FISA Memo Released and Mueller Investigation Is On Shaky Ground


New member

but how do they account for the vocal opposition coming from a Trump appointed FBI Director?

Did you just ask me why the Director of the FBI would not want information pointing to criminal activity of his management staff to be released by the oversight committee??? Really?

Just so you know, all Law Enforcement are trained to believe that 'internal affairs' should handle any corruption. They fail to see the folly of the inherent conflict of interest. In the F.B.I.'s case, the director wanted everything to be kept secret, and believes that the OIG should handle any questions of impropriety. When you are as arrogant as the F.B.I., you have to keep up appearances don't you know....LOL!



The criminals are dropping like flies, and the OIG report has not even come out yet.....

1. Dana Boente - Resigned - was U.S. Attorney

2. James Comey - Fired - Former Director of FBI

3. Peter Strzok - Removed from Deputy Director of FBI Counterintelligence

4. Bruce Ohr - Removed from 5 position at DOJ

5. Andrew McCabe - Fired/resigned Deputy Director FBI

6. James Baker - Reassigned, FBI Attorney

7. James Rybicki - Reassigned, FBI Chief of Staff

8. Lisa Page - Fired from Mueller investigation, demoted at FBI

9. Nellie Ohr - Disappeared with loads of hush money

The Trump Administration already has a problem attracting the "smartest and the best" to serve a President whom his own Secretary of State considers to be a "MORON!"

I hear that "Stormy Daniels" might be available for another another $130 000 - I'm sure "The Donald" would be glad to give her a character reference!

I'm also sure she'd be an excellent choice as the Deputy Director of FBI Counterintelligence, as long as it doesn't interfere with her appearances on Jimmy Kimmel!
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On second thought, "The Donald" might just want to appoint Stormy Daniels as an ambassador to an embassy as far away as possible - one of those " **** hole" countries on the Muslim ban list!

The Barbarian

I don't have a lot of sympathy for Melania. You'd have to be pretty stupid not to realize that if he'd cheat on his wife with you, that when you become his wife, he's going to cheat on you.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I don't have a lot of sympathy for Melania. You'd have to be pretty stupid not to realize that if he'd cheat on his wife with you, that when you become his wife, he's going to cheat on you.

I don't think she cares. That's why she's so pissed he went and became President. She was living in a Gold Sky Scraper with a view of Central Park and that was decent compensation for being his Wife. Now what does she get? Nothing. AND she has to sleep with him full time because he has to keep the Mistresses under wraps. He can't just bring them to the White House Like Kennedy and Clinton did. The good old days are over.

The Barbarian

I notice that someone forgot to build a believable story as to how Carter Page wasn't an official in the Trump campaign, and no one even knew him, but the FISA warrant to electronically keep tabs on Page was an attack on Trump.


The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
I don't have a lot of sympathy for Melania. You'd have to be pretty stupid not to realize that if he'd cheat on his wife with you, that when you become his wife, he's going to cheat on you.

I don't think she cares.

Sadly, you may be right. That's the moral tone we have in the WH today. It's kind of a shock, given the Obama family.


New member
I notice that someone forgot to build a believable story as to how Carter Page wasn't an official in the Trump campaign, and no one even knew him, but the FISA warrant to electronically keep tabs on Page was an attack on Trump.


Funny Barbi, you never mentioned that Carter Page was working with the F.B.I......

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
I notice that someone forgot to build a believable story as to how Carter Page wasn't an official in the Trump campaign, and no one even knew him, but the FISA warrant to electronically keep tabs on Page was an attack on Trump.


Funny Barbi, you never mentioned that Carter Page was working with the F.B.I......

In January 2013, Page met a Russian diplomat named Victor Podobnyy at an energy conference in New York City, according to court documents. The two exchanged contact information, sent each other documents on energy policy and met several more times to discuss the topic, the documents allege. Two years later, in January of 2015, Podobnyy was charged in absentia — along with two other Russians — with working as a Russian intelligence agent under diplomatic cover.

