Impeaching Donald Trump


like marbles on glass

Jonathan Allen✔@jonallendc
Unprecedented: Trump now holds the record for most votes ever acquired on an article of impeachment at 230. He's also No. 2 at 229.
6:34 PM - Dec 18, 2019

For once he won't be lying if he says "My numbers were huge - biggest numbers in the history of our country, people are saying they've never seen anything like it! They come up to me, 'Sir, tell me how you built those amazing impeachment votes' and I mean, I'm telling you, you'll be writing books about this impeachment, the numbers were tremendous!"


like marbles on glass
And he'll be more noteworthy in history for being the first President to be re-elected after being impeached.

Only because he's the first president to be impeached in his first term. :chuckle:

However no impeached president has been removed from office so nothing noteworthy for him there.

And he'll pack the Supreme Court with conservatives :)

He doesn't. He doesn't know his head from his whatever. The Federalist Society tells him who to nominate. That would've happened with any conservative, it's a cycle.


Well-known member
23 yeas to 18 nays, 390 absentions, that's less than a joke: it's a travesty. Why wouldn't enough Republicans grow a spine?


Hall of Fame
Nancy may withhold the articles from the Do-nothing Senate. No trial, no acquittal ... and forever marked as an *impeached* POTUS. :)


like marbles on glass
Nancy may withhold the articles from the Do-nothing Senate. No trial, no acquittal ... and forever marked as an *impeached* POTUS. :)

I was following this via Laurence Tribe. Seems only reasonable, since Moscow Mitch has outright said Trump's agenda for the trial will be his agenda, and that he wouldn't allow witnesses that were previously blocked by Trump like Mulvaney and Bolton. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

Right now, I can't be more impressed with Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and many others, including the courageous witnesses and the whistleblower.


Hall of Fame
I was following this via Laurence Tribe. Seems only reasonable, since Moscow Mitch has outright said Trump's agenda for the trial will be his agenda, and that he wouldn't allow witnesses that were previously blocked by Trump like Mulvaney and Bolton. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

Right now, I can't be more impressed with Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and many others, including the courageous witnesses and the whistleblower.

Same here. What I would like to see is for Nancy to withhold the articles until AFTER the election...



Jonathan Allen✔@jonallendc
Unprecedented: Trump now holds the record for most votes ever acquired on an article of impeachment at 230. He's also No. 2 at 229.
6:34 PM - Dec 18, 2019

For once he won't be lying if he says "My numbers were huge - biggest numbers in the history of our country, people are saying they've never seen anything like it! They come up to me, 'Sir, tell me how you built those amazing impeachment votes' and I mean, I'm telling you, you'll be writing books about this impeachment, the numbers were tremendous!"

Does Trump's (in)famous phrase "You're Fired" seem a touch ironic now-a-days? Now, if they'll just evict the squatter.....

Gary K

New member
Nancy may withhold the articles from the Do-nothing Senate. No trial, no acquittal ... and forever marked as an *impeached* POTUS. :)

Wow. You're positively joyous over smearing someone with lies and never giving him any due process to clear himself. Do you even come close to realizing what this attitude says about you and the entire Democrat party? This will stain you people forever.

Gary K

New member
I just have to comment a little further on my response to Rusha.

If you people think history will look at you as heroes, you're sadly mistaken. You will be viewed in the same way history looks at Nero. He partied while he destroyed Rome and he is vilified for doing it for you people are dancing a figurative jig over dishonest machinations used to destroy the civil liberties of us all, and that includes your own civil liberties. You're dancing on the grave of your own liberty, and too ignorant to understand what you're doing.

You'll also be looked at the same way historians look at Beltashazzer of the Babylonian empire. He was so corrupt and so consumed with his own view of himself he had a big time party while the Medes and Persians attacked his city and destroyed his kingdom. But, at least it was a foreign power destroying his nation. You guys are doing it to yourselves. And you think you're going to be viewed favorably by history? Can you really be that insane? Is there nothing in the back of your heads asking you if this is really such a good idea? Doesn't reality seep in at least once in a while?

You'll also be viewed as having the same legacy as dictators such as Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hitler, Mussolini, for your entire goal, unbeknownst to you, was to destroy liberty for everyone. This nation was the last best chance for liberty on this globe, and you're inflamed with the perverse joy of destroying yourself and liberty. Why? Ask yourself that. Why do you want that as your legacy?

Look at how history regards the Bolsheviks. They destroyed their own nation, murdered their fellow citizens, and put themselves under the power of someone far more cruel than the Tsars. They put themselves under the power of Stalin who killed his people by the millions. You will do no less for when civil liberties are destroyed dictatorships arise very quickly. And you're the ones doing this to your own nation and you're celebrating this. You're celebrating tying your own behavior to that of the Bolsheviks. Do you think the average Russian during the Soviet Union, German, Italian, and Chinese people look at those who worked at enslaving them as heroes? Oh, you read that in the slanted views of the socialist media and historians, but those enslaved people do not have the same views of history that you've been force fed all your lives. Those people know the reality of what it means to live in a dictatorship.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I expect Moscow Mitch's sham trial and his complicit comrades will ensure that the Donald stays in office.

