Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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New member
Freak said:
Jabez, you have a tender heart for people whom Jesus bleed for. We need more people like you!

Beanieboy needs to be told he will go to hell, he needs to be warned, because we do LOVE him.

What I find curious is that it really comes down to my sexuality.

I don't believe in the bible. I don't accept JC as my PL&S.

But that's kind of a back burner kind of thing, apparently.

Heterosexuality, and not accepting Jesus, will get me into heaven.

who knew?


New member
Freak said:
Beanieboy, you can change. This is a fact, don't believe the lie that somehow you're stuck as a homosexual. God does and can change the hearts of homosexuals. You need to renounce your lifestyle and repent of your ugly sin.

This has been said many times.
Thank you Freak.
I have to agree to disagree.


Well-known member
beanieboy said:
If we don't have love, we have nothing.
Someone walking in love toward someone else doesn't call that other person that they claim to love a liar, unless they have a track-record of lying. There has yet to be One Word that God has spoken proven to be a lie. Taking out the parts you don't like causes Him to have to take out your part from His Book of Life. He said so, and since He doesn't lie, that is what will happen. You need to put some of The Bible back in your version, before it is eternally too late.


New member
beanieboy said:
What I find curious is that it really comes down to my sexuality.

I don't believe in the bible. I don't accept JC as my PL&S.

frankly, if you don't accept Jesus, i don't care what your sexuality is. only those who choose Christ have a standard to live by. if you reject him then i say you are free to live as you please, to the degree you please.

But that's kind of a back burner kind of thing, apparently.

Heterosexuality, and not accepting Jesus, will get me into heaven.

who knew?

let me make this clear

heterosexuality and not accepting Jesus will NOT get you into heaven.


New member
beanieboy said:
What I find curious is that it really comes down to my sexuality.

It actually comes down to this:

Will you surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ or reject Him?

Homosexuals=reject God.


New member
God_Is_Truth said:
would you say he's concerned with sin (which is everything not-loving) at all?

My understanding of sin is that which separates us from God and others.
But, no, I've discussed all of this with God over more than 20 years. And all God does, more or less, and shows me the importance of love - in treating each other with kindness, gentleness, returning curses with blessings, to lend an ear, a shoulder, or a hand.

That seems to be the main focus of what God has to say, and to learn to love myself, which is hard, because most people will extend an insult without a second thought, but hold back a complement.


New member
Freak said:
It actually comes down to this:

Will you surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ or reject Him?

Homosexuals=reject God.

As of yet, I have found no reason to.
I pray for God to reveal himself, and yet, I have been led to Buddhism.
And I suppose this board. I have been forced to back up my statements with the bible more than any other, and show contradictions of behavior from those who call themselves Christians.

But I see the whole of life a journey to better understand God. It always has been, even as a child, and is always where I am led back to.


New member
There was a post from a christian here who said, "You need to repent." I said, "I will do some self reflection on that. Thank you. And I would suggest the same for you." Their response was, "Why would I??? need self reflection??? What do I need to self reflect and repent from????"

The person was under the idea that they were saved, and therefore, made whole or perfect. Yet, I'm sure that they still sin, still have areas of improvement. But they seemed offended that I even suggest such a thing.

Who is more lost?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
beanieboy said:
As of yet, I have found no reason to.
Exactly. Which is one of the reasons people here point out to your worst sins that you take pride in. Only sinners need a Savior.
I pray for God to reveal himself, and yet, I have been led to Buddhism.
[jesus]"A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign..."[/jesus] Matthew 16:4a

[Jesus]"Abraham said to him, 'They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.' And he said, 'No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.' But he said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.'"[/jesus] Luke 16:29-31​


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
beanieboy said:
There was a post from a christian here who said, "You need to repent." I said, "I will do some self reflection on that. Thank you. And I would suggest the same for you." Their response was, "Why would I??? need self reflection??? What do I need to self reflect and repent from????"

The person was under the idea that they were saved, and therefore, made whole or perfect. Yet, I'm sure that they still sin, still have areas of improvement. But they seemed offended that I even suggest such a thing.

Who is more lost?


New member
Turbo said:
Exactly. Which is one of the reasons people here point out to your worst sins that you take pride in. Only sinners need a Savior.
[jesus]"A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign..."[/jesus] Matthew 16:4a

[Jesus]"Abraham said to him, 'They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.' And he said, 'No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.' But he said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.'"[/jesus] Luke 16:29-31​

Do we need to see someone from the dead?

No. Just people walking the talk.