Court records include a transcript of a conversation where Podobnyy talks about recruiting someone named “Male-1” by making “empty promises” about “connections in the [Russian] Trade Representation.” Page now acknowledges that he was “Male-1.” Podobnyy and one of the Russians had diplomatic immunity and left the U.S. The third Russian was arrested and eventually expelled from the U.S. in April 2017.

In messages to TIME after the Nunes memo was released, Page said that in the first nine months of 2013 he “sat in on and contributed to a few roundtable discussion with people from around the world.” He said the meetings started when one of Russia’s representatives was in New York at the United Nations. He provided an April 15, 2013, briefing document authored by Russian trade diplomat, Ksenia Yudaeva, on Russia’s priorities for a summit of the 20 richest countries in the world to be held in St. Petersburg in Sept. 2013. Page says he had subsequent similar meetings, describing them to TIME as “really plain-vanilla stuff.”

Doesn't sound like the FBI to me.

The Barbarian

Barbarian, regarding Trump's moral degeneracy:
Sadly, you may be right. That's the moral tone we have in the WH today. It's kind of a shock, given the Obama family.

New York Values.

You think Chicago is that much better? No, I don't think so. The Obama family is not mired in cheating, divorce, sexual assault, soft-core porn photos, ect. Not because they are from Chicago, but because they espouse and live the sort of moral values that most Americans live.

Trump is not a reflection on New York, he's a reflection on his upbringing and of his political and social ideas.


New member
Now that Obama has been directly connected to the Fake Clinton investigation, poor Barbie is going to have to come up with some extra long posts to muddy the waters.....LOL

The Barbarian

Now that Obama has been directly connected to the Fake Clinton investigation, poor Barbie is going to have to come up with some extra long posts to muddy the waters.....LOL

Even if you get upset with the information people post, it reflects badly on your credibility if you avoid the issue and get angry and abusive.

Take a little time off, calm yourself, and come back when you feel better. Even ten minutes will help.



Now that Obama has been directly connected to the Fake Clinton investigation, poor Barbie is going to have to come up with some extra long posts to muddy the waters.....LOL
Despite all the "hype," the Nune's Memo was a "NOTHINGBURGER" putting the Republicans back on the defensive rather than producing a much needed "WIN!"

Now "Cadet Bone Spurs" is demanding a military parade to prove that at least the armed forces "love" him - oblivious to the fact that they would all be paid and following orders to be there!

The Barbarian

Now "Cadet Bone Spurs" is demanding a military parade to prove that at least the armed forces "love" him - oblivious to the fact that they would all be paid and following orders to be there!

What? Seriously? Is there a banana republic missing a caudillo? (Barbarian checks)

It's true...

Lawmakers on Wednesday balked at the potential cost of President Donald Trump's desired military parade a day after news broke that the Pentagon was exploring possible dates.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., called the idea a "fantastic waste of money to amuse the president."

Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., also expressed concerns about the parade, telling CNN on Tuesday night, "I don't believe we should have tanks or nuclear weapons going down Pennsylvania Avenue."

"We need to fund the entire military for the rest of the year. The continuing resolutions are absolutely not the way to go, especially as it relates to funding the Department of Defense," Zeldin, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said.

"Cost would be a factor," he said of the parade.

The Washington Post first reported Tuesday that during a Jan. 18 meeting between the president and top generals at the Pentagon, Trump said he wanted a large-scale military parade that would roll through the streets of Washington — and that his desire was heard as a presidential directive.

I suppose it's natural that Trump wants to give himself a parade. His boss always gets one...





FISA Memo Released and Mueller Investigation Is On Shaky Ground

Devin Nunes WHO???

The Nunes Memo, in which "The Donald" and his "deplorables" had placed such high hopes that it would bring the co-called "deep state" to its knees, has been reduced to an historical footnote in less than a week!

Once again, Hannity and FOXNEWS, in their infinite wisdom, backed a "lost cause" - reaffirming their position as the "laughing stock" of the media world!