I wonder what its like to be a Christian?


New member
The impact is starting to take affect; the ego of Christianity is getting bruised.

They can dish it out ;

but they can't take it.


New member
I know Christians, I know what some of them do when they start feeling threatened. When they think they no longer hold the upper hand ; because their so used to being on top. Its a serious pride thing. Notice;


I must give my summary of the above link;

Pride; as I think it relates to Christianity. They think their "Kings before their time." Many of them act like their wearing a crown already. That's why they look down on so many other religions. Its why they think their better than their neighbor. Its giving yourself honor. Its a lost of humility. Its a magnification of self. Look at the scriptures in the above link, its a serious biblical problem. Its running rampant in Christianity , swelling the heads of Christians like ballons. I think its the number one problem in Christianity.


New member
Wow. I didn't realize there were so many verses on pride. It is definitely a problem. But it's no surprise because we know religion and government killed Jesus. Religion and government will kill his followers.

by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D. 11 Jan 2015
Pope Francis baptized 33 children on Sunday morning, the day that Christians celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. In his homily, the Pope told parents to teach their children that “you cannot be a Christian outside the Church, you cannot follow Jesus Christ without the Church, because the Church is mother, and makes us grow in love for Jesus Christ.”

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It's already being set up and the office of inquisition is still open. The Catholic mantra. The Catholic Church never changes.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Latin: Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei, CDF) is the oldest among the nine congregations of the Roman Curia. It was founded to defend the church from heresy; today, it is the body responsible for promulgating and defending Catholic doctrine.[1] Formerly known as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition,[a] it is informally known in many Catholic countries as the Holy Office and between 1908 and 1965 was officially known as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office.

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New member
Wow. I didn't realize there were so many verses on pride. It is definitely a problem. But it's no surprise because we know religion and government killed Jesus. Religion and government will kill his followers.

by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D. 11 Jan 2015
Pope Francis baptized 33 children on Sunday morning, the day that Christians celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. In his homily, the Pope told parents to teach their children that “you cannot be a Christian outside the Church, you cannot follow Jesus Christ without the Church, because the Church is mother, and makes us grow in love for Jesus Christ.”

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Oh yes, Jesus was killed by the religious leaders of his day. Mainly because Jesus did not " Fit their program." You know , if you start talking about things that don't fit the current religious powers status quo , they will get rid of you ; and that has not changed. Now its called "Disfellowshipping." So called spiritual people can be cold blooded, I often wonder the frame work of their hearts. All righteous and strict on the surface , and dirty as mud underneath. They are dangerous and like vipers.


New member
They will do a lot more than disfellowship you. It is already against the law to preach outside the church in Russia.

(CNN)Delicately dancing around centuries of theological tensions, Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill met in Cuba on Friday and pleaded for world leaders to protect persecuted Christians.

"Thousands of victims have already been claimed in the violence in Syria and Iraq, which has left many other millions without a home or means of sustenance," the Pope and patriarch said in a joint declaration.

They meet and agree on fighting persecution then a few months later a law against preaching outside the church is passed in Russia.

Yesterday, Russia’s new anti-terrorism laws, which restrict Christians from evangelizing outside of their churches, went into effect.

The “Yarovaya package” requires missionaries to have permits, makes house churches illegal, and limits religious activity to registered church buildings, among other restrictions. Individuals who disobey could be fined up to $780, while organizations could be fined more than $15,000.

Forum 18 offers an analysis of the laws and their ramifications for Protestants and other non-Orthodox believers. World Watch Monitor compiled the worried reactions of Russian evangelical leaders and concerned observers.

The new laws will “create conditions for the repression of all Christians,” wrote Russia’s Baptist Council of Churches in an open letter. “Any person who mentions their religious view or reflections out loud or puts them in writing, without the relevant documents, could be accused of ‘illegal missionary activity.’”

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New member
It doesn't take much digging to find these things. Catholics will denounce this truth saying it's tradition and teaching in the church that is important. The Bible would tell them different if they would just open it.

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It is so complicated to follow politics of the world and our own.

I pay attention to my own faith, Christ.

Jesus says His followers are not of the world.


New member
I wonder what its like to be a Christian?

I know Christians, I know what some of them do when they start feeling threatened. When they think they no longer hold the upper hand ; because their so used to being on top. Its a serious pride thing. Notice;


I must give my summary of the above link;

Pride; as I think it relates to Christianity. They think their "Kings before their time." Many of them act like their wearing a crown already. That's why they look down on so many other religions. Its why they think their better than their neighbor. Its giving yourself honor. Its a lost of humility. Its a magnification of self. Look at the scriptures in the above link, its a serious biblical problem. Its running rampant in Christianity , swelling the heads of Christians like ballons. I think its the number one problem in Christianity.

All of these are symptoms of lack of self-worth.

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The path to God requires letting go of ALL beliefs. We need to examine why we are so attached to them and we need to examine why we are so attached to attachment itself. Why are we always dependent on something? If you search deeply and honestly you will find much fear and fear does not come from God but from the enemy of the personality. It is a projection.

Notice your beliefs are designed to keep you separate from what is infinite and eternal. The personality's job is to protect us from what is foreign and considered dangerous. The space and the emptiness we experience when we let go of ALL beliefs is so painful that the personality has developed ways to block it from our awareness. Fixation on Christianity is one example. We fixate to beliefs because we are avoiding what would happen if we let go.

That inner emptiness is part of us known as the soul so we are in effect rejecting our true infinite eternal identity without knowing it. We are so busy trying to avoid the inner spaciousness at all costs that we hardly question what we are doing. We bite the forbidden fruit and think we can judge everything including the inner emptiness. We don't know when to quit judging. That emptiness is the doorway to God. What could possibly be more infinite and eternal?

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You're hell bound bruh

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond