I support the Alt-Right


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The left has taken the sting out of the word "Nazi".
All one had to do to be labeled a Nazi by the left was to vote for Trump.
The real Nazis were all about absolute power and a liberal use of violence to achieve it. Haven't seen that here in America on the right side or alt right....just a bunch of dorks who dress funny and have no teeth and live on meth.


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The real Nazis
Well, I've been painted as a white supremacist Nazi.

So "Nazis" are cool now!

And the term "snowflake" used to be a slur blacks used for whites.
I liked it!
Sounded so much prettier than "cracker".

Times change, terms change.

Now Nazis are the cool folks that stand up for free speech.


No. It's Wikipedia article.

You misunderstood the referent of "this."

The Nazi propaganda pamphlet from 1932 is in the link below:


At any rate, a few brief words on the remainder:

I obviously don't think that the Nazis were socialists any more than "democratic socialists" are socialists. I do, however, think that they had solid left wing economic ideas, and whether you want to ascribe them to Hitler and the Nazis directly or not, it is undeniable that the government enacted solid Keynesian economic policies, economic policies that an economic right winger like Reagan (a standard "lower taxes and deregulate" Republican) likely would have rejected.

At any rate, historical questions aside, I think that my initial point is basically correct:

If there were a party that combined Keynesian economics with a nationalist agenda (limit immigration; deport illegal immigrants, etc.), a party that approaches actual historical naziism (like the National Front and Golden Dawn), I think that such a party would likely have a wider following in the US than the Alt-Right currently does.


like marbles on glass
Well, I've been painted as a white supremacist Nazi.

No, you've shown white supremacist videos and declined to disavow the message in them, messages that I copied from the video and posted to you asking if you agreed and you wouldn't answer. Which, of course, is an answer. I can only go by your words and by your intentional omissions.

So "Nazis" are cool now!

Name it and claim it if it floats your boat.

And the term "snowflake" used to be a slur blacks used for whites.
I liked it!
Sounded so much prettier than "cracker".

Not according to wiki. Look it up. The main, and most modern usage is to denote weakness and fragility ( commonly aimed at millennials).

Times change, terms change.

Now Nazis are the cool folks that stand up for free speech.

Well, looks like you've claimed it.


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you wouldn't answer. Which, of course, is an answer.
No it is not.
And you making up some answer for me is not an answer either.

I can only go by your words
Get new glasses.
Apparently your eyes were unable to read all the times I have posted my personal opinion of the KKK.
No matter what I say, it is never enough for you.

Name it and claim it if it floats your boat.

Not according to wiki. Look it up. The main, and most modern usage is to denote weakness and fragility ( commonly aimed at millennials).
I'm before the millennials.
And I don't have to look it up, I lived it.

Well, looks like you've claimed it.
It's been so overused for so many folks, it's lost all meaning.


like marbles on glass

No. Prove that I've called you a Nazi. Go ahead.

No it is not.
And you making up some answer for me is not an answer either.

Look to yourself, because that's what you're trying to do to me.

Get new glasses.
Apparently your eyes were unable to read all the times I have posted my personal opinion of the KKK.
No matter what I say, it is never enough for you.

Do you really think I follow you around and read all your posts? Get real.

I know the conversation I (tried) to have with you in your White thread. You wouldn't answer as to whether you agreed with the white supremacist's words. The proof is there.

Hey, don't thank me. You did it all by yourself.

I'm before the millennials.
And I don't have to look it up, I lived it.

And the world revolves around your usage? That's not how you've seen it used here, as you well know.

It's been so overused for so many folks, it's lost all meaning.

It's all yours. Don't complain to me about something I didn't call you, but you called yourself.


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No. Prove that I've called you a Nazi. Go ahead.
I didn't mention you at all.

Look to yourself, because that's what you're trying to do to me.
She did it, so it's OK for me to do it?????
How cool!

Do you really think I follow you around and read all your posts? Get real.
So why make something up?

I know the conversation I (tried) to have with you in your White thread. You wouldn't answer as to whether you agreed with the white supremacist's words. The proof is there.
It's there all right.
And several other places too.

Hey, don't thank me. You did it all by yourself.
I'm so awesome!

