Hollywood pedophiles

Grip Docility

New member
:doh: "Biblical" questions.... I don't think you can fault a site for being true to its worldview.

"Your Christian or biblical worldview is unacceptable and only nonChristian worldviews matter!" :(

Christianity and Politics are not connected in any way shape or form. Cesar and Jesus are two opposite spectrums.

Art Brain was suggesting that the blending of politics with Christianity, that is known as Christian Extremism, And is a political ideal that draws society towards totalitarian theocracy, isn’t a realistic “worldview”. What you have written that he said is actually a falsification of what he said.

Did Jesus come to enforce the law or Free mankind from its consequences? Was the early church a government or a socialist type division of resources? Did Jesus support “HMO’s” or did He render free healthcare?

Be careful on suggesting the RCC Rome or the RCC Reform, is a factual representation of Christian morals.


Well-known member
Um, the same woman who's daughter He healed after her persistence and who He didn't actually call a dog to begin with?

"gotquestions.org"?! May as well get the news off the back of a cereal packet...


Art Brain was suggesting that the blending of politics with Christianity, that is known as Christian Extremism, And is a political ideal that draws society towards totalitarian theocracy, isn’t a realistic “worldview”. What you have written that he said is actually a falsification of what he said.
:nono: He was arguing, specifically, about whether "dog" was an offensive gentile word. Angel said it was AND the website she used supported the interpretation. :plain:
You started this portion:
Is there an example of Jesus using modern vulgarity in scripture?

Be careful on suggesting the RCC Rome or the RCC Reform, is a factual representation of Christian morals.
I'm not Catholic and neither is anything on topic.

noun: faggot; plural noun: faggots; noun: fagot; plural noun: fagots

1.a male homosexual.
2.a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel.

Truth isnt hateful, except of course to those who don't want the truth.

1 Timothy 5:20
But those who persist in sin should be rebuked in front of everyone, so that the others will stand in fear of sin.

Whatever Christianity is, you are the one who seems to conflate it (true?) with being polite and politically correct. John 15:18,19 As much as I've been abused by legalists, I'd ALWAYS rather have them than those who attempt to make a God in their own image who is 'nicer' than the Biblical God. Anglicans, by example. Liberal Christians are liberal, thus making it up as they go and worried more about a social club than the words and work of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I'll take the lemon-sucker over and above someone who tries to make God in his/her own image and molds, rather than is molded by scripture. :e4e:

Grip Docility

New member
:nono: He was arguing, specifically, about whether "dog" was an offensive gentile word. Angel said it was AND the website she used supported the interpretation. :plain:
You started this portion:

I'm not Catholic and neither is anything on topic.

Whatever Christianity is, you are the one who seems to conflate it (true?) with being polite and politically correct. John 15:18,19 As much as I've been abused by legalists, I'd ALWAYS rather have them than those who attempt to make a God in their own image who is 'nicer' than the Biblical God. Anglicans, by example. Liberal Christians are liberal, thus making it up as they go and worried more about a social club than the words and work of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I'll take the lemon-sucker over and above someone who tries to make God in his/her own image and molds, rather than is molded by scripture. :e4e:

I was going to post this earlier, but drew back. I think it’s an excellent reply to your claims. So, keep in mind that it’s content wasn’t directed at you, but it carries words that I think are valuable.

Before I do this, I want to express that I have been worst of all in this area, and I have failed God miserably about this specific point. I have transgressed God’s call that we let go of malice, derision, strife, arguing and factions.

I treasure Jesus and Scripture with a desire to be a helpful person to Jesus. Teachings or doctrine are important. Jesus even blasted a few times throughout scripture. However, Jesus never derided people and quarreled with them for long periods of time that led to Him submerging an individual in His condescension. He expressed facts and backed them up, but knew when people were simply of a spirit of quarreling. He, Himself, avoided the spirit of quarreling at all costs.

All human beings are prideful, except for Jesus. Jesus managed to address people harshly, but with hope in his every word. Even when he expressed that the Pharisees were in danger of hellfire, He used the words; “How can you escape”. He even expressed hope in His deepest warnings!

I have come to the conclusion that there is no hope in endless disputing. I have also realized that there are people that enjoy strife and encourage others to partake of their ways. This trap seems nice at first and even brings comradery. Unfortunately, the camradery comes with a cost. Self justification to trample scripture becomes a standard practice. Within the fruits of the flesh spoken of in Galatians are warnings that the very spirit that is contrary to the Holy Spirit, is made of quarreling and factions.

