Hi to all , and Paul always stumps Low Informational bible treaders ,
And the scriptures , having forseen that God declarces righteous the Gentiles from out of faith , announces Himself thr Gospel Beforehand to ABRAM ( saying ) that in you all the Gentiles will be Blessed !!
Verse 9 explains what " the ones from Faith " means , and we are those verse 9 , the Dispensation of Grace !!
We have one thing in comman with ABRAM , he exercised Faith in what God SAID then and we exercise Faith in what God says NOW , and God spoke to ABRAM as a Gentile , which all seem to forget !!
We see the Gentiles being blessed in 1000 year reign of Christ !!
Be Blessed is a Future Tense verb and is in the Greek FUTURE TENSES , so much for the PRETERIST view , There is a lot more in that verse , like God's Foreknowledge His sovereignty !!
So we see that this the third Gospel in Gal 3:8 and the other two in Gal 2:7 called " THE GOSPEL OF THE UNCIRCUMCISION !!
The other in Gal 2:7 is just called " THE CIRCUMCISION " and not called a Gospel as Paul's is in Gal 2:7 !!~
dan p
great post Dan -