Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


like marbles on glass
This is the common liberal reply. The conservatives have been replying that your kind of reply is itself "selective."

Where is the liberal cry to Obama: "Either execute the laws or resign, Obama!"

Where was the liberal cry to the mayor of that city who basically told the police not to arrest protesting rioters and looters: "Either do your job or resign!"

Where is the liberal outcry against the Supreme Court when they decided to make law as opposed to apply it? Where was the liberal cry: "Either do your job or resign!"

Where was the outcry then?

Where is your ability to stick to the issue at hand?


New member
Hall of Fame
So? I spent many years of my life as a public servant and unionist for public servants. It is quite simple really. Your job is to fulfill the legislation the government enables. If you can't, then resign.

Ill be looking for bammys resignation then for not following the laws of the land in many different instances.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So? I spent many years of my life as a public servant and unionist for public servants. It is quite simple really. Your job is to fulfill the legislation the government enables. If you can't, then resign.

Rot! My brother in law has a skidoo and spends the winter barhopping in the snow. When he gets tired he hires his friend Joe's huskies to pull him home. Once I swallowed a live frog in my pajamas. My cat wears green galoshes.


Well-known member
Check your blood pressure Stan, I don't want you to stroke out (it's that love thy neighbor thing).

Actually it is Stan. A Christian has gone to jail because the sodomite movement infiltrated God's institution of marriage and she refused to sell out God.

I love it when you fly your LGBTQ colors Stan. Thanks for taking my bait.

No, a Christian went to jail only because she broke the law.



New member
Hall of Fame
It sure would be nice if you stuck to the argument for a change instead of the ad homs.

The argument is whether she belongs in jail, she doesn't and Ive given reasons why.

Your reason is just that she broke the law, well so do tons of public elected officials everyday. You have supported them in it also (illegal immigration laws), you are a hypocrite. Plain and simple.

Cry now about how God punishes those who wont bend their knee, while you seethe with anger at this woman as you demand her punishment.

Then look up the word hypocrite.


like marbles on glass
The argument is whether she belongs in jail, she doesn't and Ive given reasons why.

Your reason is just that she broke the law, well so do tons of public elected officials everyday. You have supported them in it also (illegal immigration laws), you are a hypocrite. Plain and simple.

Cry now about how God punishes those who wont bend their knee, while you seethe with anger at this woman as you demand her punishment.

Then look up the word hypocrite.

I'm not angry, let alone seething. :chuckle:

I'm stating what I think, and I'll continue to do that.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not angry, let alone seething. :chuckle:

I'm stating what I think, and I'll continue to do that.

yes, that laws being broken only matter when you don't agree and jail is for believers you don't agree with for some kind of warped payback.

Why did you change your faith to "other"?

PS as someone who said a few pages back, you didnt want my focus on you, you keep engaging me when im not speaking to you, why?

Do you think i shouldnt respond to you when you engage me?


like marbles on glass
yes, that laws being broken only matter when you don't agree.

yes, that laws being broken only matter when you don't agree and jail is for believers you don't agree with for some kind of warped payback.

Why did you change your faith to "other"?

If you don't have the ability to focus on the discussion of Kim Davis instead of making this personal then feel free to ignore me and I'll do the same.