Kett's SPOTD 12-26-2012--Chatmaggot hits a grand slam


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame

We have a new pitcher on the mound Soddomin4lovers--just bought by the Atheist team. He's six batters in and the bases are loaded. Onto the plate steps chatmaggot. Soddomin4lovers winds up for the pitch.
At the end of the day both of these programs are about saving lives and reducing harm in risky behavior. Whereas what you are satirically advocating for is murder and sociopathic behavior.
I think that is supposed to be a knuckle ball- but it drifts right into chatmaggot's strike zone. Crack! That ball is outa here!
I don't want to reduce harm in risky behavior...I want people to stop doing drugs. Those who pass out free needles aren't really loving their neighbors. They are allowing their neighbors to destroy their lives.

Those who pass out free condoms aren't really loving their neighbors. They are allowing their neighbors to destroy their lives. They are teaching young boys to use girls for their pleasure and they are teaching young girls it's okay to be used.
The ball sails out over the megatron and bounces out in the parking lot. All the base runners are filing home, followed by chatmaggot.

Again my SPOTD threads have rules.
Congrats only--no bashing the awardee
No Whining.
If I see any rule violations I will close this thread or have a mod remove the offending posts or tags.


I was trying to post in this thread earlier and couldn't :(

But now I can! :banana:

Good call IK!

Great post CM!

Liberals believe that people are descended from animals and can't control their behavior. It wouldn't occur to a liberal to tell a drug addict to stop doing drugs. It wouldn't occur to a liberal to tell a promiscuous child to abstain from sex. According to liberals, they're doing what comes natural to them, indulging their animal natures.