Is there a true church?


New member
Nonsense. Everyone knows the story is not entirely literal. You are the one who lacks common sense if you think a man can ascend into the sky. It's symbolism.

No - that's just your opinion. Jesus Christ was fully man and fully God during His earthly ministry. There were many witnesses to things that Jesus Christ did that a man can't do. There will be many things in the future that Jesus Christ will do just as astounding or more so. You shouldn't confuse what you believe with what Christians believe.


New member
No - that's just your opinion. Jesus Christ was fully man and fully God during His earthly ministry. There were many witnesses to things that Jesus Christ did that a man can't do. There will be many things in the future that Jesus Christ will do just as astounding or more so. You shouldn't confuse what you believe with what Christians believe.

That is based on the interpretation that has been spoon fed to us. I was brave enough to find out the truth for myself. Do you suppose the idea that a man can ascend into the sky is based on opinion?


New member
Right. Otherwise nothing was created.

Yet, certainly, the universe is something.

Do we doubt the description of God in the OT? The Alpha Omega? Little do people know that it points to the negation of time. God is infinite and eternal. The soul is infinite and eternal as well. They are one and the same. We are one with God because of the soul. Do not let the enemy deceive you that it's okay to wait until you're dead to find this out. "I tell you the truth Peter--this very night, before the rooster crows you will deny three times that you even know me." (Matthew 26:34).


Well-known member
That is based on the interpretation that has been spoon fed to us. I was brave enough to find out the truth for myself.

Based entirely on what you've written in this thread:

You do not believe God is the Creator.
You do not believe God was born of a virgin.
You do not believe God became man.
You do not believe God died and rose again.
You do not believe God ascended into Heaven.
You don't believe God is triune.

You've denied every basic Christian belief there is.

So tell me. Whose interpretation have you so courageously accepted?


New member
Based entirely on what you've written in this thread:

You do not believe God is the Creator.
You do not believe God was born of a virgin.
You do not believe God became man.
You do not believe God died and rose again.
You do not believe God ascended into Heaven.
You don't believe God is triune.

You've denied every basic Christian belief there is.

So tell me. Whose interpretation have you so courageously accepted?

The desire to hang on to every single one of those beliefs is an attempt to push away God. We get to God by letting go and merging into what is infinite and eternal. We don't get to God by avoiding the soul. We give up the Christian identity along with its beliefs for the true identity of the soul. Or do you suppose it's okay to trade the soul for being a Christian? Is it really worth more than your own soul? Perhaps we are unaware that we've made a deal with the enemy but we don't even know it. Maybe that's why the enemy is so good at what it does. It stays embedded in the subconscious where most people will not look. I suggest finding out the truth for yourself and then figuring out your own interpretation from there. Please don't take my word for any of this, nor anyone else's.


Well-known member
The desire to hang on to every single one of those beliefs is an attempt to push away God.

Unless those beliefs are true.

You need to determine whether they're true before you discard them via arguments from consequence (ie, If you believe this, then you cannot know your soul).

We seem to be light years apart in our beliefs.
Want to start further back, in order to establish common ground?

I believe that all things that exist, must be brought about by a cause. Something caused them to be as they are. Do you agree?


New member
Unless those beliefs are true.

You need to determine whether they're true before you discard them via arguments from consequence (ie, If you believe this, then you cannot know your soul).

We seem to be light years apart in our beliefs.
Want to start further back, in order to establish common ground?

I believe that all things that exist, must be brought about by a cause. Something caused them to be as they are. Do you agree?

The Great I Am just IS. It's unconditional. It will be there if we hang on or not. It doesn't matter how true or how good the belief. The desire to hang on comes from the personality and it is based in an unconscious fear of lack. It has the need to hold on to something because it doesn't think what IS (infinity and eternity) is good enough. It keeps biting the forbidden fruit of judgement and doesn't know when to quit. When it runs out of thoughts, beliefs and ideas to hang on to, it just makes something up because it is the father of lies. Underneath every desire to hold on is an unconscious rejection of what is right here and right now. It's almost totally subconscious and that's the way the enemy likes it. It keeps us trapped in time because we are reaching for something in the future or pushing away from something in the past. The underlying premise is that the Now is not good enough and this includes our own Being. We reject ourselves too. The enemy doesn't want us to know any of this because it loses power once we begin to become aware. Do we think the enemy is going to advertise its punches? Of course not. It hangs out in the background slowly milking out our self-worth so as not to cause any alarm. We hardly notice this to be a problem. That is why it is represented as a serpent. It's very elusive. Please do not identify with the enemy and be too proud to admit maybe we were wrong about the literal interpretation of Jesus. We can opt to ditch the personality in favor of the true identity of the soul. Then the personality begins to serve a higher power. Let's not be deceived any longer please. The time has come for us to claim the birthright of our souls.
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Well-known member
The Great I Am just IS. It's unconditional. It will be there if we hang on or not. It doesn't matter how true or how good the belief.

