Looking for a church

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Who are you (all) to judge what is a cult? Your theology is not perfect. Neither is mine. But I try not to live a lie and that is what most churches are. They contain only half truths.
Aimiel quote
"...a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law."

I disagree.
Man will be judged by the law. Salvation comes by grace. but justification come by the deeds of the law.

Godrulz, how can you be sure that your faith is "true or false"?

Some one else might call your faith a cult, could you prove them wrong?

World religions are just that, "Of the world."
His kingdom is not of this world. If you want "worldly" things than continue in them.

Seek ye first the kingdom. Follow HIS rules, not the churches (Babylon)


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Godruzl, for the record I m not tolerant of any religion that does not teach truth.

Are you blinded by tradition?


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Man will be judged by the law. Salvation comes by grace. but justification come by faith and the deeds of the law.


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What is your distinction between salvation and justification?

The Word of God is the standard to judge whether a belief system is true or false. It must be translated and interpreted correctly.

Evangelical, Bible believing churches are not of 'Babylon'. This is a red herring used by exclusivistic groups.


New member
If the point of going to church is worship, then any church will do.

If the point of going to church is to find some kind of perfect fit,
perfect agreement in interpretation of scripture, etc, then no
church will do.

No church has it right, just as no person has it right. All we can
do is accept the gift of salvation and use our gifts to praise God
in gratitude. Worship is a sacrifice, which, if offerred in
gratitude, will be accepted. If offered as a "proof of our
righteousness and holiness" will be rejected, for no one is
righteous, and no work, no offering, can make anyone righteous.



Well-known member
Originally posted by keypurr

Man will be judged by the law. Salvation comes by grace. but justification come by faith and the deeds of the law.
You're right, I guess, since all things are lawful for believers.

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.


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Hall of Fame
The Corinthians made the false statement "all things are lawful". Paul was challenging their thinking.


Well-known member
Dave Miller Quote

No church has it right, just as no person has it right. All we can
do is accept the gift of salvation and use our gifts to praise God
in gratitude. Worship is a sacrifice, which, if offerred in
gratitude, will be accepted. If offered as a "proof of our
righteousness and holiness" will be rejected, for no one is
righteous, and no work, no offering, can make anyone righteous.



Hall of Fame
I am looking for a church, a place to fellowship. I thought I would say what my leanings are and see if you there at TOL would know of a church I would be at home in... a place of similar values and beliefs.

Though I no longer do the "church thing", the best churches and congregations I have run across were from SDA and Lutheran.

Baptist churches are often legalistic and many find different interpretations of the Bible and salvation.


Well-known member
Seeing as how Servent101's last post was October 4th, 2006, at 11:34 AM, I don't think your advice will reach him, but I'm sure your heart was in the right place. :thumb:


Hall of Fame
Seeing as how Servent101's last post was October 4th, 2006, at 11:34 AM, I don't think your advice will reach him, but I'm sure your heart was in the right place. :thumb:

Oops, my bad! I sometimes will go back to the original post so I that I am referring to the topic at hand. I didn't even look at the date.


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Though I no longer do the "church thing", the best churches and congregations I have run across were from SDA and Lutheran.

Baptist churches are often legalistic and many find different interpretations of the Bible and salvation.

?! SDAists are infamous for their legalism. They also have various splinter groups with different interpretations.

Lutherans can be too liberal. Which is worse?

Any given church or denomination or religion can have many or few problems. Man is the weak link in the chain.

There is no such thing as a 'Lone Ranger' Christian. You are compromising biblical principles to not be associated with a local church for worship, instruction, fellowship, evangelism, service/mission.


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What compromise, he's a Satanist. :duh:

Well (flustered), then he should be going to the church of Satan?!

There is such a thing as a lone ranger Satanist.

Then, he needs to be part of the universal church through faith in Christ. Then become part of a local church, make a movie of your testimony, get rich and retire.


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The evidence against godrulz being a Christian is everywhere!

You fail to grasp that Corinthians is issue literature. There are several places (some translations recognize this by adding "......") where the Corinthians made a statement that was incorrect, with Paul using it as a springboard to correct teaching.

Inspiration does not mean all verses are true. Job's friends said things that were not true, as does Satan, but they are accurately recorded. Revelation is truth from God and it is also accurately recorded.

Doing sound exegesis in context is not proof I am not a Christian. Regardless of who you think said the phrase (I can make a stronger case for my view, but other scholars also assume your view), it is not a denial of Christ. It is a peripheral issue.

It is clear from God's holy nature and the rest of Scripture that all things are NOT lawful! To say they are is further proof that you are a lawless antinomian, a loose cannon. It is a fleshly lie of the Corinthians that all things are lawful. Paul corrected them. It is not lawful to be immoral, to murder, to worship idols, etc.

Your turn, peanut gallery...


New member
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You fail to grasp that Corinthians is issue literature. There are several places (some translations recognize this by adding "......") where the Corinthians made a statement that was incorrect, with Paul using it as a springboard to correct teaching.

Inspiration does not mean all verses are true. Job's friends said things that were not true, as does Satan, but they are accurately recorded. Revelation is truth from God and it is also accurately recorded.

Doing sound exegesis in context is not proof I am not a Christian. Regardless of who you think said the phrase (I can make a stronger case for my view, but other scholars also assume your view), it is not a denial of Christ. It is a peripheral issue.

It is clear from God's holy nature and the rest of Scripture that all things are NOT lawful! To say they are is further proof that you are a lawless antinomian, a loose cannon. It is a fleshly lie of the Corinthians that all things are lawful. Paul corrected them. It is not lawful to be immoral, to murder, to worship idols, etc.

Your turn, peanut gallery...
If someone is not under the law, then how can they be judged by the law?


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If someone is not under the law, then how can they be judged by the law?

What does it mean to not be under the law? It does not mean lawlessness (antinomianism). We are still under God's unchanging moral law, as Jesus and Paul were (they did not murder, worship idols, steal, bear false witness, hate parents, curse God, covet, commit adultery, etc.).

It is a law of love for God and others, not 613 legalisms or laws for theocratic Israel that have nothing to do with salvation. We love and obey Him because we are saved and it is the highest glory of God and good for self and others (immorality destroys, not blesses), not in order to try to earn salvation.

The law has more than one purpose. Condemning us a lawbreakers being a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ is one aspect; Psalm 119 and the life of Jesus is the more positive aspect. Paul says the law is good; the Psalmist says we should delight in it. The problem is our lack of power to keep the law due to sin and selfishness. In Christ, He fulfilled the law, not negated it. In Christ, we walk in the light and Spirit leading to conformity to the law, not breaking of it.

Grace and legalistic laws (Pharisee misinterpretation/misapplication of the law) is the problem, not grace and the law of love that Christ demonstrated (love and obedience flows from grace and faith).
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