Let's talk about the hypocrisy of the cult of "Meshak"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
JohnW, dew yew RE-PAYUNT of your wicked Meshakness and all "her" works and hats?

Touchet Nawt the Laaaaaaawd's ah-noyted, musty, less you be caught in the snare of the devil himself!!!!!!!!!! And by the powerrrr of Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus of Nazareth, I reeeebee-yuke that ol devil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ken I have an Ay-meyn, saints???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh, so you think you bought yourself some free advertisement,
it is just my courtesy to pay when I use someone's forum to post especially when I am not welcome. It is just obligation to pay for me. So that's why I inform about it and want everyone to know about my contributions to this site.

and that's what you're here for?

Read the above.

That's as bad as directing people to other sites. I don't think you bought the right to your own personal number of threads. Too bad someone doesn't come along and buy you out, then we wouldn't have to see you strutting around like you own the place.:vomit:

My goodness.

You are so warped that you dont seem to know Jesus' followers' main duty is spread Jesus' word.

I am spreading not so popular and disregarded Jesus' word by many churches.

You guys seem to be so offended by my many of my threads and posts because I post things you guys don't want to talk about, like elephant in the room.

Many of you spreading the half truth of gospel.

thanks for giving me chance to explain what I have been doing, dear.

peace in Jesus Christ.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I can see from Jesus' word. That's is the best way to know what Jesus say about Himself.

Define "Jesus' word." Give us an example.

John 12 KJV

49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.


Define "Jesus' word." Give us an example.

John 12 KJV

49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.

Hello John.

If you sincerely want to know what I have to say, I will answer your question.

If your motive is to belittle me, I will not engaging with you.

what say you?

peace, friend.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hello John.

If you sincerely want to know what I have to say, I will answer your question.

If your motive is to belittle me, I will not engaging with you.

what say you?

peace, friend.

No, troll, you made the "argument/assertion;"
I can see from Jesus' word.

Defend it.

Define "Jesus' word." Give us an example.

If your motive is to belittle me, I will not engaging with you.

You do that by you engaging in "posting"-my work is done, by you.


No, troll, you made the "argument/assertion;"

Defend it.

Define "Jesus' word." Give us an example.

You do that by you engaging in "posting"-my work is done, by you.

I thought so.


Jesus loves you, friend.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I thought so.


Jesus loves you, friend.
As I thought-the troll, once again will not defend her own assertion, but puts on her little cry baby, "everyone is attacking me..I am a victin" routine.

We've seen it before, sap. Challenge us.

And I have no wolfie friends.

Define "Jesus' word." Give us an example.

She won't touch it, as she, like her fellow wolf, "god"'suntruth, is a biblical idiot.

The Lord Jesus Christ's words, on earth, were not His own-He spoke only God the Father's words, as was true of all OT prophets.

Paul's words, are the Lord Jesus Christ's words, now, in this dispensation.

Of course, since you're an idiot, not once having studied the bible, you would not know that.

Good day to you, sir moron, the TOL troll.


New member
Hall of Fame


As I thought-the troll, once again will not defend her own assertion, but puts on her little cry baby, "everyone is attacking me..I am a victin" routine.

We've seen it before, sap. Challenge us.

And I have no wolfie friends.

Define "Jesus' word." Give us an example.

She won't touch it, as she, like her fellow wolf, "god"'suntruth, is a biblical idiot.

The Lord Jesus Christ's words, on earth, were not His own-He spoke only God the Father's words, as was true of all OT prophets.

Paul's words, are the Lord Jesus Christ's words, now, in this dispensation.

Of course, since you're an idiot, not once having studied the bible, you would not know that.

Good day to you, sir moron, the TOL troll.

You sound upset.


Jesus love you.:)


New member
Hall of Fame
'Only thing is now, we haven't heard from Bybee since then. :think: :AMR: :noid:

Bybee talked here about meeting meshak. She met the one in the pic with the hat, the one whose prose is clearly english is her second language. But we know by her prose, thats not the only one using that screename.