Hooray For Pedophilia!

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lifeguard at the cement pond
So why wasn't he executed?

Raul Meza Jr., 62, served roughly a third of his 30-year sentence in the 1982 rape and killing of 8-year-old Kendra Page, whose body was found in an Austin elementary school dumpster.

Meza was released in 1993

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lifeguard at the cement pond
Looks like we're going to skip right over "should children be allowed to consent" and move right on to a declaration of "children have the right to engage in sex!"



Meanwhile, the IPPF, along with other global non-governmental organizations, collaborated with the WHO and the UN to frame "child sexual rights" as "human rights."
The IPPF developed "Exclaim! Young People's Guide to 'Sexual Rights: an IPPF Declaration," partly based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The concept of young people's "evolving capacity" stems from that convention. It calls on leaders and societies to value young people's developing maturity to make decisions on their own.
The sexual rights declaration says children and youths are entitled to have pleasurable sex. Those under 18 years "should enjoy" the full range of human rights, including "sexual rights," according to the document.


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lifeguard at the cement pond

Undercover journalist Karlyn Borysenko was present at the recent Socialism 2023 Conference, where she recorded a Q&A session from a talk on The Politics of Childhood. One question from an audience member revealed a desire on the part of the adults present for children to participate in the “sex industry as part of children’s liberation…”


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lifeguard at the cement pond