Really? God comes and audibly instructs you do this every time?
No no no...I get texts...with updates, out takes, and other revisions...the Law keeps changing ya know...gotta keep up...
Which doesn't really get to the reason Moses is different from the rest of us, and why Moses' sin didn't prevent him from entrance into heaven.
Wasn't even addressing that...was addressing specific days and specif actions were indeed required and any diversion from it was disobedience and came with a consequence...Israelites were killed for a man hiding his loot...
Some around here are hiding loot as well...and individual disobedient or deceptive acts even lead others astray
Oh, so that's why 1 John 2:2 says that Christ made a "thanks offering" for the sins of the whole world?
Notice the word used is something more than sacrifice...covering mercy substitute...kinda like when we use someone else's money to cover our bar tab...we are naturally grateful...
Isaiah prophesied to Israel about the Old Covenant regarding their exile. You're using that out of context.
Am I? Sin separates us from Holy since the garden...
yeah nevermind...wouldn't want you to twist or break the Internet's a tool that could point you to salvation like the scriptures and the Law...Google isn't my bible.
lol...big sin, little sin, known sin, sin of omission...go and sin no more...This is about the first sin, Adam's sin, and about the basis for judgment against us, not sin post-faith.
Improper application of scripture.
As if an unrepentant sin post faith would be acceptable...
I believe you brought up Romans 12:1 earlier.
And the one sin that doomed us all was pre-salvation. Doesn't work that way anymore.
How does it work one sin dooms me it may not doom the world but it very well may cause someone else to stumble as well...
Hmmm stumble...notice the concern is not limited to actually fall but merely stumble...
I'm with the gospel of Christianity and of Christ. What one are you preaching?
Being so nonchalant and cavalier about one little bitty sin not mattering so much is diminishing the amazing completeness of the Gospel...certainly minimizes the need for its thoroughness...
Seems in your gospel little sins will be tolerated come judgement day...perhaps you have no need for His propriation at all...