I’m letting go of this chapter of my life and realizing that delivery is as meaningful as the content and accuracy of the message being delivered. If strife becomes a perpetual pursuit and quarreling with spurts of injurious words towards fellow believers becomes a norm, then all of the best intentions become nothing more than best intentions that are actually wickedness realized.

I repent of my contribution to the strife throughout my life and relinquish my participation in it as much as possible.

What finalizes my opinions on this?

I wrote the following;
Doctrine being more esteemed than a human soul. No matter how correct or incorrect the teaching, when people belittle one another over differing understandings, darkness prevails.

How does that go? As long as I know all mysteries and prophecy, I don’t have to value a single person.

I think that’s how it goes. And, who can forget when Jesus said; “they will know you by the way you disagree and despise one another like the wonderful people I exalted in Matthew 23.

You can follow the responses and my perpetual citation of scripture that binds us to gentleness, vice hostility.

The words that follow my write up here from other posters are complete encouragement that Christians are in full right to deride one another and others if they are in biblical right.

I was setting up to answer back with all thought and feeling taken into account. It would have been this that is leveled towards a particular person. Do you support this type of debate? ;
Your every response is a perpetual chest pounding parade laced with the encouraged dismissal of biblical treatment of fellow human beings.

You deride with rhetoric that is antagonistic, opinionated and overtly grandstanding.

When an opponent of yours is kind, you correct them.

When an opponent of yours is angry, you speak inflammatory words towards them.

When an opponent of yours is correct, you attempt to belittle them on a personal level.

When an opponent of yours takes on your demeanor, you call them wicked and deride them as biblically incompetent, hypocritical and wickedly motivated.

The only way to get along with you is to affirm your every word and ignore all scripture that teaches us to be self-controlled, Loving, encouraging and devoted towards humility.

A person can speak to the many people here that adopt your same spirit. All who speak to you and others here, like you, can have the Holy Spirit’s leading to Love you and others, despite your similar ways of speaking abusively and mocking fellow believers for expressing their hearts.

All teaching has its place and there is a time to ardently stand up for God, but there is a perpetual danger of ignoring the warnings of scripture that says;

2 Timothy 2:24 The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, 25 with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.


Ecclesiastes 7:9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools


Proverbs 30:33 For as churning cream produces butter, and as twisting the nose produces blood, so stirring up anger produces strife


Proverbs 13:10 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.[/spoiler]

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.​

Do you disagree that we are bound to these fruits and do you now promote these fruits?

Galatians 5:19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Aren’t you promoting that the highlighted ideals are okay, as long as a moral / theological agenda is being met?

What about this?

Galatians 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.​

Do you divide who your neighbor is from all of humanity? Who gave you that right? Did Jesus teach us to do that? Is any human being more righteous or less loved by God than another?

Where does this leave things?

Luke 16:15

Acts 15:8

And with all experience born in mind, heart and soul; Matthew 18:22


Well-known member
I was going to post this earlier, but drew back. I think it’s an excellent reply to your claims. So, keep in mind that it’s content wasn’t directed at you, but it carries words that I think are valuable.

Before I do this, I want to express that I have been worst of all in this area, and I have failed God miserably about this specific point. I have transgressed God’s call that we let go of malice, derision, strife, arguing and factions.

I treasure Jesus and Scripture with a desire to be a helpful person to Jesus. Teachings or doctrine are important. Jesus even blasted a few times throughout scripture. However, Jesus never derided people and quarreled with them for long periods of time that led to Him submerging an individual in His condescension. He expressed facts and backed them up, but knew when people were simply of a spirit of quarreling. He, Himself, avoided the spirit of quarreling at all costs.

All human beings are prideful, except for Jesus. Jesus managed to address people harshly, but with hope in his every word. Even when he expressed that the Pharisees were in danger of hellfire, He used the words; “How can you escape”. He even expressed hope in His deepest warnings!

I have come to the conclusion that there is no hope in endless disputing. I have also realized that there are people that enjoy strife and encourage others to partake of their ways. This trap seems nice at first and even brings comradery. Unfortunately, the camradery comes with a cost. Self justification to trample scripture becomes a standard practice. Within the fruits of the flesh spoken of in Galatians are warnings that the very spirit that is contrary to the Holy Spirit, is made of quarreling and factions.

