Is Perspecuity Necessary for Sola Scriptura?


New member
And what is it that you say tells you to cling to Apostolic tradition?

I have way more scriptural backup than you do, and just because we don't say scriptures alone doesn't mean we don't believe in the veracity of scripture. Are you really trying to use scripture backing our claims against us??

The Gospel Matrix

New member
If the Bible was clear - we would not 2000 years later be debating it.

Paul wrote like a university lecturer. Half the NT is like a university textbook.

Even Peter went "Huh?"

Throw in the the fact that we have an Old Testament and a New Testament to add confusion.

There is almost nothing one can assume that all on this forum agree on.

That said, I am all for Sola Scriptura :)
Its that or get your cult leader to interpret the Word for you.

This is a Truth that so many (if not all) within Christianity cannot come to terms with. To go even further with your point, the fact that there are literally tens of thousands of denominations of Christianity throughout the world, all of whom read the same book, makes it self-evident that the collective of the Christian institution does not understand the Bible.

As it was mentioned early in the thread that Christ (the Word of God) taught in parables to actually conceal higher Truth from those in darkness, it should then be realized that the entire Bible (the Word of God) is a giant living parable that Christians have not been able to understand for 2,000 years. Hence, we have thousands of denominations with thousands of conflicting interpretations of it.

Judges 21
25 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did that which was right in his own eyes.

If we accept that the Bible is a living parable, we can then accept that Biblical Israel was a prophetic type of the Christian Church, and the above passage (living parable) shows us that there has been "no king" throughout the Church Age, and all Christians merely see in the Bible what is right in their own eyes.

Does not the existence of 20,000+ denominations demonstrate this?

Christ, the King Himself, prophesied that this would happen 2,000 years ago, after He would leave the world:

John 9
4 I must work the works of him who sent me, while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.


New member

Just some initial thoughts, since I don't have much time:

"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book:" is obviously referring to the book of Revelation (which your sola scriptura guy wanted to get rid of!), as it is the prophetic book spoken of. Hardly see how this backs sola scriptura.

"The Apostle Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, declares, “knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. For prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost”

Surely you can see that this is an argument against your position? No private interpretation?

Now how about explaining how and why you ignore all the scripture referring to tradition, instead of posting some irrelevant link.


Well-known member
Tradition is the same thing as Scripture, that is, the authoritative word ("message") of God.

That is only what your TRADITION tells you.

Christ saved His greatest "Woe to you's..." for the traditional religion of his day saying "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matt 15:9

The place which the Pharisees vacated, the Catholic Church filled.
And like the Pharisees, you are blind to how offensive your traditions are to God.

Here for the third time are some ways the Catholic faith opposes the Gospel. Religions/Roman Catholicism/catholic_heresies-a_list.htm


Well-known member
That is only what your TRADITION tells you.

Christ saved His greatest "Woe to you's..." for the traditional religion of his day saying "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matt 15:9

And to prevent this from happening again He left us with the Bible?

No. He left us with the Church.


Well-known member
And to prevent this from happening again He left us with the Bible?

No. He left us with the Church.

Yes He left you with His church, and the successor to Peter who will decide doctrine for you. And you have a history which traces back to the Apostles. And you have lovely cathedrals, and services with beautifully robed priests waving incense. And you have a popular Pope who knows how to work the crowds. And you have libraries, and collections of icons. I have seen the Vatican, Sistine chapel etc. And the Pope has all the answers from global warming to refugees.

And you have processes and procedures for every occasion. And you know you are right. More and more Protestant "daughters" are coming to their senses and thinking of returning to the "mother" church. And the history of martyring dissenters or standing in the way of progress is all forgotten and forgiven.

Glassjester, you and your church have it all.

And if every Christian joins the Catholic Church, I still will be standing outside the church with my Bible. You will not take my Bible away from me will you?


New member
That is only what your TRADITION tells you.

Christ saved His greatest "Woe to you's..." for the traditional religion of his day saying "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matt 15:9

The place which the Pharisees vacated, the Catholic Church filled.
And like the Pharisees, you are blind to how offensive your traditions are to God.

Here for the third time are some ways the Catholic faith opposes the Gospel. Religions/Roman Catholicism/catholic_heresies-a_list.htm

I don't think this is the first embarrassing link you have posted, you really should study some history!

"wax candles" are now a heresy?! Oh the horror!

Latin is the language used in Roman churches, where Latin is spoken?? How DARE they!

Fasting is bad too? Wow. Just wow.

Clement says there is not evidence Peter was ever in Rome? Where? Where does he say that?
You should really read more of Clement, especially if you are going to use him in your argument.

Lots of crazy stuff there. For shame.


Well-known member
This is a Truth that so many (if not all) within Christianity cannot come to terms with. To go even further with your point, the fact that there are literally tens of thousands of denominations of Christianity throughout the world, all of whom read the same book, makes it self-evident that the collective of the Christian institution does not understand the Bible.

As it was mentioned early in the thread that Christ (the Word of God) taught in parables to actually conceal higher Truth from those in darkness, it should then be realized that the entire Bible (the Word of God) is a giant living parable that Christians have not been able to understand for 2,000 years. Hence, we have thousands of denominations with thousands of conflicting interpretations of it.

Judges 21
25 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did that which was right in his own eyes.

If we accept that the Bible is a living parable, we can then accept that Biblical Israel was a prophetic type of the Christian Church, and the above passage (living parable) shows us that there has been "no king" throughout the Church Age, and all Christians merely see in the Bible what is right in their own eyes.

Does not the existence of 20,000+ denominations demonstrate this?

Christ, the King Himself, prophesied that this would happen 2,000 years ago, after He would leave the world:

John 9
4 I must work the works of him who sent me, while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

Many think it a negative thing when everyone does what is right in their own eyes. But let's remember that the system of the Judges was instituted by God, and the system of the kings was a curse.

Yes Christianity today is like that of the Judges. Yay!!!!

Or you can have the system of the kings in a cult.
And if you are lucky in a cult, the "king" is not too wrong.
You may even get a good king.

But the record of the kings was 100% bad for Israel.
50% right and 50% wrong for Judah.

Your odds are better being your own judge I think.


Well-known member
I don't think this is the first embarrassing link you have posted, you really should study some history!

"wax candles" are now a heresy?! Oh the horror!

Latin is the language used in Roman churches, where Latin is spoken?? How DARE they!

Fasting is bad too? Wow. Just wow.

Clement says there is not evidence Peter was ever in Rome? Where? Where does he say that?
You should really read more of Clement, especially if you are going to use him in your argument.

Lots of crazy stuff there. For shame.

OK take a clear one...
Christ commands bread and wine as communion.
Church says bread only.
Who gives you the authority to nullify Christ's command bread and wine?
Is it OK to do that.

If you tell your child to do 2 chores and they do one, is 50% obedience OK with you?


New member
OK take a clear one...
Christ commands bread and wine as communion.
Church says bread only.
Who gives you the authority to nullify Christ's command bread and wine?
Is it OK to do that.

If you tell your child to do 2 chores and they do one, is 50% obedience OK with you?

First of all, we do use bread and wine. Second, plenty of Protestant churches use grape juice instead of wine. Are you harping on them, and calling them heretical and whore of Babylon?

You still haven't responded to a single one of my points or questions.

False Prophet

New member
Jesus said, "In vain do these people worship me preaching the doctrines and traditions of men."
9 And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and commandments of men. Matt 15


New member
Jesus said, "In vain do these people worship me preaching the doctrines and traditions of men."
9 And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and commandments of men. Matt 15

That was Jesus quoting Isaiah, prophesying about the Pharisees. So?

Make up stuff and project much?