Give ‘em the Silent Treatment

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Discussion of banned members is prohibited and is itself a bannable offense.

Let's just say they ticked off a mod or two. :hammer:

Mustard Seed

New member
PureX said:
Their failure to respond is because they were banned (speaking of the head in the sand dogma ...).

If ThePhy's banned I better leave. Can't go on without a nemisis. There needs be opposition in all things.

Mustard Seed

New member
Mustard Seed caught off guard---becomes opportunity target of rhetorical backhands

Mustard Seed caught off guard---becomes opportunity target of rhetorical backhands

PureX said:
(speaking of the head in the sand dogma ...).

ThePhy was one of the last people I ever thought would get banned. I spoke rashly (duhh) will PureX and Zakath forgive an openly dogmatic man for an error of such a degree? Or will they exploit it to no end to bash me. Or both (that's a possibility too)?


New member
Mustard Seed
If you deny or refuse to confront a problem then it either doesn’t exist (in your view, anyway) or it is made (to the one ignoring) irrelevant. A version of the head in the sand technique. Thus even the failure to respond enforces my observations of there being dogma and it's accompanying irrational allegiance even within the most stalwart ranks of the scientific/rational/logic based communities.

Boy did you eat your Wheetabix this morning!

-Never bother a religionist with the facts,
firstly Mustard Seed is not a religionist - secondly what he posted had nothing to do with the people on this board… notice he said
even within the most stalwart ranks of the scientific/rational/logic based communities.
But yes -
folks did dug up John Wycliffe's bones in 1428, burned them and scattered the ashes in the Swift River as a punishment for his role in publishing an English translation of their precious scriptures.
Though who’s company would you rather be considered in, as you are nearly there Zackyboy - almost in that elite group of scientific/rational/logic based communities. But - keep making those snide remarks - comparing Mustard Seed to the religionists?… but all in all a good cheap shot is allowed, and it was a really good one, as you yourself probably are hiding the fact that Mustard Seed hit the nail on the head.
If you deny or refuse to confront a problem then it either doesn’t exist (in your view, anyway) or it is made (to the one ignoring) irrelevant. A version of the head in the sand technique. Thus even the failure to respond enforces my observations of there being dogma and it's accompanying irrational allegiance even within the most stalwart ranks of the scientific/rational/logic based communities.

With Christ’s Love



Well-known member
Mustard Seed said:
ThePhy was one of the last people I ever thought would get banned. I spoke rashly (duhh) will PureX and Zakath forgive an openly dogmatic man for an error of such a degree? Or will they exploit it to no end to bash me. Or both (that's a possibility too)?
Zakath and I aren't the bashing type. I just didn't want you to think that ThePhy and Taoist were purposely not responding.


Resident Atheist
Mustard Seed said:
ThePhy was one of the last people I ever thought would get banned. I spoke rashly (duhh) will PureX and Zakath forgive an openly dogmatic man for an error of such a degree? Or will they exploit it to no end to bash me. Or both (that's a possibility too)?
Forgive, and forget. :cheers:

... or at least forgive and not bring it up unless you do. ;)


Resident Atheist
servent101 said:
Zakath firstly Mustard Seed is not a religionist
His profile says "I'm trying to be like Jesus".

Sounds like a religionist from where I sit. :think:

- secondly what he posted had nothing to do with the people on this board…
If you say so... :rolleyes:

Mustard Seed

New member
Zakath said:
His profile says "I'm trying to be like Jesus".

Sounds like a religionist from where I sit. :think:

If you say so... :rolleyes:

re·li·gion·ism (r?-l?j'?-n?z'?m)
Excessive or affected religious zeal.

Excessive, I hope not.

Affected, I hope so.

Jesus wasn't a fanatic. Though those who disagreed with him often became such.


New member
mustard seed
re•li•gion•ism (r?-l?j'?-n?z'?m)
Excessive or affected religious zeal.

Excessive, I hope not.

Affected, I hope so.

Jesus wasn't a fanatic. Though those who disagreed with him often became such.

I would of stuck up for you, but I had better things to do - Zakath seems real stuck in his ideas about his "whatever"... but I did think that he is the kind of person who would of done the same thing as he accused religionists doing
Never bother a religionist with the facts, PureX. Remember these are the same type of folks who dug up John Wycliffe's bones in 1428, burned them and scattered the ashes in the Swift River as a punishment for his role in publishing an English translation of their precious scriptures.
As he would of done the same thing for publishing an English translation of their “ useless book”.

But all in all it was a real good slam dunk on you, I have not seen such a good mindless comment in a long time. Technically Zakath simply relates what some group of what he considers religionists do, and develops the concept that what they do is typical of what all religionists do, then labels you as a religionist and then thinks that you are as crazy as the people he gives example of… but you really should take it as a compliment, because Zakath just could not respond to your post in any logical way,,, as what you say
Originally Posted by Mustard Seed

If you deny or refuse to confront a problem then it either doesn’t exist (in your view, anyway) or it is made (to the one ignoring) irrelevant. A version of the head in the sand technique. Thus even the failure to respond enforces my observations of there being dogma and it's accompanying irrational allegiance even within the most stalwart ranks of the scientific/rational/logic based communities.
I am almost going to use it as my ending remark on my posts – did you really write this yourself… just so I get the credit right.

With Christ’s Love


Mustard Seed

New member
servent101 said:
mustard seed

I would of stuck up for you, but I had better things to do - Zakath seems real stuck in his ideas about his "whatever"... but I did think that he is the kind of person who would of done the same thing as he accused religionists doing As he would of done the same thing for publishing an English translation of their “ useless book”.

