Lord have mercy! it's a revelation.

Totton Linnet

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Everything you guys ever teach is (( Parables )), - Parables are of something that is of a Higher Order / Ordnance / Ordained in “Spiritual Things”, Not Carnal things!!! - Jesus Never spoke other than in - “Parables”. --- Matthew 4:34 KJV --- 34- “But (( Without a Parable spake He not unto them )): and ((( When they were alone ))), ((( He expounded ( All things ) to his Disciples )))”. --- You all Don’t have what Jesus spoke to them ( While Alone ) with them, (( I Do )), but you can’t accept that the Holy Ghost guides the Christian in Those ((( “All Things” ))) that are not written but is found ( As You all say it ), (( “Reading Between the Lines” )). - I don’t Teach the Parables; - for within the Parables are Found the Spiritual Truth. - Carnal things are not Truth, it’s the Spiritual thing!!! They are the Things the LOST Cannot Know, because they are not Guided by the Holy Ghost. – 1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV ---///--- But you all say that you ARE guided by the Holy Ghost, and you all are Divided among yourselves being Not Guided!!! -- You cannot teach anything that are Mysteries, and NEW!! – Just the same thing that has always been taught by false teachers, but Always with another Twist!!! – Most of all my teaching is “New” and are “Mysteries”. – Check out my last Posts and Threads elsewhere. But you can’t do that, all things are just about your stuff that is disagreed on by your own Kind!!! – But none of you can Show where I’m wrong on anything, just that I disagree with you and your writings, - not God’s!!!

This is the only way that your stuff can be responded to, they cannot be responded with the Scriptures, because there is nothing of the Scriptures, or shines as Scriptural do.

Paul – 051513

This is exactly what I mean...horseshine, you are so full of it


Because we DO have the Holy Spirit, He DOES teach us the inner truths. There you go I've just shown you where you are wrong.

And this is the content of all your posts it is all ME ME ME, what I know, what nobody else knows.

If you don't agree that the sheep and the goats are not the saints and the world...give your reasons, I give my reasons from scriptures taken from 2. Thessalonians. 1-2 and Matt.25. and Revelations 21. it is THERE in the post.

Totton Linnet

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Did you ever think that if the Holy Spirit failed to teach the brethren He would be failing in His mission, He won't fail, H doesn't fail. He has promised to lead us into all truth and He will.

He didn't just teach Peter He taught John as well...and Matthew and James and Paul, Stephen. He doesn't only teach YOU...that is foolishness.

But He never called them vipers, blind guides that was the enemies of Christ not His brethren...see you need to go back to the abc of the gospel.


New member
Did you ever think that if the Holy Spirit failed to teach the brethren He would be failing in His mission, He won't fail, H doesn't fail. He has promised to lead us into all truth and He will.

He didn't just teach Peter He taught John as well...and Matthew and James and Paul, Stephen. He doesn't only teach YOU...that is foolishness.

But He never called them vipers, blind guides that was the enemies of Christ not His brethren...see you need to go back to the abc of the gospel.

The Holy Ghost cannot fail the Christian, - He has Nothing to do with the Lost!!!!!!!!!! - Why worry about such total nonsense???!!!!!!

This is my Last with you on this nonsense!! – It appears that you can’t be happy unless you find anger in someone, and get them hurt, or Banned!!! – So I’m stopping before you finally dig so deep that you find nothing but Anger in me, as you all have done sooo many times here on TOL!!! – Good Night!!!!!!!

Paul – 051513

Totton Linnet

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Anger is all that we DO see...that's what I'm after,

No love for the brethren, no joy of the Lord, no encouragement or blessing....just this endless boasting about how smart you are and how stupid we are.

This is the back alley, not much risk of being banned.

I am just speaking to you how you speak to every other poster on TOL, you sure don't like it...stop dishing it out then.

We used to have an agreement if you keep off my threads I will keep off yours.

I got things I want to share, I want to bless people, maybe help them.


New member
Anger is all that we DO see...that's what I'm after,

No love for the brethren, no joy of the Lord, no encouragement or blessing....just this endless boasting about how smart you are and how stupid we are.

This is the back alley, not much risk of being banned.

I am just speaking to you how you speak to every other poster on TOL, you sure don't like it...stop dishing it out then.