Again, I have seen those who offer doom instead of hope.
I have seem those who can show no mercy.
I see those who are unable to feel compassion.
I've seen people exhalt themselves and condemn others.
I have not seen much in the area of kindness, gentleness, slowness of anger, loving your enemy, etc.
I have seen harshness called love, and gentle love called "powder puff".
There is a thread of Iraqi Kids that is part of a joke about Michael Jackson and molestation. It mocks children of war, the vets, and molestation itself. Yet, no one saw a problem with this. They had a problem that I had a problem with it.

In short, I can't enroll because I don't want to act this way.



New member
Aimiel said:
Calling a queer a gay or a homosexual is winking at their sin. .

Doesn't the bible use the word homosexual?
By your statement, the bible is then winking at their sin, which I doubt.


New member
Name calling serves no earthly good. It is done by small people unable to express themselves in an intelligent way.


Merely Christian
deardelmar said:
Does it really matter what term you use for homosexuality? There was a time when the words idiot and moron were technical terms describing different levels of mental retardation. Problem is since no one wants to be thought of a less than intelligent the words took on a derogatory meaning.
By the same token any name given to people who commit acts of perversion will always take on a derogatory meaning. At least until the time when society becomes so rebellious that evil and righteousness are fully accepted as interchangeable.

It's not the word but the action it describes that is offensive! Rep points for you:)


New member
beanieboy said:
My understanding of sin is that which separates us from God and others.

sin is that which is contrary to the character of God. thus, since God is love, sin would be anything not loving. if heterosexuality is good (which the bible says it is, adam and eve were told to multiply), then homosexuality is not good because it is a perversion of that which God said is good. since it is not good, it is not loving towards God to follow it. since it's not loving, it's a sin.

But, no, I've discussed all of this with God over more than 20 years. And all God does, more or less, and shows me the importance of love - in treating each other with kindness, gentleness, returning curses with blessings, to lend an ear, a shoulder, or a hand.

how can God be concerned with only that which is loving and not be concerned at all with that which is not loving (sin) ?

That seems to be the main focus of what God has to say, and to learn to love myself, which is hard, because most people will extend an insult without a second thought, but hold back a complement.

and the more you grow to love yourself, the harder it is to love your neigbhor as yourself.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
I'm actually a very happy person.

I will repeat, you can choose to call me whatever you wish.

Oh please.

What have I called you? A homo? A sodomite? You define yourself.

Now, let's sit through yet one more "*~*LOOKIT ME!!*~*" post:

I've been called worse.
And I will continue to try my best to return curse with blessing, as is my beliefs.
I encourage you to call me on this when ever I stumble, and thank you in advance.

I'm unclear why "faggot" is singled out as well, but it is usually said to indicate that you are saying that someone is beneath you. I still hold to the truth that all have fallen short of the glory of God, and whenever I think myself better, I repeat that to myself, and then know to pray, rather to only condemn and put others beneath me.

However, the bible uses "homosexual", and does not use faggot. Faggot is a relatively new word, and used to sound more derogatory, and is meant to demean the person. I imagine that is why people choose to single out that word and use it in place of homosexual - because it exhalts themself, and makes them seem better than the other.

The Pharisees (while they were sinners) referred to the prostitutes and tax collectors as "sinners."
The said to the disciples, "why does your master eat with the sinners?" They weren't including themselves.

Even in this thread, someone quotes that Jesus called the sinners Vipers.
He did call the sinners vipers - the Vipers who referred to the prostitutes and tax collectors "sinners."

He who exhalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exhalted.


May God's Peace be with you.

You don't have God's peace, you have what you love most, you.


New member
On Fire said:
Beanieboy continues to complain that the so-called Christians here are not very Christ-like when they call him names like "faggot". I think he's right. I also think he asks for it by continuing to claim that homosexuality is not a sin. Maybe if we agree with him about the name calling we could get him to stop complaingin about the SYMPTOMS and look at the CAUSE.

While I agree that the term, faggot, is definitely a derogatory remark, I say, "So what". Homos need to get thicker skin! As a Christian, I've been called the Moral Police, a Goodie Goodie, a pew groveler, a Jesus Freak, a weirdo, etc. I've heard Beanieboy use such terms before. Hell, most of the homos that post on the board throw those types of remarks around. As far as I'm concerned, the homos have nothing on persecution. Jews and Christians (especially Jews) know quite a bit about persecution and derogatory names. Jesus Himself was labeled a heretic, a demon possessed person, a blasphemer, etc!

I don't feel a bit sorry for a homo being called a "faggot"!