I am very interested in the truth. I think that Calvinism is a distortion of the truth of the truth. I think that some of your interpretations of the gospel are also distortions of the truth. I think that the one-on-one will be an interesting discussion but I seriously doubt it will end in a definitive statement of what the truth really is.
That is just my opinion because I am also rather sure that some of my understanding regarding the truth of the Gospel is also distorted. There is no single man nor organized religion on Earth today that has perfect understanding of the truth. To claim otherwise is foolishness.
I agree, and it is pride in man that would claim otherwise. Knowledge puffeth up, everyone wants to believe that their form of 'knowledge' of the gospel is THE TRUTH; and then they want to judge the others outside of their form of truth as unsaved.. I think Jesus has a different idea......instead of judging us by knowledge, He judges our hearts...as we see written. Sincerity goes a long way with God, for love covers the multitude of sin...if we simply believe in Jesus Christ and that He died for our sins...and, was raised the third day; to glory, in order to make the way open for us, too. (He never lost the power to take His life back again...for He was God, in whom all power dwelled...this to me means, He could never of sinned.) Even in His fully man, state, what man seems to forget, is that at the SAME time, He was FULLY GOD. God cannot sin, and God cannot be tempted with sin.
Most of the time, those whom uphold 'knowledge' as the way to be saved; miss the forest for the trees...I know, I once did it, too.
There comes a time in a person's walk with God that you ultimately have to admit you do not know it all, and it is then you can find peace, among men.
Let God judge, I say; and stop making His simple and basic message such a hard thing to figure out.
Men and their creeds...that judge sincere hearts as outside of the faith that saves....get's on me nerves....:drum: