Give me biblical support for Christmas.


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Romans 14:3-6 KJV
(3) Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.
(4) Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.
(5) One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
(6) He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.

(14) I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.


New member
Mickiel said:
6days said:
Mickiel... you seem to have a blind spot...perhaps a result of Seventh Day Adventist religion.
You have been provided answers as to various reasons Christians celebrate and worship our Savior. Christians have many different ways they celebrate Christ coming to earth as our Savior...and some don't celebrate it at all.

How about providing some scriptures ,lets say 7 scriptures that support Christmas ; How about providing that. Lip service is not enough for me. Prove it. Lets have some bible.

Stop being so religious...or such a legalist as Serpent Dove said.*

If you want scripture providing reasons to celebrate our Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God and everlasting Father... Start at the beginning of Genesis and keep going.*

Mickiel... you are free to refrain from worshipping and / or celebrating the birth of our Savior on Jan.7...June 23...Dec 24 etc. You are also free to worship and celebrate on any of those days. I don't expect you to worship in exact same manner that I do. But...your legalism on the matter of worship seems to border on cult mentality.*


New member

Stop being so religious...or such a legalist as Serpent Dove said.*

If you want scripture providing reasons to celebrate our Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God and everlasting Father... Start at the beginning of Genesis and keep going.*

Mickiel... you are free to refrain from worshipping and / or celebrating the birth of our Savior on Jan.7...June 23...Dec 24 etc. You are also free to worship and celebrate on any of those days. I don't expect you to worship in exact same manner that I do. But...your legalism on the matter of worship seems to border on cult mentality.*

A gift ;

Eagles Wings

New member
Your ways reveal you for what you are. You talk to people from what is in your heart. You insult others because its an inner desire of yours. And you have absolutely no problem doing that.
I'm thinking a healthy person would cut and run at this point. Some people like the attention they get even from those they consider rude and insulting. Time to let go and ignore.


New member
I'm thinking a healthy person would cut and run at this point. Some people like the attention they get even from those they consider rude and insulting. Time to let go and ignore.

I am just glad He didn't cut and run when the Pharisees were rude and insulting...glad He was an attention seeker too...

Those Pharisees even accused Him of worse things than being an obsessive psychopath...especially when He was purging and cleansing the temple (and temples) of practices which did not belong to their worship...they didnt just redicule Him or ban Him from a forum they killed

He should have known better than to mess with their traditions...claiming He knew better...what a retard...


New member
I am just glad He didn't cut and run when the Pharisees were rude and insulting...glad He was an attention seeker too...

Those Pharisees even accused Him of worse things than being an obsessive psychopath...especially when He was purging and cleansing the temple (and temples) of practices which did not belong to their worship...they didnt just redicule Him or ban Him from a forum they killed

He should have known better than to mess with their traditions...claiming He knew better...what a retard...

Somebody give this person a high five!


New member
Neither Christmas or 4th of July are commanded to be celebrated by GOD, and yet we have a blast celebrating both.
Nothing wrong with that.

Does the irony escape you that the year the Declaration of Independence was signed and celebrated Christmas was not really celebrated in America? It was considered too pagan and too British...and wasn't a federal holiday until 1870 when enough Catholics immigrated to sway the was however popular in the slave holding states becoming first legal in Alabama in 1836...

Of course more fictitiousness of writers and movies and advertisers only propped it along...

But in 1776 a surprise attack on those celebrating Christmas by American forces occurred and became a critical victory known as the Delaware crossing. Historians even accept it was German Hessians fighting for the British that introduced the Christmas tree.

No where endorsed in scripture, prohibitions to assimilate pagan customs is a blast right?


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Your ways reveal you for what you are. You talk to people from what is in your heart. You insult others because its an inner desire of yours. And you have absolutely no problem doing that.
You don't seem to have much of a problem with you doing it. You know, revealing what you are, talking from what is in your heart, your inner desire. No problems at all.

Eagles Wings

New member
I am just glad He didn't cut and run when the Pharisees were rude and insulting...glad He was an attention seeker too...

Those Pharisees even accused Him of worse things than being an obsessive psychopath...especially when He was purging and cleansing the temple (and temples) of practices which did not belong to their worship...they didnt just redicule Him or ban Him from a forum they killed

He should have known better than to mess with their traditions...claiming He knew better...what a retard...
Not talking about defending our faith.

I'm talking about cutting out of a conversation with someone who is cruel and insulting. What's the point in sticking with that.

To each his own though.


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Does the irony escape you that the year the Declaration of Independence was signed and celebrated Christmas was not really celebrated in America? It was considered too pagan and too British...and wasn't a federal holiday until 1870 when enough Catholics immigrated to sway the was however popular in the slave holding states becoming first legal in Alabama in 1836...

Of course more fictitiousness of writers and movies and advertisers only propped it along...

But in 1776 a surprise attack on those celebrating Christmas by American forces occurred and became a critical victory known as the Delaware crossing. Historians even accept it was German Hessians fighting for the British that introduced the Christmas tree.

No where endorsed in scripture, prohibitions to assimilate pagan customs is a blast right?
If a pagan want to cut down a fir tree and decorate it for some pagan god, they will.
And if I want to cut down a fir tree and hang candle canes on it and invite others over for a feast, I have no pagan god in mind.
Why should I look at it as a pagan idol god when that is not what it is to me???????????????????