It is totally illogical to be "pro-choice" in a civilized society


I have read the entire Bible... had it read to me over and over @ daily/Sunday Mass as well

you are misled... There is nothing there that says child molesters should be stoned or put to death

If I perchance missed this part of the Bible, please show me chapter and verse


Unless you've read all of the versions of every part of the Bible, you might be missing a lot more than just this


New member
I don't consider a "R" who belives in abortion to be a true R

what a disappointment.. i had really thought Walker was...

well, he is good.. for the economy... But I don't want to promote abortion (by voting for him)



New member
pro choice actually a false ideology

(in a civilized or purportedly civilized society)

the baby doesn't get a choice

the father doesn't get a choice

the grandmother doesn't get a choice

the siblings don't get a choice

the family who would love to adopt doesn't get a choice

so many people deprived of choice....

so quit lying, you lib muckleheads