We used to have an agreement if you keep off my threads I will keep off yours.

I got things I want to share, I want to bless people, maybe help them.

That’s How utterly Blind You Are!!! – There's not much other way to speak, or respond to foolish people that don't know anything about what they are talking about!!!!! --- Go ~bless your own Kind, your way. -- To me, any of your ~blessings are only cursing!!!

(((( Teaching the Gospel )))) ( IS ) the ( ONLY ) (( “WAY” )) to Try to Bless anyone, You are Not God!!!!!!!! to bless people your way, but God’s “WAY”.

Have any kind of day you can!!!!!

Paul – 051613

Totton Linnet

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So you say to every other single person Paul...you have built yourself this pile of horseshine to sit upon and judge the Lord's people...but when they talk to you like that you become offended.


New member
No peace
no joy
no love

Just horseshine

(( That's just How foolish You Are ))!!!! -- You KNOW Perfectly that I'm NOT Going to agree with You, but yet you still Act like any Fool would act!!! -- ( And You Call yourself ) ( "A Christian" ). -- YES!! You Would!!!

See! - We all know what you mean by ( "horseshine" ), but you can get away with that because you're one of Them who allow stuff like that from their own Kind!!!!!

Paul -- 051613

Totton Linnet

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No one else is seeing this among evangelicals.

They think the last judgement is between saint and sinners, christians and non christians, the church and the world, SHEEP AND GOATS.

Well it is sheep and goats but the sheep can not be the saints...it is IMpossible. There is only one last judgement, it is told about in Revs 21 the Great White Throne judgement and Matt.25. the sheep and goats.

This judgement takes place AFTER the gathering of the saints "so shall we always be with the Lord" and AFTER the saints have reigned with Christ for a 1,000 years...there is NO WAY this judgement involves the saints except we are told when the Lord comes to judge we will come with Him, not to be judged but the sheep and goats are judged by their deeds in regard to us.

We are saved by grace through faith, in this judgement we see the people are judged [both in Revs and Matt] by their deeds.

The sheep and those who names are written in the Lamb's book of life recieve an inheritance, not the heavenly one...that is for the body of Christ....but the meek shall inherit the earth. God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth.

This means....

Billions and billions of souls are NOT going to be damned to hell,, there is NO WAY that the devil will have a majority in that day, mercy will prevail...but the wicked will be turned into hell.

Christians MUST STOP pre-empting the judgement of Christ...Paul says we have nothing to do with judging the world...our concern is with getting the church right.
All I am asking of you is to address the arguments on this post, you haven't said one word about it.


New member
You simply have no concept of the Joy of the Lord, the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the peace Jesus gives, if you did you would share that.

All you do is yappity yap.

I DO!! --- You just think you know something about it, but you actually despise it!!! --- I think God said: "(( Despise not the "Chastening" of the Lord ))". ---//-- The "Chastening", is a Christian ((( Rebuking You )))!!! -- (( "Rebuke not a fool lest he hate thee" ))!!!!!!

((( I Rebuke You )))!!!

Paul -- 061813


New member
@LA Run along with your rebukes...only A4T seems to have raised any serious argument against the OP or attempted to debate the subject.


New member
God doesn't say that or anything similar to that.
You overlooked all the other Scriptures!!

Life / "Eternal Life" is the only thing inherited. - Eternal Life is described in many ways. - Jesus is that Life, He is the Place, He is the Food, He is the Drink, He is the Shelter, He is the Weapon, He is the Wall, He is the Joy of Safety. Etc. Etc.

The Meek or the Poor in Spirit is just another way of saying "Christian", or the "Saved" Etc. Etc. - The lost are none of those, nor shall receive any of those things!! -- Who are the "Elect"??? - Are they without any of those things to you?? - The Good and Honest hearts; are they without any of those things to you all???

"(( Christian ))", Says it all, and in all!!- There is no greater or lesser!!!!

Paul -- 111112
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
When Christ comes in the clouds of glory the dead in Christ rise first to meet Him in the air then we who are alive and remain join them in the air to meet the Lord.

He comes to restore all things, He comes to reign and we will reign with Him a thousand years [hallelujah]

After the thousand years comes the general resurrection and the judgement at the great white. If pondered this makes likely a much wider mercy than is generally thought in evangelicalism.


