Hollywood pedophiles

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I did not say ACW voted for Clinton, tho I suspect the moby probably did.

I said exactly what he admitted -- that he would prefer Clinton winning over Trump. That is a fact.

He's as much a Moby as you are doofus. Sure, he might have said he'd prefer Clinton to Trump out of the two but then that's kind of uncharacteristically sane of the guy. That walking, tweeting time bomb in the oval office is a very unfunny joke.


Well-known member
A homosexual who is not convicted of his/her sin will see no need for Christ; the good news will be meaningless. You don't need a Savior if you don't think you have something you need saved from.


Well-known member
He's as much a Moby as you are doofus. Sure, he might have said he'd prefer Clinton to Trump out of the two but then that's kind of uncharacteristically sane of the guy. That walking, tweeting time bomb in the oval office is a very unfunny joke.

Fix your bucket bombings, acid throwings, random knifings and increasing gun crime and then get back to us about our problems.

Our country, for all its flaws and corruption, is still FAR better than your dissipated husk of a once great nation. Why? Because worst case scenario, WE still have the means to press the ultimate Reset button.

You are, literally, a subject and ultimately utterly powerless before the State.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Fix your bucket bombings, acid throwings, random knifings and increasing gun crime and then get back to us about our problems.

Our country, for all its flaws and corruption, is still FAR better than your dissipated husk of a once great nation. Why? Because worst case scenario, WE still have the means to press the ultimate Reset button.

You are, literally, a subject and ultimately utterly powerless before the State.

Oh quit with the pompous windbag routine for once in your life will ya? All the above is just the usual hot air. You're in no position to go on about gun crime or random violence and stop kidding yourself that you have some sort of power as a US citizen. You've as much as I have.


Well-known member
Oh quit with the pompous windbag routine for once in your life will ya? All the above is just the usual hot air. You're in no position to go on about gun crime or random violence and stop kidding yourself that you have some sort of power as a US citizen. You've as much as I have.

Worst case scenario for each of us...I and almost every other American are much, much better off than you and most Europeans. Suck the fact, sonny. I know it hurts.


New member
There is a three fold simplicity that is being evaded...

1) Sin is Sin ... 613 Mitzvots
2) Forgiveness is Forgiveness
3) No one is void of sin but God

This means Gays are picked out to be derided because it’s easy for me and all Heterosexual Christians to say...

Oh Lord, thank goodness I didn’t list after a person of my same sex today.

The sad truth...

Like 18:9-14

What to be understood... people point out homosexual sin to make themselves feel better about their own sins and hide their sins all that much better.

Perhaps we should all go line by line by the 613... then break out James chapter 2.

The one of us that has no sin can go back to elevating types of sin over others.

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Well-known member
There is a three fold simplicity that is being evaded...

1) Sin is Sin ... 613 Mitzvots
2) Forgiveness is Forgiveness
3) No one is void of sin but God

This means Gays are picked out to be derided because it’s easy for me and all Heterosexual Christians to say...

Oh Lord, thank goodness I didn’t list after a person of my same sex today.

The sad truth...

Like 18:9-14

What to be understood... people point out homosexual sin to make themselves feel better about their own sins and hide their sins all that much better.

Perhaps we should all go line by line by the 613... then break out James chapter 2.

The one of us that has no sin can go back to elevating types of sin over others.

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I, in my flesh, am no better than the worst sinner on Earth, for my flesh is the same as his (or hers). In me - in my flesh - dwells NO good thing. You won't catch me saying "There, but for the grace of God, go I," for that saying is wrong. Flesh is flesh, there is none righteous, however many different ways the sins of the flesh can be manifested.

But there are two reasons homosexuality gets the attention it does here (imo).

1) It is increasingly being pushed as normal when it is not. More and more people are becoming convinced that it is -- I just read that a poll (for whatever it's worth) indicates a majority of voting Australians now support homosexual marriage.

2) There seems to be a singular abomination about this sin which, in Scripture, seems to set it apart from all others. Sexual sin is always singled out but sodomy is in particular. Paul marked it as a sign that one's mind and heart have gone dark and can go no darker. We simply affirm that. Is it the ONLY sin on Earth? Of course not. But it seems there's something singularly wicked about the utter inversion of its perverseness that is unlike no other sin. We are not at fault for simply pointing that out.

You said you were leaving for good.


New member
I, in my flesh, am no better than the worst sinner on Earth, for my flesh is the same as his (or hers). In me - in my flesh - dwells NO good thing. You won't catch me saying "There, but for the grace of God, go I," for that saying is wrong. Flesh is flesh, there is none righteous, however many different ways the sins of the flesh can be manifested.

But there are two reasons homosexuality gets the attention it does here (imo).

1) It is increasingly being pushed as normal when it is not. More and more people are becoming convinced that it is -- I just read that a poll (for whatever it's worth) indicates a majority of voting Australians now support homosexual marriage.

2) There seems to be a singular abomination about this sin which, in Scripture, seems to set it apart from all others. Sexual sin is always singled out but sodomy is in particular. Paul marked it as a sign that one's mind and heart have gone dark and can go no darker. We simply affirm that. Is it the ONLY sin on Earth? Of course not. But it seems there's something singularly wicked about the utter inversion of its perverseness that is unlike no other sin. We are not at fault for simply pointing that out.

You said you were leaving for good.

No, Musty,

Ask a Jew. You are teaching Judaism... It’s #209

Here’s exact address of what you speak of...


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New member
Oh, you go from up-thumbing me and others to now accusing us of teaching Judaism.

The ladies were right, you are deceitful or you're crazy as a box of frogs. Now you're on ignore.

The sad truth is that modern Judaism is actually more forgiving, rational and sincere about morality than much of tainted Christianity that actively claims grace, and then politicizes Jesus, while judging others as MORE sinful than themselves.

Jesus warned of this.

Even Romans 2 and James 2 go hand in hand to agree with me that being forgiven of sin and then judging others for the way they sin, is a super de duper bad idea.

We have a deal to be forgiven as long as we extend that forgiveness. When we judge, we become guilty of our sin, once more.

Judge not lest he be judged goes to the sinner, Saint, Saint judging the sinner, sinner judging the Saint and sinner judging the sinner.

This is why taking up the cross with cross brings so much shame.

We must Philippians 2 with Jesus, and count the least of these, greater than ourselves.

People don’t tend to like that part of it.

People dislike relinquishing the “I’m better than someone else”, part of their belief systems.

This was fueled by the T in TULIP! The idea that their are deeper reprobates than others that may be derided as more reprobates than others.

Shoot the messenger, why don’t ya!

Love is right wing Mercy and it is more radical than we can comprehend! Shoot, they flat out killed God incarnate for teaching it!

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New member
The moment a person within a theological group was supported for obfuscating that Jesus died for all, was the moment I was liberated from the idea that theological cliques hold any value.

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