ECT Forgiving and Forgiveness


New member
That's MAD interpretation of Paul's words, not what Paul meant. The mystery Paul spoke of wasn't anything different than had already been made known to the believing world in both the Prophets as well as through Yeshua's teaching. That mystery is the Love of a Holy God for an unholy people.

Ephesians 3:2 If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:

Your mind is made up, hence, your not seeing you were off on what you said even when I pointed it out to you.

I have just done what you have asked; pointed it out in the passage itself.

Things is; you assert that what someone else posts is their interpretation while asserting yours is not your own.

So long as you remain that subjective about your interpretation, while believing yourself objective, we will only go round and round.

Again, I have just done what you have asked; pointed it out in the passage itself.


New member
Actually, what I dispute is your interpretation of Paul's words, not Paul's words themselves. I can't speak for Jerry.
I agree with Peter in that Paul's "letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction." 2 Peter 3:16 It is my desire to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior." 2 Peter 3:17 To do that, I rely on the Ruach in conjunction with all of God's Word, not just bits and pieces.

What is your understanding, and its basis, as to how the Spirit gives you understanding?


New member
Ephesians 3:2 If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:

Your mind is made up, hence, your not seeing you were off on what you said even when I pointed it out to you.

I have just done what you have asked; pointed it out in the passage itself.

Things is; you assert that what someone else posts is their interpretation while asserting yours is not your own.

So long as you remain that subjective about your interpretation, while believing yourself objective, we will only go round and round.

Again, I have just done what you have asked; pointed it out in the passage itself.

Danoh, what you have done is applied your doctrine to the verse in Ephesians as opposed to applying your doctrine to all of Scripture. If there is any part of Scripture that does not agree with ones doctrinal understanding, then ones doctrinal understanding is wrong. Scripture never contradicts itself. That would be God contradicting Himself and He never does. Rather than tell me that there's no point in us discussing because my mind is already made up, consider the fact that my mind is made up by Scripture en toto, meaning by God through the Ruach. If my understanding were mine alone, I might agree with your assessment of me but it isn't and I have confidence in the Ruach.


New member
What is your understanding, and its basis, as to how the Spirit gives you understanding?

I've already stated. Everything we learn from the Ruach is confirmed in Scripture; in every aspect of Scripture. It all flows together and when it doesn't, something in our understanding is incorrect so we pray for guidance from the Ruach and return to the Scriptures over and over again until we find our mistake or the Ruach reveals it to us. The answers aren't found in one verse or one chapter or one book but in the entirety of Scripture and the confirmation is found in the Ruach by prayer and meditation to and with Him.


You have made up for yourself a different Jesus, which is no Jesus but a fictional person. You have picked scripture here and there and threw out others and added other things.
We all have a Jesus that makes sense to us.
I have one, you have one, and everyone else has one.

After all, isn't that what TOL is all about? We share our differences and hopefully discuss them without name-calling and condemnation.

The gospel writers also presented a Jesus that spoke uniquely to their own communities of believers.

It seems like to me if you are honest at all you can understand what I am saying here.

I am trying to add to the pool of meaning here just like anyone else. It is short-sighted and cruel to put me down like you are doing.


You are a heretic!

I would not ban you for that; as you might actually learn something you need to that might free you.

You have yet proven your heretical assertions through the passages themselves.

Your entire basis is obvious - unable to reconcile certain passages you at the same time perhaps rightly did not want to reason them into being just fine as is, you found no other means but your obvious error.

The error of external sources written by others who, just like you; clueless as to how to solve for these seeming issues within the Scripture itself; come up with and or parrot the notions of others in their same error.

You might as well get your "Christianity" from those fools PBS does programs with every so often on the supposed history of any subject within Scripture they might parrot the parroted errors of those parrots who came before them.

Yours, and theirs, is the same old "Yea, hath God said?" of Genesis 3 that, per Ephesians 2; is the course of this world; ever alluring to the fleshly mind that is the mind of the children of Adam's disobedience.

In this, whether your intent is a good one, your road is still paved with the same intent its road ever ends up being, as a result - the road to perdition.

For, intentionally, or otherwise, you have ended up a heretic.