No one else is seeing this among evangelicals.

They think the last judgement is between saint and sinners, christians and non christians, the church and the world, SHEEP AND GOATS.

Well it is sheep and goats but the sheep can not be the saints...it is IMpossible. There is only one last judgement, it is told about in Revs 21 the Great White Throne judgement and Matt.25. the sheep and goats.

This judgement takes place AFTER the gathering of the saints "so shall we always be with the Lord" and AFTER the saints have reigned with Christ for a 1,000 years...there is NO WAY this judgement involves the saints except we are told when the Lord comes to judge we will come with Him, not to be judged but the sheep and goats are judged by their deeds in regard to us.

We are saved by grace through faith, in this judgement we see the people are judged [both in Revs and Matt] by their deeds.

The sheep and those who names are written in the Lamb's book of life recieve an inheritance, not the heavenly one...that is for the body of Christ....but the meek shall inherit the earth. God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth.

This means....

Billions and billions of souls are NOT going to be damned to hell,, there is NO WAY that the devil will have a majority in that day, mercy will prevail...but the wicked will be turned into hell.

Christians MUST STOP pre-empting the judgement of Christ...Paul says we have nothing to do with judging the world...our concern is with getting the church right.
I believe all will be present at the judgment (bema) seat of Christ.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
If you believe in the literal thousand year reign of Christ in glory on earth and I do, then it follows on that you must believe [if you think about it] in a BILLIONfold wider mercy.

For before the Great White Throne judgement which must correspond with the Sheep and Goats of Matt.25. Before the second [third with Christ's resurrection] and general resurrection, the saints have been gathered [so shall we ever be with the Lord] we will have reigned with Him during a thousand years. We will come with Him at the judgement.

Yet still we see among those being judged some [MANY] who do have an inheritance. What that inheritance amounts to is another discussion, I believe they are the meek who shall inherit the earth with the Jews.

If I could get back on track...this I feel is important....belief in the MILLENNIAL reign makes the wider mercy inevitably true.
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If you believe in the literal thousand year reign of Christ in glory on earth and I do, then it follows on that you must believe [if you think about it] in a BILLIONfold wider mercy.

For before the Great White Throne judgement which must correspond with the Sheep and Goats of Matt.25. Before the second [third with Christ's resurrection] and general resurrection, the saints have been gathered [so shall we ever be with the Lord] we will have reigned with Him during a thousand years. We will come with Him at the judgement.

Yet still we see among those being judged some [MANY] who do have an inheritance. What that inheritance amounts to is another discussion, I believe they are the meek who shall inherit the earth with the Jews.
I feel it is possible that we would reign with Christ during the thousand years. I know someone will. I am a believer. I don't know if that means for sure that I will, but I feel it may or hope that it does.


New member
I feel it is possible that we would reign with Christ during the thousand years. I know someone will. I am a believer. I don't know if that means for sure that I will, but I feel it may or hope that it does.

WOOOW!!! -- You're a "Believer", - AND You don't ( Know )??????? - That's a "Believer"???? -- What else do you not Know and believe????

Man, there is NO End to the foolishness here!!!!

Paul -- 011014


WOOOW!!! -- You're a "Believer", - AND You don't ( Know )??????? - That's a "Believer"???? -- What else do you not Know and believe????

Man, there is NO End to the foolishness here!!!!

Paul -- 011014
If you are a believer and think you know I can listen to what you have to say.

There are amillennial, premillennial, and postmillennial views in Christianity. Which of these, if any, do you subscribe to?


New member
If you are a believer and think you know I can listen to what you have to say.

There are amillennial, premillennial, and postmillennial views in Christianity. Which of these, if any, do you subscribe to?

I'm Sorry for being so indifferent from you, but I believe (( Every Word that God has ever said )), and that's all / "ALL" I believe; and that is Present, - "NOW", -- SORRY!!!

Paul -- 011014


I'm Sorry for being so indifferent from you, but I believe (( Every Word that God has ever said )), and that's all / "ALL" I believe; and that is Present, - "NOW", -- SORRY!!!

Paul -- 011014
You don't need any of these millennial beliefs to be a Christian. But I believe from what you have said that you probably do have some idea about what you know about the 1000 years.
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