I Believe In UFO's.


New member
This following is a fun piece I wrote and its total craziness nonsense, but it was
enjoyable writing it up nonetheless.

It is designed to poke harmless fun at people who believe in UFO's and other crazy
stuff like The American Government Is Putting Chemicals In Our Water To Control The
American Population . . .

. . . and stuff like The American Government Has Captured Aliens And Has Them
Locked Up In Secret Places.

If you are NOT in the mood to read pure insanity, then read no further.


I Believe In UFO's

"There is good solid evidence for the reality of UFO's", say some people.

My reply to them is this:

I believe in UFO's. Just yesterday my wife and I were out in the back yard when
an Unidentified Flying Object landed on our patio table as we were relaxing sipping

Good Lands! I exclaimed, what can that be?

My wife immediately recognized it as a UFO.

I noticed that it was about 10 inches long and about 6 inches wide.

It made a humming sound as it landed. The humming sound continued for about
3 minutes and then began to slowly die down.

We didn't know what to think about that, so we just sat there flabbergasted and
bewildered staring at the UFO.

Suddenly we saw the door in the side of the UFO open, and out stepped 3
little orange colored men about 2 inches tall.

One of them said Hello JAGG, how are you?

I'm doing just fine. I replied, and I hope you are doing well yourself.

Listen I said, is that a spaceship you all just landed on my patio table?

Yes it is, said one of the little orange men.

Then they introduced themselves.

The one who first spoke to me said he was the leader and that his name was
Qzxzzxzzxzqqqxq, but I could just called him Bob, because that would make things
much less complicated.

The other two introduced themselves as Henry and Tom.

Okay I said, and by the way, where are you all from?

We're from the Andromeda Galaxy some 2.5 million light years from Earth, said Bob.

Well I said, that's interesting Bob. What planet are you from?

Sorry, replied Bob, but we can't tell you that, its classified.

Okay Bob I said, can you tell me why you all have landed your spaceship on my patio table?

We were sent to Earth just to see you JAGG, said Henry.

Good lands! I replied, why me? Why would you travel all that distance just to see me?

We came to tell you that Donald Trump is not really an Earthling.

What? I exclaimed, you mean he's not one of us?

That's right, said Henry. Donald Trump is from another planet and he was sent here to Earth
to prepare you Earthlings for more and more friendly visits from we visitors from Outer Space.

Really? I exclaimed, You mean they're coming here to be our friends? To help us?

Yes indeed, replied Bob. There is a lot we know that can help you Earthlings, a whole lot.

Can you give me an example, I asked.

Sure I can, replied Bob. You JAGG are a Republican , and we can tell you that we know
for an absolute fact, that Republicanism is the absolute truth.

I always knew it was, I replied, but it makes my heart glad to hear it from you good folks out
there in the Andromeda Galaxy.

What else can you tell me that will cheer my heart, I asked.

We can tell you JAGG, that you are a solid gold human being, and we have great hopes for you.

Thank you very much I replied, and may the Force be with you.

Thanks JAGG, and may the Force be with you too, and the wifey as well.

My wife smiled at hearing that, and said, "Thanks guys, much appreciated."

Well, said Bob, we have to be getting back home. It was nice chatting with you JAGG,
and we'll be in touch.

Sounds good to me, you all take care now.

Goodbye JAGG.

So long fellows, I said.

Then Bob, and Tom, and Henry returned to their spaceship and took off into the
blue yonder.

The end.

LOL . . .

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New member
I bet you forgot offering them something to eat and /or drink.

Goodness! Come to think of it, I did forget to do that. I hope
they were not offended. Next time they visit me, I will offer
them some Pepsi Cola and Moon Pies, or maybe a
Filet Mignon and Baked Potato. "Course them being only
2 inches tall, I'm not sure how I'm gonna get the portions
small enough for them to manage -- it'd only take a couple
of crumbs to get them well fed.

Thanks for the reminder, KerimF.
