Hey, Zeke, "You're a "SUPER NUT!" No offense intended.
You might know as well, that my 'concept-theme' here is also somewhat 'tongue in cheek', an analogy that can apply on various levels expanding consciousness to those levels more 'cosmic' and 'universal'. Consciousness is everything, and nothing can exist as far as we are aware, outside of it
When we refer to 'God' as 'light',....there u go. All energy, mind, matter and spirit derives from the Great First Source and Center of all reality, The Universal Father- some schools as refer to this parental Deity as our 'Father-Mother-God'.
Jesus further encourages us to be 'sons of light'.
In the all-pervading 'light' of The Infinite,...there is only The Infinite, for the Infinite Alone outshines all, before and beyond all space, time and dimension. The Universal ONE. Such is the infinity of Awareness.
Hi Zeke,
Mooji is a good pointer to that vast space of freedom which is our true Self, which is the essence of awareness itself, without an ego-identification. This corresponds to the fundamental truth of God-communion and God-realization which is the shedding of the false ego-identified 'self', so that only the true being of one's original nature shines forth, as it IS. I like the saying -
"All of self, none of God,
Some of self, some of God,
none of self, all of God"
Or something to that affect, to which John the Baptist also said, "he must increase while I must decrease", but this is still the same principle of surrending all that is false or temporal, for that which alone is true and everlasting. We might also add that the 'ego' itself is not necessarily 'evil', but is a natural component of the personality that consciousness adopts and experiences itself THRU. Our ego-self and personality is obviously a part of what we identify with and operate thru our daily life routine, within society and every-day human relations, as far as personal identity and personality associations are concerned. These operate naturally in their own sphere, while that greater God-consciousness and pure transcendental awareness is ever at the heart and circumference of all that exists.
When we look upon the saying 'tat tvam asi' ("I Am that")....we acknowledge that pure awareness or space of being that is our true self without any imposition or infraction of ego-identity. "I am that pure awareness".
Hey, Zeke, "You're a "SUPER NUT!" No offense intended.
All things are food for our consumption, only when we grasp that we produce the food will we tread more lightly in the planting of what we must eat from that field.
None taken Corp-orataion/person/deadman walking.
Hey, Zeke, "You're a "SUPER NUT!" No offense intended.
What is a cosmic cafe?
Hi Mark,
Read the OP and use your imagination. You're on freelight's thread
Life is an adventure of consciousness,....feel free to expand![]()
I guess the cafe is closedWhich religions believe in reincarnation? Do you believe in it?
Which religions believe in reincarnation? Do you believe in it?
I guess the cafe is closed
So what is the impetus for one being willing to let go of their own beliefs and ways of thinking and give up or at least partially suspend their instinct for mental survival and therefore the attachment to mind and its association with life as one knows it in order to clearly experience reality without the confines and structures of the personality in this Cosmic Cafe?
ThanksAn open mind always has access to the cosmos and its café of desserts![]()
A wonderful and most essential QUEST-ion
The soul must 'quest' or 're-search' in order to discover that which was ever-present but covered by the accumulations of the mind (ego). When those attachments, encrustments, assumptions, constructs, concepts are released or surrendered....then there is only REALITY itself present, which has always been being itself all along. It alone shines as its own luminous Self, if you want to use those terms,...there is just pure Awareness, pure Being.
So, the impetus is liberation from all bondage, the letting go of everything that does not serve the soul's true interest, which alone reveals that of eternal value.
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