Having a large family is now a status symbol?

The Berean

Well-known member
I know a Christian couple with five kids. The father is 33 (I think) and the mother just turned 30. The mother told me she's received quite a few negative comments about her "large" family from people assuming she just "stuck" with 5 kids because she was ignorant and poor. Well, she's college educated and her husband makes a decent living so she home schools all five kids. They planned to have 5 kids because they wanted a "large" family. She told me that many people just are not used to seeing young couples with large families. She also told me that some women have criticized her because instead of choosing a "career" she became a full time mother. Basically, they were implying that she wasted he life on having kids.


New member
For the past decade of so I have read many articles and reports about younger people not wanting to have many children or any children due to various reasons. Western Europe, especially, is going through a significant population decline due to young couples not having large families. Yet according to this article in New York City having a large family is fast becoming a "status symbol".

The ultimate status symbol for millionaire moms on New York's Upper East Side is not what you'd expect

A ski home in Aspen? A private jet? A closet full of Birkin bags? If you thought any of these were the ultimate status symbol among the millionaires and billionaires of New York City's Upper East Side — one of the biggest enclaves of wealth on the planet — you'd be wrong.

The ultimate status symbol, according to Wednesday Martin, Ph.D., author of the newly released memoir "Primates of Park Avenue," is a whole mess of kids.

I am one of 15 children

And you were hoping there was only ONE of us..

too bad


(truth: big family, but not quite 15)



New member
I know a Christian couple with five kids. The father is 33 (I think) and the mother just turned 30. The mother told me she's received quite a few negative comments about her "large" family from people assuming she just "stuck" with 5 kids because she was ignorant and poor. Well, she's college educated and her husband makes a decent living so she home schools all five kids. They planned to have 5 kids because they wanted a "large" family. She told me that many people just are not used to seeing young couples with large families. She also told me that some women have criticized her because instead of choosing a "career" she became a full time mother. Basically, they were implying that she wasted he life on having kids.

some people are just morons

children are the best thing that can happen to someone, after Jesus (and His Church, of course)

But if people were saying You shouldn't have children because they turn into teens and young adults

Now THAT would be a valid concern



New member
The New Testament kind of discourages having kids.... I don't understand how any group of Christians can think otherwise as the scriptures are very plain in this matter.


New member
The New Testament kind of discourages having kids.... I don't understand how any group of Christians can think otherwise as the scriptures are very plain in this matter.

In other words you are saying:

The New Testament kind of discourages having kids.... I don't understand how any group of Christians can think otherwise as the scriptures are very plain in this matter, even though I don't have scripture to back this up and just need to justify my anticatholic position of being in favor of birth control



In other words you are saying:

The New Testament kind of discourages having kids.... I don't understand how any group of Christians can think otherwise as the scriptures are very plain in this matter, even though I don't have scripture to back this up and just need to justify my anticatholic position of being in favor of birth control

Where, specifically, do you find the textual evidence for this belief--if you don't mind my asking....


New member
Where, specifically, do you find the textual evidence for this belief--if you don't mind my asking....

1 Corinthians 7

Those that have families worry about them instead of the things of God.

Paul recommends that we stay single and worry about the things of God and only get married if we cannot control ourselves.

Our families are our fellow Christians....

Basically you end up with the two masters problem here... you cannot serve both.


New member
Where in the New Testament is this "discouragement"?

If he knew, he would say

I have read the whole Bible, both New and Old, and have heard the Bible read to me at daily Mass for years and years...

There is absolutely nothing in there discouraging people from having children and in fact in the Old T it says Be fruitful and mutliply and fill the earth

The guy is just trying to justify using birth control b/c he wants to live for himself (likely scenario)



New member
1 Corinthians 7

Those that have families worry about them instead of the things of God.

Paul recommends that we stay single and worry about the things of God and only get married if we cannot control ourselves.

Our families are our fellow Christians....

the psg you refer to has to do with husbands and wives, says nothing about children.

We all know how crazy people get when they are "in love"

when someone rejects them

when things don't go well..

When your 3 yr old rejects you for some reason, you don't go off and contemplate ending it all (usually)



New member
the psg you refer to has to do with husbands and wives, says nothing about children.

We all know how crazy people get when they are "in love"

when someone rejects them

when things don't go well..

When your 3 yr old rejects you for some reason, you don't go off and contemplate ending it all (usually)


You cannot have children if you are encouraged not to marry unless you are a fornicator. The passage also indicates that families are a drag on your duty to God.

Christ bought us with a terrible price and made us his bond servants (he as pierced our ear)... therefore we are no longer allowed to do just want we want.


New member
You cannot have children if you are encouraged not to marry unless you are a fornicator. The passage also indicates that families are a drag on your duty to God.

But if you have one, you should have a big one

Be fruitful and mutliply

besides, if you have a big family, you can teach all thse kids how to be a great Catholic and Republican and change the world.. easieer to do if all people in those groups have as many children as posible..



New member
But if you have one, you should have a big one

Be fruitful and mutliply

besides, if you have a big family, you can teach all thse kids how to be a great Catholic and Republican and change the world.. easieer to do if all people in those groups have as many children as posible..


Be fruitful and multiply was a command only to Noah... and for good reason.

We are not under the same compulsion.

I would contend it is better to reason with and teach adults then put the unnecessary pressure on raising kids to do your job for you.

FYI, Christ would be an independent... not a republican or democrat.

He would hate the greed of the republicans just as much as he would hate the abortions that democrats support... he would not tolerate the lesser of two evils.


New member
Be fruitful and multiply was a command only to Noah... and for good reason.

We are not under the same compulsion.

I would contend it is better to reason with and teach adults then put the unnecessary pressure on raising kids to do your job for you.

FYI, Christ would be an independent... not a republican or democrat.

He would hate the greed of the republicans just as much as he would hate the abortions that democrats support... he would not tolerate the lesser of two evils.

i think he would hate painting with wide brushes and judging people also... especially judging them by what group they belong to...

i think presumption probably doesn't do much for Jesus...


The Berean

Well-known member
1 Corinthians 7

Those that have families worry about them instead of the things of God.

Paul recommends that we stay single and worry about the things of God and only get married if we cannot control ourselves.

Our families are our fellow Christians....

Basically you end up with the two masters problem here... you cannot serve both.

Paul's recommendation is not a command of God. Also, people can and do focus on God and family. And not one of the other. I was single until I was 36 years old. For a long time I thought I was going to be single my whole life. But then I met my wife at a time in my life when I was not even looking for a wife at all. As we got to know each other we both spend lengthy time in prayer and we both sensed strongly that the Lord brought us together to be husband and wife. We just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Now we do ministry work together. ;)


New member
Paul's recommendation is not a command of God. Also, people can and do focus on God and family. And not one of the other. I was single until I was 36 years old. For a long time I thought I was going to be single my whole life. But then I met my wife at a time in my life when I was not even looking for a wife at all. As we got to know each other we both spend lengthy time in prayer and we both sensed strongly that the Lord brought us together to be husband and wife. We just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Now we do ministry work together. ;)

did God tell you to use birth control?
