Keeping Racism Alive

some other dude

New member
Bybee, there's a difference between "innocent until proven guilty" and "somehow managing to walk away scott-free after following and shooting an unarmed teen who was walking back from the store after buying some skittles."

It wouldn't be such a media sensation if he'd been arrested and a real investigation was underway.

And what makes you think the police didn't perform a "real investigation"?

The fact that you're convinced of how that investigation should have turned out?



We've all read the left wing/PC/PR case against George Zimmerman Rusha, we're interested in what happened at the scene of the crime.

I'll go with the Sanford Police Depts' version of what happened:

"But one man's testimony could be key for the police.

"The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: 'help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911," he said.

Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

The witness only wanted to be identified as "John," and didn't not want to be shown on camera.

His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

"When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said.

...Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting."

some other dude

New member
but but but aCW - a black teenager is dead!

And he wasn't killed by another black teenager (otherwise nobody would care)

It must be racism!


but but but aCW - a black teenager is dead!

And he wasn't killed by another black teenager (otherwise nobody would care)

It must be racism!

I know bro, and like you, I cried until there were no more tears left.

Thank you serpent dove for providing the truth behind this case; my tear ducts just couldn't take it any longer.


New member
Bybee, there's a difference between "innocent until proven guilty" and "somehow managing to walk away scott-free after following and shooting an unarmed teen who was walking back from the store after buying some skittles."

It wouldn't be such a media sensation if he'd been arrested and a real investigation was underway.

That may or may not be true. When the media decides to sensationalize a story they don't wait for all of the facts.


New member

That just doesn't add up. Zimmerman outweighed Martin by more than a hundred pounds. Zimmerman should win in a hand to hand fight unless Martin had special training, which he didn't as far as I'm aware. And why would a kid carrying Skittles and iced tea start a fight?

Give a look at Rusha's link.

Ultimately, at this point, it's up the to law enforcement and the courts.


Well-known member
That may or may not be true. When the media decides to sensationalize a story they don't wait for all of the facts.

That's true. I can only speculate based on the info I've seen, which is incomplete.


That just doesn't add up. Zimmerman outweighed Martin by more than a hundred pounds. Zimmerman should win in a hand to hand fight unless Martin had special training, which he didn't as far as I'm aware. And why would a kid carrying Skittles and iced tea start a fight?

Give a look at Rusha's link.

Ultimately, at this point, it's up the to law enforcement and the courts.

I remember the OJ Simpson apologists saying practically the same thing: "How could one man murder two people?"

Besides Martin and Simpson both being black and thugs, they have another thing in common:

They enjoy getting physical.

I'll take a wiry 17 year old football player over an out of shape overweight 28 year old in a fight any ole day.


Hall of Fame
I'll take a wiry 17 year old football player over an out of shape overweight 28 year old in a fight any ole day.

Because the wiry 17 year old had a gun and followed the 28 year old who was only armed with skittles and a cell phone ...