And the world revolves around your usage? That's not how you've seen it used here, as you well know.
That's how it was really used.
Deal with it.

It's all yours. Don't complain to me about something I didn't call you, but you called yourself.
There you go again.

(Where's Arthur to explain sarcasm .....)


You leftist love to come up with your own made up selective conclusions.

Is AnnaBenedetti even left-wing apart from the SJW shtick?

I'm not a fan of the left-wing/right-wing distinction for so many reasons.

For one thing, the democratic party isn't actually left wing. They're just slightly less authoritarian right-wing than the Republicans.

Even the ACA isn't left-wing. It's a centrist policy that Republicans came up with back in the day when so-called "moderate Republicans" actually existed.

Do we have any evidence that AnnaBenedetti is actually left wing? What's her opinion of trade tariffs? Tax rates? Healthcare? The minimum wage?

But this does show how toxic our political discourse is at the moment. Cultural marxist/SJW = left-wing.

That's what happens when democratic politicians are basically just Republican lite.

patrick jane

Is AnnaBenedetti even left-wing apart from the SJW shtick?

I'm not a fan of the left-wing/right-wing distinction for so many reasons.

For one thing, the democratic party isn't actually left wing. They're just slightly less authoritarian right-wing than the Republicans.

Even the ACA isn't left-wing. It's a centrist policy that Republicans came up back in the day when so-called "moderate Republicans" actually existed.

Do we have any evidence that AnnaBenedetti is actually left wing? What's her opinion of trade tariffs? Tax rates? Healthcare? The minimum wage?

But this does show how toxic our political discourse is at the moment. Cultural marxist/SJW = left-wing.

That's what happens when democratic politicians are basically just Republican lite.
demonrats have adopted the left wing, alt left, socialists and Antifa. They all support each other and the media supports them. There are a handful of RINOs that tow the liberal line as well.


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Is AnnaBenedetti even left-wing apart from the SJW shtick?

I'm not a fan of the left-wing/right-wing distinction for so many reasons.

For one thing, the democratic party isn't actually left wing. They're just slightly less authoritarian right-wing than the Republicans.

Even the ACA isn't left-wing. It's a centrist policy that Republicans came up with back in the day when so-called "moderate Republicans" actually existed.

Do we have any evidence that AnnaBenedetti is actually left wing? What's her opinion of trade tariffs? Tax rates? Healthcare? The minimum wage?

But this does show how toxic our political discourse is at the moment. Cultural marxist/SJW = left-wing.

That's what happens when democratic politicians are basically just Republican lite.
Ya gotta get with the times, Trad.
You're not hip.

Anything can be anything these days.

Boys can be girls.
Whites can be blacks.
Right can be left.

Oh, and Nazis are the cool guys now!


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I could probably make a fortune by mass social mediating that Nazis are the cool guys now :thumb: .

And sell t-shirts, caps, flags, banners, bumper stickers ............


Tambora said:
Oh, and Nazis are the cool guys now!


Let's be real about this.

When were the Nazis ever not the cool guys?

Have you seen their uniforms?

Have you seen their architecture?

Listened to their music?

Unlike the Stalinists, the Nazis had a sense of fashion and what it means to be cool.



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Let's be real about this.

When were the Nazis ever not the cool guys?
If it wasn't for all those serial killers they had, the Nazis would have been the coolest ever!

Have you seen their uniforms?
Not bad.

Have you seen their architecture?

Listened to their music?
Not crazy about that particular video tune.
I'm more a Beethoven, Chopin, Pachelbel kinda gal.

Unlike the Stalinists, the Nazis had a sense of fashion and what it means to be cool.
They did dress rather sharp.
But hey, Stalin was way better looking than Hitler.
If I was shown a pic of Hitler today (and didn't know who he was), I would have thought he was gay.
But Stalin, that's a manly looking man there!


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demonrats have adopted the left wing, alt left, socialists and Antifa. They all support each other and the media supports them. There are a handful of RINOs that tow the liberal line as well.
I'm beginning to think the left doesn't know the left from the right.

Somebody go find that Hokey Pokey song.
That might help them a bit.