I’m letting go of this chapter of my life and realizing that delivery is as meaningful as the content and accuracy of the message being delivered. If strife becomes a perpetual pursuit and quarreling with spurts of injurious words towards fellow believers becomes a norm, then all of the best intentions become nothing more than best intentions that are actually wickedness realized.

I repent of my contribution to the strife throughout my life and relinquish my participation in it as much as possible.

What finalizes my opinions on this?

I wrote the following;

You can follow the responses and my perpetual citation of scripture that binds us to gentleness, vice hostility.

The words that follow my write up here from other posters are complete encouragement that Christians are in full right to deride one another and others if they are in biblical right.

I was setting up to answer back with all thought and feeling taken into account. It would have been this that is leveled towards a particular person. Do you support this type of debate? ;
Your every response is a perpetual chest pounding parade laced with the encouraged dismissal of biblical treatment of fellow human beings.

You deride with rhetoric that is antagonistic, opinionated and overtly grandstanding.

When an opponent of yours is kind, you correct them.

When an opponent of yours is angry, you speak inflammatory words towards them.

When an opponent of yours is correct, you attempt to belittle them on a personal level.

When an opponent of yours takes on your demeanor, you call them wicked and deride them as biblically incompetent, hypocritical and wickedly motivated.

The only way to get along with you is to affirm your every word and ignore all scripture that teaches us to be self-controlled, Loving, encouraging and devoted towards humility.

A person can speak to the many people here that adopt your same spirit. All who speak to you and others here, like you, can have the Holy Spirit’s leading to Love you and others, despite your similar ways of speaking abusively and mocking fellow believers for expressing their hearts.

All teaching has its place and there is a time to ardently stand up for God, but there is a perpetual danger of ignoring the warnings of scripture that says;

2 Timothy 2:24 The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, 25 with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.



Ecclesiastes 7:9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools


Proverbs 30:33 For as churning cream produces butter, and as twisting the nose produces blood, so stirring up anger produces strife


Proverbs 13:10 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.​

Do you disagree that we are bound to these fruits and do you now promote these fruits?[/spoiler]

Galatians 5:19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Aren’t you promoting that the highlighted ideals are okay, as long as a moral / theological agenda is being met?

What about this?
Galatians 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.​

Do you divide who your neighbor is from all of humanity? Who gave you that right? Did Jesus teach us to do that? Is any human being more righteous or less loved by God than another?

Where does this leave things?

Luke 16:15

Acts 15:8

And with all experience born in mind, heart and soul; Matthew 18:22
I "think" honestly, you are projecting. You are hyper-sensitive (good thing) and dealing with things where, somehow, I've become the vehicle for your sermon. Great. I've no problem there, just realize a lot of it isn't focused at me. How could it be? You had prewritten the majority for somebody else. At any rate, a certain degree of 'emoting' is a need to say what's on your mind and an emotional drive to do so beyond the scope of a given thread. I think I actually have a thread on this somewhere :think: Civic vs Christian duties Debate self-control Avoid the-dramaz, use the ignore feature! Overcome Evil Romans 12:21

Grip Docility

New member
I "think" honestly, you are projecting. You are hyper-sensitive (good thing) and dealing with things where, somehow, I've become the vehicle for your sermon. Great. I've no problem there, just realize a lot of it isn't focused at me. How could it be? You had prewritten the majority for somebody else. At any rate, a certain degree of 'emoting' is a need to say what's on your mind and an emotional drive to do so beyond the scope of a given thread. I think I actually have a thread on this somewhere :think: Civic vs Christian duties Debate self-control Avoid the-dramaz, use the ignore feature! Overcome Evil Romans 12:21

I answers this, in the unspoiled portion of my reply.http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...d-pedophiles&p=5138730&viewfull=1#post5138730

Saying “Emoting” and redirection of the fact that the unspoilered scripture and points directly backed art leaves my post unanswered by you.

Do we discount Jesus’ call to treat others with Love because global church and religious agenda say we should?

Do we promote the fruits of the flesh?


Well-known member
I answers this, in the unspoiled portion of my reply.http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...d-pedophiles&p=5138730&viewfull=1#post5138730

Saying “Emoting” and redirection of the fact that the unspoilered scripture and points directly backed art leaves my post unanswered by you.

Do we discount Jesus’ call to treat others with Love because global church and religious agenda say we should?

Do we promote the fruits of the flesh?

