Hello one and all!


New member
As I said, it wasn't my idea. I'm sorry you have a problem with me being in Messianic Judaism.

I have a problem with calling it a Judaism and I have a problem with using the label Jew for yourself. A Messianic "Jew" is a Jewish person who is also a Christian. I don't care what beliefs you hold or where you go to church. Makes absolutely no difference to me. My problem is that you are misleading people.

There is something wrong with not being one of God's people. That would mean that one has not accepted Yeshua as Messiah; that one is not grafted into God's tree of life and that is very sad, indeed.

Here you are missing the point because of the messianic delusion perpetuated by other non-Jewish messianics. Why do you believe you have to be "grated into Judah" to have a connection with God? That is not taught by Christianity. It is not taught by Judaism. You guys came up with it all on your own out of what seems to be feelings of inferiority. That's what I'm saying is sad and I don't understand it.


New member
I'm going to write regarding this conversation without quoting any of you, I hope to the Lord God I do not offend anyone, I just want to say something today, please.

If I had to describe a spiritual tree that could also be described in times past as the wife of God I would have to remember the wife comparison. How would she look? Physically alive. She is alive.
But she's dressed in black like a widow.
If you told her husband is alve and coming back for her - how do you think she would feel? I mean really, how would you feel?
Afraid? Angry? Upset? I would.

I would be upset and terrified, I would cry from a long way off, "Don't hit me again!" Because a lot of hard things have happened between these two. You might almost think she does better as a widow, she and her children.

So many believers are drawn like bees to a flowering vine to all things Jewish.
Isn't that a gift from God? A kindness? At least we can know those that are
not kind or good but are bad are not from God. Praise God


New member
Uhm, Ruth and Tamar?

Judaism holds that Tamar was an Isralite and Ruth a convert. Ruth's circumstance is not anywhere near the same as a Christian's. She is an example of a convert, not of a Christian who believes they are grafted.


So many believers are drawn like bees to a flowering vine to all things Jewish.Isn't that a gift from God? A kindness? At least we can know those that are
not kind or good but are bad are not from God. Praise God

I know I am but I only want to learn from them I don't want to "be" them.


New member
If I had to describe a spiritual tree that could also be described in times past as the wife of God I would have to remember the wife comparison. How would she look? Physically alive. She is alive.
But she's dressed in black like a widow.
If you told her husband is alve and coming back for her - how do you think she would feel? I mean really, how would you feel?
Afraid? Angry? Upset? I would.

I would be upset and terrified, I would cry from a long way off, "Don't hit me again!" Because a lot of hard things have happened between these two. You might almost think she does better as a widow, she and her children.

Rainee, I really have no idea what point you are making here. Can you try to explain it?

So many believers are drawn like bees to a flowering vine to all things Jewish. Isn't that a gift from God? A kindness? At least we can know those that are not kind or good but are bad are not from God. Praise God

But the Messianic Christians are not drawn to all things Jewish. Their religion and their culture is in fact vastly different from Judaism. They want something but yet on the other hand they don't want to give up what they already have and the two do not easily mix. To label themselves as Judaism or to call themselves Jew (if they aren't) is misleading, dishonest and deceitful and unecessary. In doing so they warp Judaism and turn around and claim they are the ones doing it right and we're doing it wrong. They spread those falshoods and teach them to people who do not know any better. So no, it isn't a gift from God. At best it's a nuisance. At worse it drags the uneducated away from real Judaism and portrays Jews incorrectly to the Christian world.

There are ways to appreciate and even be included in the Jewish community without labeling oneself as a type of Judaism or attaching the label "Jew" to one who isn't Jewish.

Okay, now it's time for my Yom Kippur nap. Goodnight. :D


New member
I have a problem with calling it a Judaism and I have a problem with using the label Jew for yourself. A Messianic "Jew" is a Jewish person who is also a Christian. I don't care what beliefs you hold or where you go to church. Makes absolutely no difference to me. My problem is that you are misleading people.

Well, I'm willing to compromise to make you feel better. As soon as I'm allowed a siggy, I'll be happy to put that I'm a Messianic Gentile in it.

Here you are missing the point because of the messianic delusion perpetuated by other non-Jewish messianics. Why do you believe you have to be "grated into Judah" to have a connection with God? That is not taught by Christianity. It is not taught by Judaism. You guys came up with it all on your own out of what seems to be feelings of inferiority. That's what I'm saying is sad and I don't understand it.

It also wasn't all that long ago that you were saying that Messianic Jews aren't Jews anymore but mere Hebrew Christians.

Dena, I haven't bought into anything but Scripture. It's Scripture that has provided my belief and I don't believe I'm grafted into Yeshua's tribe in order to have a connection with God. Yeshua's death and resurrection and my belief in that is what gives me access and connection to God. Being grafted in; being adopted....well, that's God's gift through Yeshua and it is most certainly what is taught in Scripture and perpetuated in Christianity.

You guys?.....You guys came up with it? Who is "you guys"? I don't know why Messianic Judaism upsets you so much and I don't know what I or anyone in Messianic Judaism would have to feel inferior about. You're right about one thing...Messianic Judaism isn't Judaism. Judaism denies Yeshua HaMashiach. Messianic Judaism doesn't.