I'm being kind by this. You will just have to see that in my words, not in your projection of your own notions into things once more.
My conclusions seem to have set you off. I do not appreciate name-calling and condemnation--or mockery.

If you can focus on an adult exchange of ideas I would not be upset at all.

In fact, isn't this the whole aim of TOL?
To exchange ideas and theologies back and forth?
Isn't that what these forums are full of?

You are making me confused. Disagreeing with a person is different than flinging out insults and expressing emotions in rather immature ways.

Understand that I crave criticism. I have finally got to the point with my faith that I am able to accept it and literally WANT it because I have found it is one of the major ways I can learn something new.

All I require is that you criticize me in a mature manner.

I am eternally curious and love to study, read and listen to others. I always take away something meaningful every time I study, read, talk and listen.

Jesus has taught me that gratefulness is the heart of prayer.


I just found out I was "awarded" an infraction because apparently my theology was threatening to someone.

This reminds me of when I lived in Vernal, Utah and the high school track coach had everyone run the 100-yard dash and when it was over gave an A to those who finished first, B's to those others, all the way down to the F's who weren't fast runners.

Just because I am not running like you are does not give you license to cut me down.

Just disagree with me. Any English-speaking adult knows how to disagree with others without being disagreeable, don't they? I believe in God and see his perfect expression on earth in Jesus of Nazareth. Because of my personal relationship with him, it does not destroy me to read of and learn about different beliefs that other Christians have. I am secure enough in my faith.

Apparently, it sure seems like others on TOL certainly are not.


I just found out I was "awarded" an infraction because apparently my theology was threatening to someone.

what are you talking about?

When you get infraction, you get banned. You are not banned so you did not get infraction.


New member
I just found out I was "awarded" an infraction because apparently my theology was threatening to someone.

This reminds me of when I lived in Vernal, Utah and the high school track coach had everyone run the 100-yard dash and when it was over gave an A to those who finished first, B's to those others, all the way down to the F's who weren't fast runners.

Just because I am not running like you are does not give you license to cut me down.

Just disagree with me. Any English-speaking adult knows how to disagree with others without being disagreeable, don't they? I believe in God and see his perfect expression on earth in Jesus of Nazareth. Because of my personal relationship with him, it does not destroy me to read of and learn about different beliefs that other Christians have. I am secure enough in my faith.

Apparently, it sure seems like others on TOL certainly are not.

I see the report but not the infraction. What did you mean when you stated that the Ruach can contradict Himself. God never contradicts Himself.

Your track coach graded you? Oh man, that's messed up!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I just found out I was "awarded" an infraction because apparently my theology was threatening to someone.

This reminds me of when I lived in Vernal, Utah and the high school track coach had everyone run the 100-yard dash and when it was over gave an A to those who finished first, B's to those others, all the way down to the F's who weren't fast runners.

Just because I am not running like you are does not give you license to cut me down.

Just disagree with me. Any English-speaking adult knows how to disagree with others without being disagreeable, don't they? I believe in God and see his perfect expression on earth in Jesus of Nazareth. Because of my personal relationship with him, it does not destroy me to read of and learn about different beliefs that other Christians have. I am secure enough in my faith.

Apparently, it sure seems like others on TOL certainly are not.

You had it coming for what you posted. Have another glass of "WHINE."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Chuckle away but you put too much into Paul's words. He's talking about the fact that Yeshua filled him in on everything He had already taught, and he is talking about the Grace God dispensed to him as He does all believers through Yeshua, which is the Gift of His Son, the hope of salvation. Paul, being a well-learned Pharisee, knew that believing Gentiles were already fellow heirs in God's Promises, just as if they had been native born. Of course, being believers, those Gentiles would be partakers of God's promise through Yeshua if they accepted Him as their Messiah. God's Grace has always existed and He has always lavished it on mankind.

I think it's better to listen to the Scriptures Heir posted then, to YOUR opinions! But, that's just me.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Which is useless as we go before the Throne individually, not corporately.

If you end up standing before God the Father, you'll be
judged according to your works and be cast into the
Lake of Fire. On the other hand, if you stand before
Christ, there will be no judgment, only rewards or
the loss of rewards. But, no condemnation.