Impeaching Donald Trump


like marbles on glass

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Of course that’s not a serious question.

Do you want a serious question, annabenedetti?

Why should Joe and Hunter Biden get a pass just because Joe is trying to be the Democrat nominee for President in 2020?

Trump's duty was to check out to see if corruption had been cleaned up in the Ukraine before he gave them any more of American tax-payer money. And anyone with brains knows that Hunter's job on the board of Burisma was very suspicious, especially since his father was the point man on Obama's policy toward that nation. Then when Joe found out that Burisma was being investigated for corruption he demanded that the person doing the investigation be fired or he would withhold $1 Billion that was supposed to go to the Ukraine. That makes it even more suspicious!

If you can't see a possible case of corruption in that case then you are unable to understand the most simple things. But you and your fellow Progressives think that Joe and Hunter should have been given a bye and not be investigated simply because Joe is trying to be the Democrat Party's candidate for President in 2020.

That is just plain stupid. There was absolutely no reason why the Bidens shouldn't have been under investigation!


LOL. Now I understand at least part of what your comprehension problem is. You don't understand the rules of English grammar. According to the rules of English grammar the "his" that you emphasized can only refer back to the proper name just preceding it. Therefore, "his" can only refer to Obama.

Well, what I do understand is that you're a persecuted, straight white male.....correct? A REAL, hard working American and all you've gotten from your government in the recent past was white guilt, pandering to homosexuality, whiny race baiters, feminism and socialistic policies.

You've been politically neglected....daresay, shamed.

Now your saviour ("miracle worker") Trump comes along and pours some honey in your ears...tells you that he'll fix all that's "wrong" in this country i.e. MAGA. But....where was (narcissistic) Trump during all this liberal unraveling? Standing tall for the under-represented white American hope or rather Golfing? Mar-a-Lago?

Trump is a real estate huckster not a policy maker....he has no concern for Americans beyond what Americans can do for him. You're the means to Trump's political/marketing strategy whereby you've been fooled into believing you're its ends.

You're simply being used by a master manipulator.

He simply appealed to your hate and persecution complex while, you greedly lapped it up like the dumb, unkempt cur you were/are.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Trump is a real estate huckster not a policy maker....he has no concern for Americans beyond what Americans can do for him. You're the means to Trump's political/marketing strategy whereby you've been fooled into believing you're its ends.

You're simply being used by a master manipulator.

He simply appealed to your hate and persecution complex while, you greedly lapped it up like the dumb, unkempt cur you were/are.

Excellent post! Remember when Trump said, "I love the uneducated!" while campaigning? Of course Trump loves the uneducated--they are his dupes! And the uneducated Republican base also love Trump, even as he undermines their best interests and cuts social services, guts environmental regulations, etc.

Trump is a plutocrat and plutocrats only love wealth--that's why he loves Saudi Arabia and has such an affinity for dictators the world over. He only cares for his supporters to the extent that they are his ticket to power. Meanwhile, beneath the surface he holds them in contempt and undermines their best interests without them even realizing it.
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
A great day for the Constitution and the rule of law.

And... Article II - Obstruction of Congress - approved.

I'll say it again - this wouldn't have been possible without American voters putting a Democratic majority in the House in 2018. Votes matter.

Too bad for you that the American voters kept a Republican majority in the Senate.

Votes matter and Trump will NOT be removed from office.

The Democrats accomplished nothing except to bring down their own approval ratings in the polls. Now Trump is the favorite to win the swing states and he will therefore win the election in 2020.

All the Democrats proved is that they are stupid and unable to learn from history.


like marbles on glass
Too bad for you that the American voters kept a Republican majority in the Senate.

Votes matter and Trump will NOT be removed from office.

The Democrats accomplished nothing except to bring down their own approval ratings in the polls. Now Trump is the favorite to win the swing states and he will therefore win the election in 2020.

All the Democrats proved is that they are stupid and unable to learn from history.

I expect Moscow Mitch's sham trial and his complicit comrades will ensure that the Donald stays in office.

Trump may even win 2020.

But he goes down in history as being only the third president to be impeached.

The Democrats did their constitutional duty. The GOP showed where their true loyalties lie.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I expect Moscow Mitch's sham trial and his complicit comrades will ensure that the Donald stays in office.

Trump may even win 2020.

But he goes down in history as being only the third president to be impeached.

The Democrats did their constitutional duty. The GOP showed where their true loyalties lie.

And he'll be more noteworthy in history for being the first President to be re-elected after being impeached.

And he'll pack the Supreme Court with conservatives :)