New member
But the Messianic Christians are not drawn to all things Jewish. Their religion and their culture is in fact vastly different from Judaism. They want something but yet on the other hand they don't want to give up what they already have and the two do not easily mix. To label themselves as Judaism or to call themselves Jew (if they aren't) is misleading, dishonest and deceitful and unecessary. In doing so they warp Judaism and turn around and claim they are the ones doing it right and we're doing it wrong. They spread those falshoods and teach them to people who do not know any better. So no, it isn't a gift from God. At best it's a nuisance. At worse it drags the uneducated away from real Judaism and portrays Jews incorrectly to the Christian world.

Giving up what we already have would mean everlasting hell and so that's pretty good incentive not to give it up, don't you think? Besides that, this life and everlasting life is nothing if the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is not at the head of it. Why would anyone who has tasted of that goodness want to give it up?


Oh, trust me Sky, I don't want to "be" anyone who doesn't believe in Yeshua HaMashiach!

But do you want to be "you" who believes in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah? Because it appears that you don't think that your own birthright was good enough.


New member
It also wasn't all that long ago that you were saying that Messianic Jews aren't Jews anymore but mere Hebrew Christians.

You must have misunderstood me. I have never ever said that a Jew ceases to be a Jew upon becoming a Christian. Their religion is not Judaism but they are still a Jew.

Being grafted in; being adopted....well, that's God's gift through Yeshua and it is most certainly what is taught in Scripture and perpetuated in Christianity.

There are whole bunch of Christians who disagree with the Messianic concept of "grated in" so I'm not sure why you are claiming that is what Christianity teaches.

I don't know why Messianic Judaism upsets you so much

I believe I've already explained it. Because it isn't Judaism. It shouldn't be called Judaism and it shouldn't be touted as some form of Judaism. Also, I take issues with non-Jews like yourself using the label "Messianic Jew" because you aren't Jewish. Why do these things bother me? Because it can be confusing to others and it can lead to a misrepresentation of the Jewish people, myself included.


New member
Giving up what we already have would mean everlasting hell and so that's pretty good incentive not to give it up, don't you think?

Besides that, this life and everlasting life is nothing if the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is not at the head of it. Why would anyone who has tasted of that goodness want to give it up?

Then quit pretending you have anything to do with Judaism and get on with your own religion.


New member
You must have misunderstood me. I have never ever said that a Jew ceases to be a Jew upon becoming a Christian. Their religion is not Judaism but they are still a Jew.

I don't think so but if you choose to go this route, that's fine.

There are whole bunch of Christians who disagree with the Messianic concept of "grated in" so I'm not sure why you are claiming that is what Christianity teaches.

Romans Chapter 11.

I believe I've already explained it. Because it isn't Judaism. It shouldn't be called Judaism and it shouldn't be touted as some form of Judaism. Also, I take issues with non-Jews like yourself using the label "Messianic Jew" because you aren't Jewish. Why do these things bother me? Because it can be confusing to others and it can lead to a misrepresentation of the Jewish people, myself included.

Your complaint is duly noted.


New member
I don't think so but if you choose to go this route, that's fine.

Are you calling me a liar now? Would you like to produce some evidence that I have at any point stated a Jew ceases to be a Jew if they become a Christian?

Romans Chapter 11.

I read it. This is not rocket science, Jerusha. Christianity does not teach what you are claiming it teaches. I've actually not met another Messianic that insists that it does.

I am, thank you!

Does that mean you are going to quit labeling yourself a Messianic Jew?


New member
Are you calling me a liar now? Would you like to produce some evidence that I have at any point stated a Jew ceases to be a Jew if they become a Christian?

No and No.

I read it. This is not rocket science, Jerusha. Christianity does not teach what you are claiming it teaches. I've actually not met another Messianic that insists that it does.

No, it's not rocket science. It's just plain Scripture as found in Romans 11 and that alone is reason aplenty for Christians, including Messianic Jews, to believe it.

As to your not having met any Messianics who believe this, all I can say is that you need to get out more. Just a few examples:

A quote from Messianic, Sam Nadler: "If you’re a Gentile you too have been grafted in among them, not to replace Jews, but among the Jewish people, to make them jealous (Romans 11:11)"

Messianic, Ellen Kavanaugh states of Romans 11:17-27: "Sha'ul is explaining here that because of mainstream Israel's rejection of Messiah, non-Israelites (wild olive branches) who accept Yeshua have been given a place in Israel's cultivated olive tree. But note these wild olive branches remain wild. Gentiles do not become Israelites here, they merely share the tree with believing Israel. Gentiles are further warned not to boast about G-d placing them in the tree, because they too can be removed. In fact, G-d reminds them that the natural branches would graft back in well since its their own tree and their own nature to be included in it; but it is contrary to the very nature of the wild branches that they too are included! So yes, Gentiles can be placed in the tree of Israel, but at no point do they become cultivated -- they always remain wild branches grafted into a tree not their own. When a Gentile becomes a part of Israel, they still remain a Gentile (albeit a Gentile counted among Israelites). Now note: The One grafting these wild branches in is G-d, not man."

Since you're in the Cinci area, stop in and have a chat with Rabbi Mike Wolf at Beth Messiah for he states "Gentiles who place their faith in Yeshua, are “grafted into” the Jewish olive tree of faith."

And a whole lot more including my congregation:
http://www.man-na.com/Statement of Faith.htm

Does that mean you are going to quit labeling yourself a Messianic Jew?

Uh...Nope! The question when signing on here is what is your religious affiliation. My religious affiliation is Messianic Judaism. Since Messianic Jew is all that is offered for that, that is what I chose. Perhaps you should petition Knight to revise the offerings.
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