Is Enyart worshipped like Jesus


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PureX said:
I agree with this completely, but I don't think these people initiated these resentments, I think they simply recognized them and did what they could to exascerbate and exploit them. And the reason I say this is that I think we need to recognize our part in this process.

Yes, I watched an opportunistic school superintendant take control of a school district using the same tactic. Worked like a charm. Problems is, as humans, we are so easlily baited. Our responses are almost Pavlovian in thier predictability. Even the merely moderately clever of the would be manipulators of people discover this early on. When you can get folks to see themselves as either a Hatfield or McCoy the rest is child's play. I guess the question remains, what's the formula for getting someone to climb out of that box?

Liberals and democrats should not have ignored the beliefs and feelings of conservative Christians for so many years. But conservative Christians need to learn how to check their resentments, because expressing them as they have been, lately, is not doing them or anyone else any good.

I would submit that resentments, and the ignoring of same, are likely not the bailiwick of any one party or "side" but an unfortunantly common denominator in the clash of the carefully constructed opposites referred to by the philosopher Hegel whose disciples daily bring us tomorrow's latest controversy. To defeat these efforts we must stop seeing ourselves as one or the other of the "opposites" we are being labeled as and not only see ourselves for what we really are but, more importantly, what we can be..

Again I agree completely. And I hope that we'll soon awaken from our being drunk on these foolish and divisive resentments, before it's too late. Our own nation is being stolen our from underneath us by people who are neither Christians nor liberals, but are thieves and would-be despots.
Well, I admire and thank you for your continued efforts.

Criticism I can handle... compliments I find strangely discomfiting (likely because they are so seldom cast in my direction). I guess I just wanted you and those looking on to know that there are those of us out here who aspire to be of Christ who are not wiling away the hours waiting for our opportunity to participate in the next inquisition.
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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Freak said:
I'm curious to know these "issues" you disagree with him on. Would you debate him on TOL on any of these issues if they were brought up? Or no? If no then why?

Though I like much of what Bob stands for, I do believe, that "some" go too far in supporting nearly everything (i.e. 1Way) the man believes/posts/supports. It's evident by believers and by non-believers alike.

It's healthy to point out errors in even those you might love and support. I know my parents, my wife, close friends, and even those on TOL have showed me where I have erred and I have made adjustments (when the truth has spoken).
Funny you should mention 1way. I talked to him on the phone a couple of times this week. It just so happens that one of the things we talked about was a matter that he and Bob disagree on.


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Super Moderator
Johnny said:
Just out of curiosity, does Enyart ever come on the forums and debate?
Sure. Just click on the "Members List" at the top of this page and search for Bob Enyart, then click on his name and then click on "find all posts by Bob Enyart."

The Edge

Johnny said:
Just out of curiosity, does Enyart ever come on the forums and debate?
He's a member of this board, and he participated in a battle royale, but I don't see him around much outside of his section. He's a light user.


Well-known member
His 'attack dog' style doesn't work so well in text, because in text, people have the time to calmly consider his arguments, and the snide remarks just look like someone trying hide a weak argument. It's the same reason that Bill O'Rielly and Rush Limbaigh and all the other media attack dogs rarely use printed text, except the text of others, which they can then contextualize to their own advantage. Bullying is best done verbally, when snide remarks can have a big effect without possessing any actual truth or substance.


New member
Really, saying that Enyartities worship Bob is like saying that RCs worship the Pope. Not true. But they do worship the God that Enyart defines for them. Yes?


Well-known member
temple 2000 said:
Really, saying that Enyartities worship Bob is like saying that RCs worship the Pope. Not true. But they do worship the God that Enyart defines for them. Yes?
And that means what? We who are brothers and sisters of Bob in Christ worship a false God?


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drbrumley said:
And that means what? We who are brothers and sisters of Bob in Christ worship a false God?

Not everyone has a concept of God like Mr. Enyart. Is he privy to some information the rest of us are not? Does he and you, his followers, think everybody else is wrong? He says that God is not nice and we shud not be nicer than God. Huh?


New member
temple 2000 said:
He says that God is not nice and we shud not be nicer than God. Huh?
He says God is not all nice. The Christian Community has become nicer than God, and emphesises niceness, more than God's judgement and wrath.


Well-known member
temple 2000 said:
Not everyone has a concept of God like Mr. Enyart. Is he privy to some information the rest of us are not? Does he and you, his followers, think everybody else is wrong? He says that God is not nice and we shud not be nicer than God. Huh?

I can't help it if you have a problem with the Word of God.


New member
Originally Posted by temple 2000

Not everyone has a concept of God like Mr. Enyart. Is he privy to some information the rest of us are not? Does he and you, his followers, think everybody else is wrong? He says that God is not nice and we shud not be nicer than God. Huh?

I can't help it if you have a problem with the Word of God.

Initially I thought maybe the premise of this thread was a bit over stated. It would appear that, at least in this isntance, that it is not.

The utterances of The Bob = the word of God.

Time for an intervention...