fool thinks he's an expert on anti-abortion tactics

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
In response to 2;
What if he or his family or his company see the light and refuse to work with the child killing machine?
If he does that will you stop going to his house?
If so why? he still built the death camp.


TOL Subscriber
Yes, I would think so. We're pretty good at spotting fakes.
Because he repented and we will forgive him.
Then he can help us protest at other executives houses and some of them could have the opportunity to repent.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
2 The building will already be built, so standing in front of the construction guys house won't change anything, even if he wanted to he can't unbuild the building.
It will help to deter others from collaborating with abortionists.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
I'm pro-life.
No, you're not. You're pro-choice, with exceptions.

That is, unless you've had a change of heart about whether a woman has the right to kill her baby if the father raped her.

Besides, Bob wasn't inviting anyone who calls themselves pro-life to hijack his thread. He asked anyone who is not a "hard-core pro-lifer" to kindly "buzz off." That includes folks who would say well, I'm pro-life, but I think that you should stop targeting Weitz. Let's argue about that instead of focusing on the research project.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Wait a minute! This is YOU? (listening to the show now..)


I still think it's a waste of time and there are much more fertile grounds to be tilled but it's not as big a waste as I had originally thought.

From a believer's perspective, this type of protest, could "not" be considered a waste of time.

Eze 33:9

To build a building where innocent babies in the womb, are to be killed, is clearly a wicked thing to do. Protesting the 'people' who are doing the work, is clearly warning them to turn from their wicked "ways". If they repent, then they will be right with God, in this area of their life.

However even if they do not repent, then the passage, and chapter in Ezekiel clearly states, you have delivered your own life, and are not guilty of their blood, when, and if, they die in their iniquity.

Thus it is not a waste of time to save one's own life, and be free of the bloodguilt of others, even "if" that is all that is accomplished.

How much more important to be free of that guilt, when their "guilt" includes the shedding of innocent life and blood, in the womb. This "great evil", is far more important to warn others of, than sins which are against one's own body, or fellow man, which are not to the point of death.

Not everyone is a watchman, and not everyone is "called" to protest against abortion, all the time. IMHO, I think everyone should protest, at least once in their life, or better yet, once a year.

If you ever visit Denver, maybe this is that one "place" and that one "time" in your life that you should visit and protest.

I am sure that there are people who never sacrificed their own children, nor ever approved of child sacrifice, to Molech, or other false gods. Yet they were the stone masons who built the altars where parents willingly placed their children to be burned to death and their bodies consumned by the fires.

Do you think they bore any guilt, when they were informed beforehand that the work of their hands, and the building they erected, would be used for the purpose, described above?
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