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Evolutionists: How did legs evolve?


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Yup. When I looked around to see how to get the full article, most of the hits I got were to creationist websites repeating each others' talking points. So obviously 6days is just parroting what one of those sites told him, with little to no understanding of the actual material.

But then....we've seen this play before.
Or perhaps he actually purchased access to the paper, like any normal human being would do, and read it himself. Ever consider that possibility?

Jose Fly

New member
So you're asking him to help Greg obtain access to a paper that requires payment to view?

That's called theft, Jose. I thought you were better than that.

Or perhaps he actually purchased access to the paper, like any normal human being would do, and read it himself. Ever consider that possibility?
Good grief....at least try and pretend that you're paying attention.

6days linked to this paper at this site: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022519385701671

As you can see, the full paper is behind a pay wall. IOW, if you want to read the full paper, you either have to pay for it or belong to an institution that has an account.

When Greg started questioning 6days about the content of the paper, 6days dodged and evaded, which prompted me to point out that the likely reason for his dodging was that he's never actually read the paper because it's behind a pay wall.

But then 6days came in and claimed that the paper isn't behind a pay wall: "It isn't behind paywall."

So now I'm asking 6days to show where and how he got free access to the paper. He says it's not behind a pay wall, so let's see.

Try and keep up.


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Good grief....at least try and pretend that you're paying attention.

6days linked to this paper at this site: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022519385701671

As you can see, the full paper is behind a pay wall. IOW, if you want to read the full paper, you either have to pay for it or belong to an institution that has an account.

When Greg started questioning 6days about the content of the paper, 6days dodged and evaded, which prompted me to point out that the likely reason for his dodging was that he's never actually read the paper because it's behind a pay wall.

But then 6days came in and claimed that the paper isn't behind a pay wall: "It isn't behind paywall."

So now I'm asking 6days to show where and how he got free access to the paper. He says it's not behind a pay wall, so let's see.

Try and keep up.

Perhaps you're the one who needs to pay attention, because I was well aware of everything you just said.

Read what I said again:

Or perhaps he actually purchased access to the paper, like any normal human being would do, and read it himself. Ever consider that possibility?

I clearly stated that it's a possibility that he already purchased it. TO BE FAIR, I probably should have gone one step further with that idea, because you clearly didn't understand what I was getting at.

Perhaps he doesn't have a paywall because he's ALREADY PURCHASED IT. AND perhaps he simply forgot there WAS a paywall.

Is it ever a possibility that you're wrong, Jose?

Jose Fly

New member
I clearly stated that it's a possibility that he already purchased it. TO BE FAIR, I probably should have gone one step further with that idea, because you clearly didn't understand what I was getting at.

Perhaps he doesn't have a paywall because he's ALREADY PURCHASED IT. AND perhaps he simply forgot there WAS a paywall.

Is it ever a possibility that you're wrong, Jose?
Seriously? Your explanation is that 6days went through the pay wall, paid money for the paper, but then completely forgot all that to the point where he said "It's not behind a pay wall"?

And you honestly think that's the most likely scenario? I'll just let that speak for itself.


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Seriously? Your explanation is that 6days went through the pay wall, paid money for the paper, but then completely forgot all that to the point where he said "It's not behind a pay wall"?

And you honestly think that's the most likely scenario? I'll just let that speak for itself.

So it's not possible at all that that's what happened?

Because I know that I myself have done that multiple times in the past several years. I'll purchase access to something, and then later I'll share it, and then I'll remember that it's behind a paywall.

Jose Fly

New member
So it's not possible at all that that's what happened?

Because I know that I myself have done that multiple times in the past several years. I'll purchase access to something, and then later I'll share it, and then I'll remember that it's behind a paywall.

Except the link 6days posted clearly shows that it's behind a pay wall. So I suppose it could be that he never really paid attention to that obvious fact.

But if what you say is true, then it shouldn't be any problem at all for 6days to post some excerpts from the full paper, correct?


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Except the link 6days posted clearly shows that it's behind a pay wall. So I suppose it could be that he never really paid attention to that obvious fact.

But if what you say is true, then it shouldn't be any problem at all for 6days to post some excerpts from the full paper, correct?
Heck, the first time I looked at the page I didn't notice the "Purchase" button.

Jose Fly

New member
Heck, the first time I looked at the page I didn't notice the "Purchase" button.

We can clear this up pretty easily.

[MENTION=15431]6days[/MENTION] did you previously pay for the paper and later forget? If so, then it should be no problem for you to quote directly from the full paper, correct?

Or did you simply not notice that the paper was behind a pay wall?


New member
[MENTION=15431]6days[/MENTION] did you previously pay for the paper and later forget? If so, then it should be no problem for you to quote directly from the full paper, correct?
Jose... we bet a coffee on this right? http://agingfree.org/Portals/0/xBlo...ions- why have we not died 100 times over.pdf

In any case, as I told Greg, he doesn't need read a article to understand what a near neutral / very slightly deleterious mutation is. The question I asked him is simple.... You can answer it for him if you wish.


New member
It's about the way legs evolved. And we discussed the evidence showing that vertebrate legs evolved from fins
Genesis 1: Then God said, “Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.” 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water, and every sort of bird—each producing offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 Then God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply. Let the fish fill the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.”
23 And evening passed and morning came, marking the fifth day.
24 Then God said, “Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind—livestock, small animals that scurry along the ground, and wild animals.” And that is what happened. 25 God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to produce offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.


New member
It's an old game; the advantage is that even people like Stipe and 6days, who know nothing of biology, can use it. The downside is that it's a major embarrassment for them if they parrot the story on a site where people know something about it.
Who was it that fell for Gregs false story about sharks getting an extra fin in the Bikini Atolls, and was evidence of a neutral mutation? Barbarian.... your beliefs contradict science.... more importantly you reject the purpose Christ went to the cross. (You are welcome to explain why Jesus had to suffer physical death)

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
It's an old game; the advantage is that even people like Stipe and 6days, who know nothing of biology, can use it. The downside is that it's a major embarrassment for them if they parrot the story on a site where people know something about it.

Who was it that fell for Gregs false story about sharks getting an extra fin in the Bikini Atolls,

You did. Turns out that all heritable changes in phenotype are due to mutations.

6days,your beliefs contradict science.... more importantly, you reject the purpose Christ went to the cross.

If you want to learn why Christ died on the cross for us, here's a place you can learn about it:

Or you can rely on your new, man-made religion of creationism. Up to you.

The Barbarian

It's about the way legs evolved. And we discussed the evidence showing that vertebrate legs evolved from fins, using the same bones present in fins of lobe-finned fish. We spent a little time showing how genetics supports the fossil and anatomical data, and we showed how each step in the evolution of vertebrate legs would be useful.

We then showed how fossil record, anatomy, and genetics supports the finding that arthropod legs evolved from lobpods found on onychophorans and their relatives.

And lastly, we showed the "legs" of kinesins evolved from simpler kinesans and dynins.


New member
If you want to learn why Christ died on the cross for us, here's a place you can learn about it:
Like all evolutionists, your web site has no answer for why Christ had to suffer physical death. Yes... we know He was"rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes", who handed "him to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified". But that web site seems lost as to why Jesus had to suffer physical death.