Hillary who?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The wheels are coming off the Hillary Clinton campaign. The White House is taking shots at her, the F.B.I. has expanded its investigation into her use of a private email server, she lost the endorsement of MoveOn.org, and now a self-avowed socialist is up 14 points against the Bungler of Benghazi in New Hampshire.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the question is, can bernie energize the base?

i'm confident that hillary can't

i don't know anything about bernie
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the only one bernie can beat
neither can get the nomination
that is the truth


the question is, can bernie energize the base?

i'm confidant that hillary can't

i don't know anything about bernie

He's a self-described Democratic socialist whose entire platform is basically the "We are the 99%" stuff from a while back. He has no super-pacs and relies entirely on contributions from the voter base. His campaign is basically giving the one finger salute to the Washington establishment and to corporate America.

Major proposals:

1. Medicare for all
2. Free college tuition for everyone
3. $15 per hour minimum wage

Also, he's an old Jew.

Here's the speech he gave last night after the primaries in Iowa. He basically hits on all of the issues.

Bernie Sanders Iowa Speech


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
He's a self-described Democratic socialist whose entire platform is basically the "We are the 99%" stuff from a while back. He has no super-pacs and relies entirely on contributions from the voter base. His campaign is basically giving the one finger salute to the Washington establishment and to corporate America.

Major proposals:

1. Medicare for all
2. Free college tuition for everyone
3. $15 per hour minimum wage

so is he your first or second choice?
do you still like trump?


why don't you stay out of these political threads?

Do you have an alternative? Are you aware of any US politicians who are anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, actually want to do something about climate change (even the pope admits that it's real and that we have to do something about it) and want to pursue social/economic justice?

By all means, if you are aware of a better candidate, please tell me.


The wheels are coming off the Hillary Clinton campaign. The White House is taking shots at her, the F.B.I. has expanded its investigation into her use of a private email server, she lost the endorsement of MoveOn.org, and now a self-avowed socialist is up 14 points against the Bungler of Benghazi in New Hampshire.

And Bill Clinton was so looking forward to returning to The White House where he could have his own personal rape room. Why must you always be the bearer of bad news res?



Bernie sanders is the very devil!

You are really old, no?

If so, he's "the very devil" who wishes to make it so that you no longer have to have supplementary insurance for medicare, pay a deductible, etc, and would probably save you quite a bit of money every year if you aren't filthy rich.