Homosexuals Ran the NAZI Party


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Homosexuals Ran the NAZI Party

This is the show from Tuesday August 9th, 2011.


* Pink Swastika Author on BEL: Scott Lively, co-author with Kevin Abrams, talks with Bob Enyart about "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party" which provides extensive, carefully documented evidence from many primary sources and mainstream secondary historical sources that many of those running Nazi Germany, including Hitler, were homosexuals.

Flashback: Check out Bob's debate with homosexual activist Wayne Besen of TWO from January 2009.

Today's Resource
: Watch Terry's Call on DVD as Bob quickly unravels Terry's red herring claim, that homosexuals are living godly lives. In a series of heart touching phone calls, Terry is led to the Lord and repentance, shortly before his death from AIDS. (And notice the meaning of all the graphic elements in the artwork on the label of the DVD!)


New member
It has been noted by many observers that Hitler's body language and mannerisms were quite "effeminate". See this video for examples:


The Barbarian

Does Rick Perry know about this?

Texas Gov. Rick Perry said today that New York’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage is “fine with me,”...Perry, who’s likely to seek the GOP presidential nomination, has been under fire of late from LGBT advocates for his decision to host a day of prayer funded by the American Family Association, listed as an anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The AP says Perry’s comments today about same-sex marriage could hurt him among tea party voters, who’ve already criticized his not-so-conservative record on other issues. But the comments could also help him among moderates who are increasingly supportive of LGBT equality, especially in a general election.

Perry made the comments to a group of several hundred GOP donors in Aspen, Colo.



And he was a cheerleader, too. There's nothing new under the sun, I suppose.

The Barbarian

Me? No. In Texas, there have been rumors about Perry circulating for years. Far as I know, there's nothing more to it than his metrosexuality; he pays more to have his hair done than I paid for my first car.

Seems to have started with his fellow republicans though. Apparently Kay Baily Huchison was checking some of the stories out. It's just that the idea of "Nazis as homos" concept pulled some disparate strands togehter; I thought it interesting that his old cadet uniform is pretty close to the SA outfits.

And the cheerleading thing, of course. I've been reminded that the Aggies like to call them "yelleaders." O.K. :plain: