like marbles on glass
Oh look, you added to your post while I was responding. I must've hit a nerve. :chuckle:
Oh look, you added to your post while I was responding. I must've hit a nerve. :chuckle:
Oh look, you added to your post while I was responding. I must've hit a nerve. :chuckle:
annabananahead! :banana:
how nice to see you playing hallway monitor :chuckle:
She is a bully. But I've fought bigger girl hall monitors than her before, and I'm not afraid of this meanie.
That's it, as this is just not working out-I'm breaking up with you, AB. You can keep that stupid cat, and the "Best of barry Manilow on 8 track"-but I'm keeping the minivan. And, no, only girlie men succumb to this " must've hit a nerve" zinger of yours. I've also "shorted" you at market. Meanie. I'm telling my mom on you.
It's the hairspray, isn't it? This is all about the hairspray?
good morning anna!
go to hell! :wave2:
go to ignore
-ok doser belongs on everyone's ignore list
go to ignore
-ok doser belongs on everyone's ignore list
it is now very easy
-view profile of ok doser
-click on add to ignore list
-when asked if you are sure
-click yes
Done and done.
Why would anyone wish Hell on anyone else?
why would anyone be a trump idiot?
Good morning.
It's almost Spring, I can't believe it. I was at a different lake than the one I used to walk at, I have to drive to this one, and there are Canada geese here - and there was one standing by my car looking at its reflection in my side panel. He didn't seem to know what to do about that. :chuckle:
My dad is voting for Trump.
If you take the wild geese some cracked corn they will love you forever.
I love watching the birds.