable to properly sort a thing out on your own; off you went to some source outside of the Dispensationalism you now claim you had understood.

So again, what would be the Acts 9 Position on when The Revelation was written and why?

I already gave you a clue; and you already know of another one (which you reject).


Nope, as I do have an answer.

And I gave you the actual Acts 9 Position on it; when I related that the Seven Churches in Revelation were 1st Century assemblies but none of them were Grace Based.

Which should have meant what?

But obviously, you need a thing pointed out to you.

It is why you failed Dispensationalism 101 - the moment you found yourself unable to properly sort a thing out on your own; off you went to some source outside of the Dispensationalism you now claim you had understood.

So again, what would be the Acts 9 Position on when The Revelation was written and why?

I already gave you a clue; and you already know of another one (which you reject).

C'mon Danoh, just cut to the chase.

Was the Revelation written before or after Israel's prophetic was allegedly stopped?

I don't need a lecture about studying the study, studying the studier, or studying the studied....just answer the question.