Jesus directly compared the gentile to a dog and it was indeed, 'less than' the children by status and comparison. Whatever I am, I want it to be like Him instead of Politically Correct (pleasing the crowd) mediocrity. On top of that, I just listed about 5 threads where this particular part of the discussion would be better served. Go figure a thread about pedophiles, would be refocused on 'how not to offend pedophiles.' You can call me insensitive, but I'll take 'love the child victim' over the abuser in this instance. So if we ask WWJD? Luke 17:1-3 "Woe..." That's WJWD and does. You aren't called to be unwise and flippantly 'loving anybody anyway we see fit.' You are called to love according to a higher affirmation. What you sow in the flesh, you will reap in the flesh. What you sow in the Spirit, will be reaped in the Spirit. Don't be so mushy that you conflate the two! Stand for God. "Loving man" is 'like' the first commandment. Your first order is to love Him. Do that and I'll have no problems with you. If your gospel is only concerned with man, it is no gospel. There is no good news in a social liberal watered down church that isn't interested in loving God. The scriptures are clear: You CAN offend God AND the world will 'not' love you. Why? Think about that. If you love them, 'regardless' why won't they love you? :think: John 15:18 2 Corinthians 6:14 Again, I may disagree with the legalist, but I'm more for having a hard conversation than one where I compromise my love for God for foolishness. If that isn't you? Great, take care of yourself. I'm not into 'peace by any means.' Christ DID come to pit relatives against one another and to bring a sword. I'm supposed to be 'as wise as a serpent' in there somewhere while I'm led to the slaughter as a gentle sheep. -Lon


Well-known member
I "think" honestly, you are projecting. You are hyper-sensitive (good thing) and dealing with things where, somehow, I've become the vehicle for your sermon. Great. I've no problem there, just realize a lot of it isn't focused at me. How could it be? You had prewritten the majority for somebody else. At any rate, a certain degree of 'emoting' is a need to say what's on your mind and an emotional drive to do so beyond the scope of a given thread. I think I actually have a thread on this somewhere :think: Civic vs Christian duties Debate self-control Avoid the-dramaz, use the ignore feature! Overcome Evil Romans 12:21

Yep, prewritten. Good call, Lon.

It's Evil having a little hissy fit. Still blaming me for his horrible life. Poor baby. :baby:


Well-known member
Jesus directly compared the gentile to a dog and it was indeed, 'less than' the children by status and comparison. Whatever I am, I want it to be like Him instead of Politically Correct (pleasing the crowd) mediocrity. On top of that, I just listed about 5 threads where this particular part of the discussion would be better served. Go figure a thread about pedophiles, would be refocused on 'how not to offend pedophiles.' You can call me insensitive, but I'll take 'love the child victim' over the abuser in this instance. So if we ask WWJD? Luke 17:1-3 "Woe..." That's WJWD and does. You aren't called to be unwise and flippantly 'loving anybody anyway we see fit.' You are called to love according to a higher affirmation. What you sow in the flesh, you will reap in the flesh. What you sow in the Spirit, will be reaped in the Spirit. Don't be so mushy that you conflate the two! Stand for God. "Loving man" is 'like' the first commandment. Your first order is to love Him. Do that and I'll have no problems with you. If your gospel is only concerned with man, it is no gospel. There is no good news in a social liberal watered down church that isn't interested in loving God. The scriptures are clear: You CAN offend God AND the world will 'not' love you. Why? Think about that. If you love them, 'regardless' why won't they love you? :think: John 15:18 2 Corinthians 6:14 Again, I may disagree with the legalist, but I'm more for having a hard conversation than one where I compromise my love for God for foolishness. If that isn't you? Great, take care of yourself. I'm not into 'peace by any means.' Christ DID come to pit relatives against one another and to bring a sword. I'm supposed to be 'as wise as a serpent' in there somewhere while I'm led to the slaughter as a gentle sheep. -Lon

Good post, Lon. Some people assume because they get angry and take things personally, that others do as well. They project their hate onto others, when there was none there at all. Those who get their feelings hurt are too invested in themselves to see beyond themselves. There is no LOVE without truth. I find it odd that certain people can never let go of a perceived "slight". It becomes a cancer that eats at their very soul.