Reminds me of time I spent as an LDS missionary in one of the most liberal towns in the United States. I primarily served among the latino community and thusly avoided, to some degree, the brunt of the storm. But I did have to walk down the main thurofair in this relatively small hippy hold out from the sixties and seventies. I got so many sneers, snide, under the breath, comments from passers by, loud taunts, etc. that I can safely say that I think I felt, to some degree, how Jewish folk must feel in areas where anti-semetism is on a quick crescendo. The irony of it is that these are largely self proclaimed scientific/rationaly minded humanists who don't believe in a divine power (or if they do they only want to know about it in manners that will not conflict with their chosen life style) but drive around with bumper stickers covering the larger part of their old (some new) VW's proclaiming universal peace and love and proclaiming the need to 'save the whales'.

The sad irony is that the path's they chose to obtain such ends are the paths that are inherently going to end them up in the other direction. And much of it was evidenced by the way many (not all, there were many decent secularist hippies I met) of them would take up the role of the biggot and hate you simply because you doned a white shirt and a tie and a name tag. These people who wanted to see themselves as "progresive" were just as susceptable, and possibly more so, to the human frailties as everyone else. These liberated minds, largely, run right back into the penetentry of prejudice and dogma that they think they are fleeing.

But all in all it was a real good slam dunk on you, I have not seen such a good mindless comment in a long time. Technically Zakath simply relates what some group of what he considers religionists do, and develops the concept that what they do is typical of what all religionists do,

He may say I did the same with the above comments. I again emphasize that I met many many good, wonderfull people on my mission and in that California liberal stronghold. There are a great many things many the folks here in Utah could learn from some the choice souls I met in that town.

I guess we generalize to try and understand the world better. It should not be a standard issue mechanism but I don't think generalizing is always completely wrong or inherently bad.

then labels you as a religionist and then thinks that you are as crazy as the people he gives example of… but you really should take it as a compliment, because Zakath just could not respond to your post in any logical way,,,

While I don't like to get incorrectly labeled like most anyone (there always seems to be the fringe elements) I'm not some fantical "you can't put me in any of your boxs---You can't define me" kinda people. We can't know each other completely, If you have some label for me or my behaviour feel free to communicate what you think it is. I'm not going to agree with it necesarily but I think having some idea of both what people think of us as, and who they classify us with, can help us in understanding ourself and our projection on the world.

A man once said, with regard to criticism/gossip etc. dirrected at us, that we should take and try and see if there's some kernal of truth to what they are saying. This same man expressed that often, if he thought long and deeply about such things he often could deduce what flaw of his permited them to see, be it exagerated or accurate, what they claimed to see in him.

as what you say I am almost going to use it as my ending remark on my posts – did you really write this yourself… just so I get the credit right.

Yeah. I mean obviously, like all 'original' thoughts it's just a hybrid of things I've read or heard. Heck someones probably said essentially the same thing at some point and time. But it's not plagerism, at least not conscious.


New member
Near the front of this thread, Turbo took me to task for restricting my opening objections to what was contained in the first 30 seconds of the “Genesis-Creation” tapes. As Turbo said:
As I said before, you should have kept listening. I would think that after spending $30 or so on a six hour album to learn more about your opponent's views about the age of the Earth, you would have listened to more than the first minute.
As my response early on showed, Bob's statement that I focused on was wrong, no matter what followed in the lectures.

But since then, I have very carefully perused the entire set of lectures. The results – the claim that matter was either eternal or made by a creator is repeated twice more within the first 10 minutes, and the big bang as a specific item for discussion is never once addressed in the 9 hours of recordings. In fact, there is only one passing mention of the term "big bang", and that is in connection with angular momentum, on the back side of tape 1. The theory that is by far the one most widely held within the world of science to explain when the universe started - the big bang - was not even considered by Bob when he talked about the science issues. Bob may not believe in the big bang, but he would be far more credible if he would show enough respect for science to accurately tell what its practitioners believe.

This is a rather stellar example of a strawman – Bob sets up and then presumably demolishes an idea that is the minority view in science, and then claims that his understanding of creation is therefore the right one. Not so.

But I do need to thank Turbo for the encouragement to continue listening to the tapes after such an inauspicious start. For now I can confidently say based on personal knowledge that any questions I had about whether or not Bob misunderstands science are no more. More to come on this subject …

bob b

Science Lover
Hall of Fame
ThePhy said:
Near the front of this thread, Turbo took me to task for restricting my opening objections to what was contained in the first 30 seconds of the “Genesis-Creation” tapes. As Turbo said:As my response early on showed, Bob's statement that I focused on was wrong, no matter what followed in the lectures.

But since then, I have very carefully perused the entire set of lectures. The results – the claim that matter was either eternal or made by a creator is repeated twice more within the first 10 minutes, and the big bang as a specific item for discussion is never once addressed in the 9 hours of recordings. In fact, there is only one passing mention of the term "big bang", and that is in connection with angular momentum, on the back side of tape 1. The theory that is by far the one most widely held within the world of science to explain when the universe started - the big bang - was not even considered by Bob when he talked about the science issues. Bob may not believe in the big bang, but he would be far more credible if he would show enough respect for science to accurately tell what its practitioners believe.

This is a rather stellar example of a strawman – Bob sets up and then presumably demolishes an idea that is the minority view in science, and then claims that his understanding of creation is therefore the right one. Not so.

But I do need to thank Turbo for the encouragement to continue listening to the tapes after such an inauspicious start. For now I can confidently say based on personal knowledge that any questions I had about whether or not Bob misunderstands science are no more. More to come on this subject …

"Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel."


New member
From bob b:
"Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel."
Yeah, I'll admit that I would expect someone to at least pretend to consider the theory believed by the majority of the scientific community, instead of the strawman Bob E. used. Call them gnats or camels or whatever, the point still stands.
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