Islam's plan for you this Christmas in America

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I hope they fail.

Recently in Missouri muslims bought hundreds of pre-paid phones from Wal-Mart. They were also seen on security video stealing cars from hobby stores. Putting 2 and 2 together because our muslim President won't, they will rig the cars and use the phones to detonate under a high value target.

Or near a school letting out for Christmas break.

That is the plan, hopefully they fail or somebody sees them. Maybe they try at New Years.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
And they will be set up to detonate an IED for the first responders. This means when you see paramedics, possibly many, treating the wounded, they detonate again.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
1 Thess. 5:17

It's the best and greatest we can do.

This is an old one and hits the nail on the head.

A man was trapped in his house during a flood. He began praying to God to rescue him. He had a vision in his head of God’s hand reaching down from heaven and lifting him to safety. The water started to rise in his house. His neighbour urged him to leave and offered him a ride to safety. The man yelled back, “I am waiting for God to save me.” The neighbour drove off in his pick-up truck.

The man continued to pray and hold on to his vision. As the water began rising in his house, he had to climb up to the roof. A boat came by with some people heading for safe ground. They yelled at the man to grab a rope they were ready to throw and take him to safety. He told them that he was waiting for God to save him. They shook their heads and moved on.

The man continued to pray, believing with all his heart that he would be saved by God. The flood waters continued to rise. A helicopter flew by and a voice came over a loudspeaker offering to lower a ladder and take him off the roof. The man waved the helicopter away, shouting back that he was waiting for God to save him. The helicopter left. The flooding water came over the roof and caught him up and swept him away. He drowned.

When he reached heaven and asked, “God, why did you not save me? I believed in you with all my heart. Why did you let me drown?” God replied, “I sent you a pick-up truck, a boat and a helicopter and you refused all of them. What else could I possibly do for you?”

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I hope they fail.

Recently in Missouri muslims bought hundreds of pre-paid phones from Wal-Mart. They were also seen on security video stealing cars from hobby stores. Putting 2 and 2 together because our muslim President won't, they will rug the cars and use the phones to detonate under a high value target.

Or near a school letting out for Christmas break.

That is the plan, hopefully they fail or somebody sees them. Maybe they try at New Years.

Maybe they will blow themselves up. Lots of parades around Christmas.


Well-known member
So what then would you suppose God's salvation is from terrorist attacks, based on your story above?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
So what then would you suppose God's salvation is from terrorist attacks, based on your story above?

God declared governments to act in his name against the wicked. Romans 13. Your President refuses, so I am helping you be prepared. God's salvation from terrorism is a just government that tears down evil governments.


Well-known member
Interestingly enough there was a story on my local news station the other night and the sheriff's department and other LEO's were telling lawfully licensed citizens to carry their firearms until the holidays were over.


The talking heads of the company I work for just sent an e-mail around about what is expected of us (employees) in an active-shooter scenario.

I reckon I'll be packing and praying.


This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Which wicked people do you want your government to act against?

White ones or brown ones?

Right wing on or left wing ones?

Foreign or domestic?

Are you wicked? Shouldn't the government ask about you?

You have suggested a desire to nuke millions of people, that's wicked, should the government deal with you?

God declared governments to act in his name against the wicked. Romans 13. Your President refuses, so I am helping you be prepared. God's salvation from terrorism is a just government that tears down evil governments.

Greg Jennings

New member
I hope they fail.

Recently in Missouri muslims bought hundreds of pre-paid phones from Wal-Mart. They were also seen on security video stealing cars from hobby stores. Putting 2 and 2 together because our muslim President won't, they will rig the cars and use the phones to detonate under a high value target.

Or near a school letting out for Christmas break.

That is the plan, hopefully they fail or somebody sees them. Maybe they try at New Years.
I'm glad to see you're putting your reputation as a highly respected national security analyst on the line here.

If somehow you're right, you should be king of America

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I just said if you're right you should be king of the country.

I am right and I should not be king of the country.

Here is one of the sanitized reports of the cell phone purchase at Wallyworld.

According to the Columbia Police Department, officers received a report five or more males purchasing multiple prepaid cell phones at about 9:30 p.m. on Friday, December 4.

The Macon County Sheriff's Office also issued a statement saying the agency, along with Macon Police, is investigating a similar incident that happened at the Macon Walmart on Saturday.
Both the Jackson and Cape Girardeau police departments turned over their investigations to the FBI.

Here is one of the stories on the muslims robbing the hobby store (Remote control devices).

Surveillance cameras rolled at Felix Hobby Shop, located near Northwest 119th Street and Eighth Avenue in North Miami, as one of the subjects kicked through the front door. The suspect, seen wearing a light colored sweatshirt, is then captured darting into the tiny story and hopping over the counter. His alleged accomplice is then seen ducking under broken Plexiglass close behind him.

Obama has been told this. And he told his executive agency they will go to jail if they say muslims are doing anything, and he said islamaphobia is the issue, not chopping heads off.

You thought San Bernadino was big, you haven't seen anything yet. I should put that in quote because a jihadist that bought weapons for San Bernadino said it in one of their videos. But you get your "news" from flakes like John Stewart and NPR.

A delay waiting for you to become complacent would be their best move.

Greg Jennings

New member
I am right and I should not be king of the country.

Here is one of the sanitized reports of the cell phone purchase at Wallyworld.

According to the Columbia Police Department, officers received a report five or more males purchasing multiple prepaid cell phones at about 9:30 p.m. on Friday, December 4.

The Macon County Sheriff's Office also issued a statement saying the agency, along with Macon Police, is investigating a similar incident that happened at the Macon Walmart on Saturday.
Both the Jackson and Cape Girardeau police departments turned over their investigations to the FBI.

Here is one of the stories on the muslims robbing the hobby store (Remote control devices).

Surveillance cameras rolled at Felix Hobby Shop, located near Northwest 119th Street and Eighth Avenue in North Miami, as one of the subjects kicked through the front door. The suspect, seen wearing a light colored sweatshirt, is then captured darting into the tiny story and hopping over the counter. His alleged accomplice is then seen ducking under broken Plexiglass close behind him.

Obama has been told this. And he told his executive agency they will go to jail if they say muslims are doing anything, and he said islamaphobia is the issue, not chopping heads off.

You thought San Bernadino was big, you haven't seen anything yet. I should put that in quote because a jihadist that bought weapons for San Bernadino said it in one of their videos. But you get your "news" from flakes like John Stewart and NPR.

A delay waiting for you to become complacent would be their best move.

Right about a big attack, genius. Not about what you see as prep