Preaching against the "mush" is a good thing, brother. Keep it up. :thumb:

Grip Docility

New member
Jesus directly compared the gentile to a dog and it was indeed, 'less than' the children by status and comparison. Whatever I am, I want it to be like Him instead of Politically Correct (pleasing the crowd) mediocrity. On top of that, I just listed about 5 threads where this particular part of the discussion would be better served. Go figure a thread about pedophiles, would be refocused on 'how not to offend pedophiles.' You can call me insensitive, but I'll take 'love the child victim' over the abuser in this instance. So if we ask WWJD? Luke 17:1-3 "Woe..." That's WJWD and does. You aren't called to be unwise and flippantly 'loving anybody anyway we see fit.' You are called to love according to a higher affirmation. What you sow in the flesh, you will reap in the flesh. What you sow in the Spirit, will be reaped in the Spirit. Don't be so mushy that you conflate the two! Stand for God. "Loving man" is 'like' the first commandment. Your first order is to love Him. Do that and I'll have no problems with you. If your gospel is only concerned with man, it is no gospel. There is no good news in a social liberal watered down church that isn't interested in loving God. The scriptures are clear: You CAN offend God AND the world will 'not' love you. Why? Think about that. If you love them, 'regardless' why won't they love you? :think: John 15:18 2 Corinthians 6:14 Again, I may disagree with the legalist, but I'm more for having a hard conversation than one where I compromise my love for God for foolishness. If that isn't you? Great, take care of yourself. I'm not into 'peace by any means.' Christ DID come to pit relatives against one another and to bring a sword. I'm supposed to be 'as wise as a serpent' in there somewhere while I'm led to the slaughter as a gentle sheep. -Lon

Twice you misrepresent. The subcontext was about homosexuals, not pedophiles.


Hall of Fame
That and more. Republicans stand for:

* Attacks on journalists, rhetorical and physical.
* Child molestation.
* Politicized "justice".
* Attempting to take away health care.
* Attempting a massive tax cut for the wealthy.

Indeed ... I am not certain if it is something new OR if they have just become emboldened since Trump took office.

patrick jane

Republicans Democrats stand for:

* Attacks on journalists, rhetorical and physical. And attacks on innocent protesters, property damage, controlling free speech, baby killing, 182 genders, open borders, unlimited immigration, amnesty for all illegals, universal healthcare, socialism, santuary cities, groping, Hollywood, Crooked Hillary, obstruction, doing nothing, the list goes on
* Child molestation.
* Politicized "justice" witch hunts.
* Attempting to take away destroy health care.
* Attempting a massive tax cut for the wealthy NOBODY.


Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned Tuesday after more allegations of child sexual abuse surfaced in what is becoming a disturbing pattern of Democratic politicians involved in crimes and allegations of child sexual abuse — scandals largely ignored by the media.

Murray’s resignation, effective 5 p.m. on Wednesday, comes after a fifth allegation of child sexual abuse surfaced on Tuesday — this time from a family member.
However, Murray’s alleged behavior is not alone; several major Democrats are facing charges or received convictions regarding sexual crimes related to children over the past year.

Let's be fair and impartial here folks.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
:doh: "Biblical" questions.... I don't think you can fault a site for being true to its worldview.

"Your Christian or biblical worldview is unacceptable and only nonChristian worldviews matter!" :(

Sure, it's true to it's worldview, a very fundamentalist one and also a very simplistic one IMO. Don't really know what you're getting at with the last.

patrick jane

Michigan Rep. John Conyers on Sunday stepped aside as the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, but again denied recent allegations of sexual and inappropriate conduct.
“In light of the attention drawn by recent allegations made against me, I have notified the Democratic leader of my request to step aside as ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee during the investigation of these matters,” Conyers said in a statement.
The 88-year-old Conyers, starting last week, was hit with several allegations of misconduct while in Congress that are now being investigated by the House Ethics Committee.



Well-known member
I wish you knew Jesus better.

I did not read it but I know many Christians are into world's affairs which is wrong.

:doh: Read the book! If you do not know your Bible (including Paul, Jesus' chosen apostle), you do NOT know Jesus.

Whatever version of Jesus you know, It is 'your' version of Him unless all you know of Him is in your Bible and you read it. Your emoting afterwards means nothing. We don't get to make up our own personal Jesus. He is who He is. Learn to know Him and change yourself, not Him. :mmph:


Well-known member
Sure, it's true to it's worldview, a very fundamentalist one and also a very simplistic one IMO. Don't really know what you're getting at with the last.

Because it WAS a biblical reference. Where else would you go for a reference to Jesus and a gentile 'dog?' :confused: I don't know if you realize it, but your disdain of 'gotquestions' over a biblical matter is particularly odd. It was/is a biblical concern.