Infallible Foreknowledge vs. Free Will


I don't care and am not interested in hearing about what you don't see. Only what you can make an argument for or against.

T and ~T are in contradiction to eachother, by definition. There is no way to both answer and not answer the phone tomorrow at 9:00.

Apparently you've no idea of logical necessity. Not answering the phone at 9am (~T) is a logically possible proposition (hypothetically speaking) therefore T is not logically necessary. I can't explain this any easier.

Do you even understand what a "premise" is?

Yes. What does that have to do with the truth-value of T remaining unmet until "tomorrow at 9am"?

This 'mundane methodology' is the only means by which your mind works. Every single thing you know was learned by the use of reason. Every concept you communicate, very word you read, say or hear, from any source whatsoever - all of it - is understood because of reason and by NO OTHER MEANS. The fact that you aren't practiced at its disciplined and more formal formats of use is not the fault of reason but of your own lack of training and/or desire to learn.

Resting in Him,

Well, the argument is attempting to fit imprecise, intangible terms into rigorous format. Does wedging square pegs within round holes mean anything to you?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
T and ~T are in contradiction to eachother, by definition. There is no way to both answer and not answer the phone tomorrow at 9:00.

You know how you can sometimes read something and think "I think I get it, but not 100% sure", and then they say it in another way and the light goes on?

This statement of yours made the light go on for me.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You know how you can sometimes read something and think "I think I get it, but not 100% sure", and then they say it in another way and the light goes on?

This statement of yours made the light go on for me.




Well-known member
No one has the power at any moment to do anything that would cause what is a fact about the past to no longer be a fact about the past as a result of doing it.

Airbrush Trotsky respectfully disagrees.

Who is that?

Just a pedantic reference to when the Soviets would "unperson" someone. Please pardon it.

Of course the persons in question were not actually removed from history; only the official memory of them.