I realize we've strayed pretty far from the original topic of this thread.
I'd understand if you don't want to bother talking about beliefs that are prior to your Biblical interpretation.

But if you do...

Do you believe that all existing things have a cause? That they were caused, by something other than themselves, to be as they are?


New member
I realize we've strayed pretty far from the original topic of this thread.
I'd understand if you don't want to bother talking about beliefs that are prior to your Biblical interpretation.

But if you do...

Do you believe that all existing things have a cause? That they were caused, by something other than themselves, to be as they are?

The answer is no. Duality is one of the great mysteries of the world that is resolved by the soul. The cause and the effect are one and the same. It's only the dual nature of the mind that projects duality onto the outside world. There is no duality with the soul. There is only unshakeable unity. The soul is undivided. Again this points to the purity of the virgin. Oneness is the mother of all miracles. It shatters the personality and its comprehension of life on earth. Before I had my spiritual awakening I didn't think any such thing was possible. But now I wonder how I could have thought otherwise. I guess one has to experience it to believe it.


Well-known member
The answer is no. Duality is one of the great mysteries of the world that is resolved by the soul. The cause and the effect are one and the same. It's only the dual nature of the mind that projects duality onto the outside world. There is no duality with the soul. There is only unshakeable unity. The soul is undivided. Again this points to the purity of the virgin. Oneness is the mother of all miracles. It shatters the personality and its comprehension of life on earth. Before I had my spiritual awakening I didn't think any such thing was possible. But now I wonder how I could have thought otherwise. I guess one has to experience it to believe it.

I mean material things. Physical things.

You come home and find a window broken, and several valuables missing - and you assume it "just happened" ? The window broke all on its own? The valuables simply disappeared?

Do you truly believe that events take place with no cause?


There is a paradox that the Christian Trinity actually solves. This is a bit of the irony of others consistently hinging on 'Oneness':

Not that Stephen Hawking believes in God- which is a complete waste of an otherwise brilliant mind, but he made an unrealized defense to the Christian God when he made this observation:

If God existed before all time and reality, than He never could have produced time and reality- because, just as time cannot be realized without reality, neither can God realize His own existence.

Therefore, the Trinity_


Well-known member
If God existed before all time and reality, than He never could have produced time and reality- because, just as time cannot be realized without reality, neither can God realize His own existence.

Therefore, the Trinity_

His premise is wrong, too.

God existed before time, yes. He created time. But He did not exist before reality. He did not create reality. He is reality. God is being.


His premise is wrong, too.

God existed before time, yes. He created time. But He did not exist before reality. He did not create reality. He is reality. God is being.

It seems like the only conclusion to that would be pantheism. By definition, actually- all things compose God.

Right Divider

Body part
It seems like the only conclusion to that would be pantheism. By definition, actually- all things compose God.
That definition would be incorrect.

God existed before His creation. God is complete without it.

The creation was created by Him and He is not part of His own creation.

God is not constrained by time and space which He created.


New member
I mean material things. Physical things.

You come home and find a window broken, and several valuables missing - and you assume it "just happened" ? The window broke all on its own? The valuables simply disappeared?

Do you truly believe that events take place with no cause?

This is territory I haven't explored before so I don't know. I'd have to think about it. I will say this, however: Trying to find out the answers to these kinds of mysteries can distract us from realizing that we are one with the answers. In the state of the soul the need to know the answers and the need to even ask a question is gone.

Right Divider

Body part
This is territory I haven't explored before so I don't know. I'd have to think about it. I will say this, however: Trying to find out the answers to these kinds of mysteries can distract us from realizing that we are one with the answers. In the state of the soul the need to know the answers and the need to even ask a question is gone.
Oh no, another mystic guru here to help us. :surf:


New member
There is a paradox that the Christian Trinity actually solves. This is a bit of the irony of others consistently hinging on 'Oneness':

Not that Stephen Hawking believes in God- which is a complete waste of an otherwise brilliant mind, but he made an unrealized defense to the Christian God when he made this observation:

If God existed before all time and reality, than He never could have produced time and reality- because, just as time cannot be realized without reality, neither can God realize His own existence.

Therefore, the Trinity_

What is your interpretation of the quote? I'm not following it. God is timelessness. So is it more likely God created time or is it more likely to be man-made?


New member
Oh no, another mystic guru here to help us. :surf:

The soul is not mysticism. It is reality. The beliefs and stories of the personality are the mysticism. It's your choice whether or not to investigate the soul for yourself. But do you suppose the personality's belief system is going to outweigh the reality of all that outer space you see when you look up at the night sky? THAT is reality. THAT is what is infinite and eternal. There's no amount of belief in anything that is going to protect you from it. Might as well jump now.