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New member
The heart is where the seed of Christ enters in, but it can't penetrate deep into the ground without the rain to soften it, which is like the word of God. And if the heart is hard, the seed will fall by the wayside, and I'm sure you know the parable.

The heart is where our emotions come from including love.

But you have enlightened me, I didn't know Google has the answers, is that where you get yours from?

I'm going out, BBL

Emotions do not come from the heart.


New member
OK here's a clue. You don't discover what the term heart means, symbolically, by studying the word heart. You come to the knowledge of the meaning by studying the difference between soul and spirit.

In this discovery alone there is rest abounding. The scriptures that contain the word heart also make sense...

Heart does mean blood pump, except when it is used symbolically.

"For the word of Elohim is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart".
Hebrews 4:12


New member
You know nothing about the heart.

"Love the Lord your God with your heart, soul, strength and mind".

You love only yourself.

..."and love your neighbour as yourself" didn't Messiah say that?

Love is an emotion and does not come from the heart.


New member
You haven't been born from above. You've convinced yourself that you have been and now you'll need to "convince" others that they have, to make yourself feel secure. Blind leading the blind. I hope you haven't given this nonsense to your children?

What you have is not salvation. You have simply psyched up your mental attributes in a form of advanced superstition that feeds your emotions.
That makes complete sense.

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I know what scripture says, but to explain this in detail would necessitate me explaining the difference between soul and spirit. That is something I have no intention of doing.

Whatever it is you think you know is not of God, it is of satan.


New member

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