His Feet Shall Stand on the Mount of Olives


Well-known member
The day of the lord is here. The world has turned against Israel. I would say that he will stand on the mount of olives close to the "feast of trumpets" 2022. Israel's Sanhedrin counsel met in July 2016 and declared a Jubilee. In order to declare a Jubilee Israel must be a God mandated state which was declared. The UN resolution was the response.

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

In the next two years Jesus will wipe out millions. He is the stone as referred to in Daniel. The day of the lord is vengeance and gathering of the wheat.

Trump and Israel tunnel vision. God has definitely placed a plan in Trumps's minion brain.

1, the Bible is not a prognostication of specific modern events
2, the stone was the kingdom of God that 'turned the world upside down' as Acts said when it came; it is not a state brick and mortar administration as we know it; it is the spread of the Gospel
3, since when has modern Israel been spiritually-driven? In a NT sense? Or does that matter?
4, the day of the Lord was the cluster of events from Pentecost (Spirit) to the destruction of Jerusalem (destruction) in the 1st century, including the spread of the Gospel (dreams and visions)
5, if you know church history, you know that wreckless people like you have predicted 'millions will die in the next 2 years' all through church history, to the point of being totally ridiculous


New member
We are at a distinct advantage here. We can see it happening.

The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

Prophecy fulfilled.

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New member
1, the Bible is not a prognostication of specific modern events
2, the stone was the kingdom of God that 'turned the world upside down' as Acts said when it came; it is not a state brick and mortar administration as we know it; it is the spread of the Gospel
3, since when has modern Israel been spiritually-driven? In a NT sense? Or does that matter?
4, the day of the Lord was the cluster of events from Pentecost (Spirit) to the destruction of Jerusalem (destruction) in the 1st century, including the spread of the Gospel (dreams and visions)
5, if you know church history, you know that wreckless people like you have predicted 'millions will die in the next 2 years' all through church history, to the point of being totally ridiculous

I'm sorry but there are already millions being buried in the Middle East. You need to open your eyes.

I sense a Seventh day Adventist doctrine. The day of the lord is punishment and wheat gathering. The statue of Daniel is here again with a different gold head. The remnant shall be saved.

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New member
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

What country is the woman,mother of the manchild?

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New member
I'm sorry but there are already millions being buried in the Middle East. You need to open your eyes.

I sense a Seventh day Adventist doctrine. The day of the lord is punishment and wheat gathering. The statue of Daniel is here again with a different gold head. The remnant shall be saved.

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Why is Satan still attacking Israel? Because God allows it. Why does he allow it? So more people can turn to Jesus through woken up by the tribulations. Tribulations is last chance to come to Jesus.
Pope Francis just opened an embassy for the Palestinians at the Vatican. Now can you see how your doctrine has met up with Pope. He also hates Israel and Jews.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Come out of the whole church religious system in your mind. It's about Jesus.

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1, the Bible is not a prognostication of specific modern events
2, the stone was the kingdom of God that 'turned the world upside down' as Acts said when it came; it is not a state brick and mortar administration as we know it; it is the spread of the Gospel
3, since when has modern Israel been spiritually-driven? In a NT sense? Or does that matter?
4, the day of the Lord was the cluster of events from Pentecost (Spirit) to the destruction of Jerusalem (destruction) in the 1st century, including the spread of the Gospel (dreams and visions)
5, if you know church history, you know that wreckless people like you have predicted 'millions will die in the next 2 years' all through church history, to the point of being totally ridiculous

Thank you for kindly insinuating your Scriptural understanding is the law of the land.

If you could please go and hang out with the Calvinists, Jehovas Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, LA and Jamie... that would be great. You're in great eschatological company. How could all of you be wrong?

#Run along Timmy, you have a well to fall down so Lassy can go get help.
#Arf, Arf, Bark, Bark


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Where will that be?

No one is sure of the location of the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
Believed by most to be the valley of Kidron (also called Cedron in the NT (John 18:1).

Makes sense in that it is the valley that seperates the area of the old city of David and the temple mount from the Mount of Olives.
The garden of Gethsemane was in this area.
The Kidron valley runs all the way to the Dead Sea.