Did you ever wonder why the Commie Adam Schiff refused to testify at the hearing of which he was in charge?

He would have once again been exposed as a liar and it would have become evident to everyone that he and the so-called whistleblower conspired to frame Trump.

He didn't want to be caught like those in Obama's FBI have been caught trying to frame Trump by illegally spying on the Trump campaign.

Trump may even win 2020.

Why shouldn't he since he has the economy really growing and for the first time in many years the real wages of blue collar workers are going up. I bet you are rooting for one of those socialists from the Democrat party to win!

I bet you want a one-payer health care system so you can wait in line for years to receive basic health care.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Here is an interview with the person who many consider the greatest constitutional lawyer living today:

CBS ANCHOR: What impact do you think this could have on future presidents?

JONATHAN TURLEY: It is going to have a significant impact, I think it will be a largely dysfunctional one. The problem I have is that this sets the standard quite low for impeachment.

They ultimately rejected the four articles that I originally testified against, including bribery, and went with the two that I thought were legitimate, but they did not obviously follow my advice and try to build a record to try to support those two articles.

The problem I have is that judging by how they define these two articles, you could impeach every living president on this type of allegations. The most troubling for me is the obstruction of Congress. They set an abbreviated period for investigation, arguably the shortest investigation of any presidential impeachment, depending on how you count the Johnson impeachment days.

And then they said if you don't turn over the evidence during that period, you're obstructing Congress. Well, President Trump went to court to challenge the necessity of handing over that material. Both Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon were allowed to go all the way to the Supreme Court --they ultimately lost, and Nixon resigned soon after. My concern is that this really does seem like you are making an appeal to the court into a high crime or a misdemeanor.

The Progressives are actually proud of this abortion, just like they are proud of all abortions!

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I just have to comment a little further on my response to Rusha.

If you people think history will look at you as heroes, you're sadly mistaken. You will be viewed in the same way history looks at Nero...You'll also be viewed as having the same legacy as dictators such as Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hitler, Mussolini...

I've interacted with you on this forum long enough to know that you are not "technically crazy," but that post is such blatant insanity that I hardly know where to begin. With thought processes like that, it's no wonder that you are a Trump supporter!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've interacted with you on this forum long enough to know that you are not "technically crazy," but that post is such blatant insanity that I hardly know where to begin. With thought processes like that, it's no wonder that you are a Trump supporter!

He probably thinks you're a paid underground operative working for Soros or something as well...

Gary K

New member
I've interacted with you on this forum long enough to know that you are not "technically crazy," but that post is such blatant insanity that I hardly know where to begin. With thought processes like that, it's no wonder that you are a Trump supporter!

For your reading pleasure. The following was found in the Bill Clinton Presidential library through a FOIA request.

RUSH: You remember the story we had on the program yesterday that Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch, through a Freedom of Information Act request, had secured a bunch of documents from the Clinton Library and Massage Parlor detailing how they had run seminars for seminar callers, that they had actually run training missions to train people how to call this program and try to corrupt it? We recognized when this began to happen, and I named these callers "seminar callers" because they weren't real.

They were going to some indoctrination session being taught by Democrats. They were taught what to say. They were taught what to tell the screener in order to get past him to get on the show. I mean, it was so transparent; it was so obvious that they were seminar callers. They'd all start out, for example, by saying, "Mr. Limbaugh, I love you. I've been listening to your show since it began. I'm a conservative. I've always agreed with you, but..." And then here would come the liberalism or here would come whatever the problem.

But they always started out as sycophants, and you can always spot them. If you're a sensitive human like I am, if you are very situationally aware like I am, you can recognize sycophancy the moment you hear it or the moment you see it. Sycophancy is one of the most insulting behavioral patterns or techniques, at least to me, because it's fake, phony, lying flattery/love, whatever you want to call it. They're making it all up, and it's instantly spottable by me. So we would have fun with 'em.

The rest of this article can be found here.

As the author says later on it's very likely that the program has never ceased it's just been taken to the internet. As people like barbie and anna have actually changed their narrative here before the media has changed theirs by a day or so it points to very active involvement in the Democrat's narrative distribution. They've done it a 2 or 3 times so it's no accident.

User Name

Greatest poster ever

From Christianity Today, for your reading pleasure:

The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.

The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.

...We believe the impeachment hearings have made it absolutely clear, in a way the Mueller investigation did not, that President Trump has abused his authority for personal gain and betrayed his constitutional oath. The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see. This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of our people. None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.
