ECT If you have reduced the message of Jesus Christ . . . . .

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Are you saying I have youth and inexperience, like Walter Mondale? I'll have that other little squirt StP chase you down.

Well, there you go again, Nick...

"I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience..."-Dutch Reagan, to Wally Mondale

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You probably believe you could. You believe anything. Such is the way of one who believes nothing.

The above, in response to brother Nick the great's...

"Originally Posted by Nick M View Post

Can you murder your boss today and still be saved?"

Besides murder,CrissCross, tell us the sins for which your fake saviour, your impotent, bumbling, fumbing, stumbling probation officer, did not die.

Unpack it for us. And tell us which bad thoughts are not forgiven.

Let me guess: Others' bad thoughts, not yours.

Get saved, wolfie.


Well-known member
Can you murder your boss today and still be saved?

We can do stupid stuff, yes. Even Christians. I 'think' we are less and less likely to do so because God is working in us and through us toward righteousness as we become more like the one we love, in a practical sense. We become like those we hang around. Christians love Christ. King David, the man after God's own heart and the one God said served Him with a whole heart, certainly had this and other problems. It was 'after' this that God said he had a whole-heart after Him. Acts 13:22

Romans 8:1


New member
And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."
(Luke 19:9-10 NKJV)

Those two passage alone require that a good 14 questions or so first be asked and then answered before one should allow oneself to conclude one knows what those two passages are talking about.

And seeking the answers to said 14 questions or so, result in 60 passages or more for the answers.

And that is just on those two passages.

That does not even begin to address the 28 passages those two are based on right there in Luke 19.

Nor does it even begin to address said 28 passages' over 600 words or so; many of which require the same kind of disciplined, individual scrutiny.

But doing all that is not a bad trade off - for all that time one not only ends up in Scripture searching all that out, but for all the information it results in, in one's memory bank, and thus, of much use in one's next excursion in Scripture, searching out one thing or another.

Best of all, one not only ends up dealing one on one with Scripture itself; but all the time this requires does not allow for much time in an OVER reliance on endless "commentaries" supposedly "Bible based."

After this kind of time in Scripture, it becomes very obvious that such "commentaries" are, in their endless conjecture about as consistently "reliable" as the endless conjecture of "historian."

Try the Scripture as to the above passage...

Some 14 questions or so, just in those two passages.

The best to you in this...


It is hard to see sarcasm on the internet. I won't hold it against you that you tried to answer.
Hi and am DISAPPOINTED that you feel that I was sarcastic to you , very disappointed !!
What? I made the sarcastic remark, and it was for Cross Reference the worker bee.

Poe's Law

Sometimes I like to point it out. I don't know why :chuckle:

So is that a "no"? You can sin your way out of salvation?

A lot of people, I've come to realize, don't fully comprehend the problem in the concept of being able to 'fall in and out of salvation'.

There's 'Infusion' and 'Imputed Righteousness', one more so Catholic and one more so Reformed, and which one teaches 'falling in and out' where the other states otherwise.


New member
To allow oneself to take offense at another's supposed intent is to victimize oneself by one's own hand.

Animosity is a useless using up of one's spiritual energy.