Jehoshaphat means 'GOD's judgment, so the valley is the valley of GOD's judgment.


Well-known member
Opinions please!

When will this prophecy be fulfilled?:

"For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east" (Zech.14:2-4).​

In the future.


Well-known member

Thank you for kindly insinuating your Scriptural understanding is the law of the land.

If you could please go and hang out with the Calvinists, Jehovas Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, LA and Jamie... that would be great. You're in great eschatological company. How could all of you be wrong?

That was the voice of unbelief you were replying to there.


Well-known member

Franco is the Messiah?

# Back to studying

# Daniel just got totally rewritten

I liked it when he came to visit Bobby Brady and pronounced the lad to be Saint Robert and inaugurated the Feast of Alice via the apostle Sam, whose occupation was as a meatmaker.


Well-known member
Just off the wire from the Musterion Translation Service.

1, the Bible is not a prognostication of specific modern events

"The Bible cannot be believed."

2, the stone was the kingdom of God that 'turned the world upside down' as Acts said when it came; it is not a state brick and mortar administration as we know it; it is the spread of the Gospel

"I am your Interpreter. Fear and obey me, lest some nonliteral calamity come upon you."

3, since when has modern Israel been spiritually-driven? In a NT sense? Or does that matter?

"Do not reply. These are questions for which I neither want nor need answers since my infallible mind is made up."

4, the day of the Lord was the cluster of events from Pentecost (Spirit) to the destruction of Jerusalem (destruction) in the 1st century, including the spread of the Gospel (dreams and visions)

"You're reading it all wrong. If I can just come into your living room and share some literature with you..."

5, if you know church history, you know that wreckless people like you have predicted 'millions will die in the next 2 years' all through church history, to the point of being totally ridiculous

"You're all ridiculous even though my infallible mind cannot manage to spell reckless."


The Posse is in the house! : )

# [MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION]
# [MENTION=15685]musterion[/MENTION]

#Order is restored!
#Western Eschatological Drones Sweating, and Tam and Musty haven't even fired a single shot yet!

#Evil.Eye.<(I)> happy.


Well-known member
In all seriousness, and with all deference and respect to STP and JohnW, the Tribulation did not begin with the colorization of Mayberry and the dubious promotion of Emmet to a primary character. This, all orthodox scholars believe, only marked the beginning of birth pangs. Likewise the unexplained replacement of Darren 1a with Darren 2b, which was only a sign in the "heavens" of VHF television transmission. The Tribulation actually began when Mike Brady got a permed fro. It was an abomination. Then Oliver showed up, and set himself up in one of the upstairs bedrooms. I need not tell you who Oliver was.


In all seriousness, and with all deference and respect to STP and JohnW, the Tribulation did not begin with the colorization of Mayberry and the dubious promotion of Emmet to a primary character. This, all orthodox scholars believe, only marked the beginning of birth pangs. Likewise the unexplained replacement of Darren 1a with Darren 2b, which was only a sign in the "heavens" of VHF television transmission. The Tribulation actually began when Mike Brady got a permed fro. It was an abomination. Then Oliver showed up, and set himself up in one of the upstairs bedrooms. I need not tell you who Oliver was.

Darn-it Musty!

Slow down, my Bible margins are full and I have to get another Hi-Lighter. Ok... I wrote it all in 2 Daniel chapter 5.

Does that make Darren 2b the Anti-Darren?


New member
Even White was a true false prophet tgat almost caused the disappearance of the SDA church. She said that Jesus had entered the chambers already and we are talking about in 1888. She was trying to interpret the Bible before 1948 when certain bible books and passages couldn't even be fully interpreted. Those books and passages are now fully interpretable. How can people disregard whole passages that start with "in that day" or disregard verses such as in Mathew 24. You have to eat the whole plate.

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And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

What country is the woman,mother of the manchild?

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I will be blunt... I don't like drawing up end is nigh signs or naming years... but, I love your enthusiasm and passion! You have made me think here! I like this posed question!
[MENTION=10]Jerry Shugart[/MENTION],

Is this about Israel disappearing and re-emerging, in your opinion?