Always bad news to the unbelievers
You're a "Calvinist Puppet" that's all!
Always bad news to the unbelievers
Should I waste my time on Grosnick?
You're a "Calvinist Puppet" that's all!
Your time, as well as your posts, are cheap! Spend as much time
as you want!
Give us another word
No. God preordained me to give you only the word witchcraft. You flout His sovereign will asking for another. By the authority of Augustine, cease your calumny, yea verily.
As I said, I was in the Word - Faith Movement. I went to Copeland revivals in St. Louis. I've read countless books by Copeland, Hagen, Savelle, Oral Roberts, Marilyn Hickey, etc. I spoke in tongues as did my wife. We nearly double-tithed every year. The New Age Movement started to infiltrate Grace World Outreach Center in St. Louis County. It's now known as Grace Church. My wife told me about the shenanigans going on during the "Happy Hunters" crusade some years before I became a Christian. God opened our eyes. If the Holy Spirit doesn't convict you that striving for riches which are perishable instead of developing a closer relationship with Jesus is more important, no amount of words on my part will ever be adequate. I prefer not to waste my limited amount of time left on this planet on fruitless endeavors.
You'd never convince Andy no matter what you said anyway.
Those "Hucksters" need to be exposed! Kenneth Copeland,
the late Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, etc. do not preach the truth of God's
word! Theses "types" preach prosperity, (especially their own) false
doctrine, and signs and wonders that don't come from God!
They're a cancer on the landscape of Christianity, the whole bunch of them!
I understand why you choose to believe that. But to the contrary, I am only rejecting the false gospel they present to the sheep who blindly follow them instead of the Good Shepard. And the gospel they preach is not good news. It is a gospel for the worldly. It is seductive and takes away from the glory of God so your eyes are fixed on the things of this world instead of Jesus. The things of this world are perishable. Jesus was, is and is to come for all time and beyond time.None of this has anything to do with word faith. I see you rejecting people here.
I understand why you choose to believe that. But to the contrary, I am only rejecting the false gospel they present to the sheep who blindly follow them instead of the Good Shepard. And the gospel they preach is not good news. It is a gospel for the worldly. It is seductive and takes away from the glory of God so your eyes are fixed on the things of this world instead of Jesus. The things of this world are perishable. Jesus was, is and is to come for all time and beyond time.
If the Word-Faith Movement was still pure and without self-centered desires, Jesus words would be abounding in society with miracles happening on a regular ongoing basis. What has robbed God of His Glory, is people like Pat Robertson who claim that their prayers caused a hurricane to change track sparing his residence. The fact is a lot of Christians were killed by that hurricane. Should I blame God or Pat Robertson? Think about it.Much of word faith teaching is base around Mark 11:23.
"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
When this is balanced with verses such as James 4:2-3, there is a powerful truth here that word faith people have latched on to strongly.
If the Word-Faith Movement was still pure and without self-centered desires, Jesus words would be abounding in society with miracles happening on a regular ongoing basis. What has robbed God of His Glory, is people like Pat Robertson who claim that their prayers caused a hurricane to change track sparing his residence. The fact is a lot of Christians were killed by that hurricane. Should I blame God or Pat Robertson? Think about it.
If the Word-Faith Movement was still pure and without self-centered desires, Jesus words would be abounding in society with miracles happening on a regular ongoing basis. What has robbed God of His Glory, is people like Pat Robertson who claim that their prayers caused a hurricane to change track sparing his residence. The fact is a lot of Christians were killed by that hurricane. Should I blame God or Pat Robertson? Think about it.
I had a guy (who is into the whole NAR scene) tell me God has essentially blinded me from seeing the limb restorations and raising of stone-cold corpses that's going on ALL THE TIME AROUND THE WORLD. The reason he said God has blinded me? Because I asked for video evidence of the claims, none of which exists. He said God only allows those with faith to see it, to see it.
Andy is a milder case of the same basic contagion: Scripture < Experience.
I am focusing on ministers I have seen in person. That list includes Joyce Meyer, Hilton Sutton, Charles Capps, and others I'd rather forget. My wife tells me when she had hands laid on her from the "Happy Hunters" and she didn't swoon, she got hit in the head so she went down on her knees.This has nothing to do with word faith.
You are again focusing on media ministers.
I'm beginning to think that you have been sucked into the world of media ministers, and have become demoralized by the what seems like a circus. Basically I never watch any of them, not because I hate them, but because they do nothing for me. However, I'm still going to believe that Jesus said "you shall have whatsoever you say", not because Hagin made it popular, or copeland has written books on it, but because the word says it.
The devil likes to disarm the power of the word, using whatever method necessary.
Actually, scripture + Faith = experience.
You see, even if I never ever saw anything, I'd still believe it because the word says it.
I am focusing on ministers I have seen in person. That list includes Joyce Meyer, Hilton Sutton, Charles Capps, and others I'd rather forget. My wife tells me when she had hands laid on her from the "Happy Hunters" and she didn't swoon, she got hit in the head so she went down on her knees.
In my Blog, I talk about my conversion experience at Silver Dollar City while a gunsmith was telling his conversion experience (much more dramatic than mine) and I knew, sure as I'm typing this, that he was speaking the truth. I could tangibly feel the Holy Spirit in the room. I rarely felt that at the non-denomination church my wife and I would later be members of, even when hands were laid on me. You judge me because I don't fit your preconceived stereotype. This is your problem not mine.
The word-faith teachers I have been around tend to take scriptures out of context to suit their needs. I am a strong proponent of expository teaching. You let the scriptures say what they say, and if interpretation is needed, I let scriptures interpret scriptures, in context. This is why I prefer the teaching of someone like John MacArthur, and others like him. The sponsored Southern Baptist Church teacher who left St. Charles, Mo. for Kansas City, Mo. was like that. It was a small, intimate church where I believed my wife and I could have really grown in. But God's plans come first, and I would not have it any other way.I'm not judging you at all. I'm just not seeing anything against the teaching of word faith. You are using the title of a specific doctrine to come against the practices of certain media ministers.
So if I told you that I am a proponent of "word faith", what does that mean to you?
You would seem to interpret this as someone who's plugged into TBN and watches the likes of Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland.