• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

Evolutionists: How did legs evolve?

Greg Jennings

New member
I agree with most of what you say, with this exception...

There have been many dozens of mass extinctions - it just depends on how you define one.

And I see God recreating, using old DNA, after each extinction event.

During the Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous era, God was on a Dinosaur/reptile "size-does-matter" phase.

Immediately after this, God goes back to what He started before the Triassic, He essentially goes back to animals shaped after the therapsid, mammal-like-reptiles of the Permian. After reptiles being so dominant, now mammals rule.

I see the whole Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous as God taking a side-trip.
Then He got back to the main business of making man in His image.
So all the animals become smaller, more mammal like, tame by comparison - and now we live in the Holocene - the time with the best climate and the most docile creatures - all perfect for puny man.

Well we disagree here somewhat, but that's fine!

It was a fun conversation.


Well-known member
You believe in an weak god who can't get things right. The Bible tells us about a Creator who is perfect and created all the land animals in one day. Nothing about tweaking in God's Word.

This below is all about tweaking, and this is only Genesis 3. The rest of the Bible is full of it too.

Gen 3:14

And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Gen 3:15
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Gen 3:16

Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Gen 3:17

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Gen 3:18
Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;


New member
They serve a purpose you say.....and that purpose is?
You could go to wiki for some info on goosebumps and ther purpose. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goose_bumps
But, even if humans have lost functionality of something, its simply a false belief to say that lost function is due to common ancestry.
We know from God's Word that humans were created perfect, and corruption has caused problems (shortened lives, sickness, death etc)

Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell says " Those muscles that tug on our hair follicles help the protective oil produced by follicles’ sebaceous glands to ooze out onto the skin. Their muscle action can also generate a bit of additional heat on a cold day, though we can be thankful that we do not have fur to impede our evaporating sweat from cooling us on a hot day. And inside every hair follicle is a supply of cells that can transform into the raw material for healing when needed. Without this supply of epithelial cells, even minor wounds would have to slowly heal from the edges inward. Our hair follicles are also attached to sensitive nerve endings, and when strong emotions prompt our fine hairs to stand up, they are more easily touched, increasing somewhat our sensitivity to the brush of danger. There is certainly nothing useless about the equipment that produces goose bumps, and goose bumps are not the proof of an evolutionary past."

Greg Jennings

New member
You could go to wiki for some info on goosebumps and ther purpose. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goose_bumps
But, even if humans have lost functionality of something, its simply a false belief to say that lost function is due to common ancestry.
We know from God's Word that humans were created perfect, and corruption has caused problems (shortened lives, sickness, death etc)

Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell says " Those muscles that tug on our hair follicles help the protective oil produced by follicles’ sebaceous glands to ooze out onto the skin. Their muscle action can also generate a bit of additional heat on a cold day, though we can be thankful that we do not have fur to impede our evaporating sweat from cooling us on a hot day. And inside every hair follicle is a supply of cells that can transform into the raw material for healing when needed. Without this supply of epithelial cells, even minor wounds would have to slowly heal from the edges inward. Our hair follicles are also attached to sensitive nerve endings, and when strong emotions prompt our fine hairs to stand up, they are more easily touched, increasing somewhat our sensitivity to the brush of danger. There is certainly nothing useless about the equipment that produces goose bumps, and goose bumps are not the proof of an evolutionary past."

Are you kidding me? Your "doctor" works exclusively for Answers in Genesis! What an unbiased opinion! Also she's a retired obstetrician.....How is a baby-deliverer an expert on evolution? Because AiG is a joke that's how

It's just like when you quote a mathematician regarding chemistry. They're NOT the same


Find me one function for goosebumps that isn't from a Christian apologetics site. You're unbelievable


New member
This below is all about tweaking, and this is only Genesis 3. The rest of the Bible is full of it too.
You have a heretical belief system. The Creator God of the Bible is perfect... His ways are perfect. He called his completed creation "very good" He did not need tweak His creation.


New member
Are you kidding me? Your "doctor" works exclusively for Answers in Genesis! What an unbiased opinion! Also she's a retired obstetrician.....How is a baby-deliverer an expert on evolution?


Find me one function for goosebumps that isn't from a Christian apologetics site. You're unbelievable
Uh... Greg... Sorry but ad hominem is not a logical argument. You can attack her argument if you wish, but attacking the person instead of her answer, suggests you don't have a logical response.
BTW.... Wikipedia that I linked for you is not associated with AIG.

And... as I said, IF goosebumps actually have a reduced function from when God created, it is understandable considering several thousand years of mutation accumulation. Your "BEST" evidence, is simply a false belief... not science.


Well-known member
Just one last elaboration...

There is no logical reason to go from a reptile dominated world (Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous), to a completely different mammal dominated world. And I understand evolutionists will say that evolution is not directed by logic.

However in God's plan, there is a logical reason to go from a dinosaur dominated world to a mammal dominated world.

First off, we religious folks presume that Homo sapiens was the point of God bothering with a material creation in the first place.

That being the case, man is puny and does not survive well. So everything has to be "dumbed down" and made more puny so that man does not get eaten on the eighth day.

Hence the Holocene mammals, far smaller than even the animals of the Pleistocene with its megafauna.

And this is a cold time in earth's history. We are actually living between ice ages, in a fairly mild, but cold part of earth's history. The climate is very consistent, and sea levels almost unchanging. This 6000 year Goldilocks piece of the geologic column is perfect for the salvation of man.

Temperature of earth was 10 degrees C higher than today. That's 50 degrees Fahrenheit higher in the past, perfect for reptiles which like heat. I personally dislike heat - it's, well, too hot. That said, when handed a lemon, make lemonade. I am off to the beach to see if the surf's up. :)

Greg Jennings

New member
Uh... Greg... Sorry but ad hominem is not a logical argument. You can attack her argument if you wish, but attacking the person instead of her answer, suggests you don't have a logical response.
BTW.... Wikipedia that I linked for you is not associated with AIG.

And... as I said, IF goosebumps actually have a reduced function from when God created, it is understandable considering several thousand years of mutation accumulation. Your "BEST" evidence, is simply a false belief... not science.

6....an obstetrician with a chemistry undergrad is less qualified to talk about this than I am, frankly. My geology degree with a biology minor (from a Baptist university, no less) makes me more an expert in evolution than she is.
She doesn't have an argument 6. She's simply wrong, and probably because she doesn't know what she's talking about because she's A) not qualified and B) works for AiG, who says in their about page that they don't even take anything other than evidence that agrees with the Bible into account. Seems like a narrow view, huh?

Here's a quote from Wikipedia, the REAL source you provided:
"As a response to cold: in animals covered with fur or hair, the erect hairs trap air to create a layer of insulation."

Are humans COVERED in fur or hair? Last time I checked, no

Now, I'll provide a source for YOU, with an actual qualified person:
"George A.Bubenik, a physiologist and professor of zoology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, explains:"
Did you see that? He's a professor of zoology! And he's affiliated with a real scientific organization! I think that trumps baby-deliverer in regards to knowledge of evolution.
"Goosebumps are a physiological phenomenon inherited from our animal ancestors, which was useful to them but are not of much help to us. Goosebumps are tiny elevations of the skin that resemble the skin of poultry after the feathers have been plucked. (Therefore we could as well call them "turkeybumps" or "duckbumps.") These bumps are caused by a contraction of miniature muscles that are attached to each hair. Each contracting muscle creates a shallow depression on the skin surface, which causes the surrounding area to protrude. The contraction also causes the hair to stand up whenever the body feels cold. In animals with a thick hair coat this rising of hair expands the layer of air that serves as insulation. The thicker the hair layer, the more heat is retained. In people this reaction is useless because we do not have a hair coat, but goosebumps persist nevertheless.

So I guess it's my zoologist's word against your obstetrician's. There isn't a degree of change when goosebumps are on a person. You could warm yourself up literally 6 times as much by doing 30 jumping jacks.


Well-known member
So I guess it's my zoologist's word against your obstetrician's.

Greg, when you learned zoology, did they teach you palaeontology, or there the morphological changes occurred in the geologic column?

Evolutionary zoology teaches that diploblastic became triploblastic, asymmetrical body plan became radial became bilateral etc. But did they tell you when in the geologic column this was supposed to have occurred?

I was taught these changed over time, but I find most "changes" happened spontaneously in the Cambrian explosion.


New member
6days, you have just written to Greg "Uh... Greg... Sorry but ad hominem is not a logical argument" and then you use ad hominem on me. You are the ad hominem king.
Ad hominem is if you attack the person instead of their argument as Greg did.
Your claim of a God who can't get things right and keeps tweaking is heretical.


New member
So I guess it's my zoologist's word against your obstetrician's. There isn't a degree of change when goosebumps are on a person. You could warm yourself up literally 6 times as much by doing 30 jumping jacks.
Your zoologist studies and attempts to classify animals. Your zoologist attempts to do this within the framework of the common ancestry belief system. (We could also find zoologists who reject that belief system)
Dr. Mitchell explains evidence within the framework of God's Word.

You still are attacking her rather than her claims about goose pimples... ad hominem.

Again, what she says about function of Goose pimples is "Those muscles that tug on our hair follicles help the protective oil produced by follicles’ sebaceous glands to ooze out onto the skin. Their muscle action can also generate a bit of additional heat on a cold day, though we can be thankful that we do not have fur to impede our evaporating sweat from cooling us on a hot day. And inside every hair follicle is a supply of cells that can transform into the raw material for healing when needed. Without this supply of epithelial cells, even minor wounds would have to slowly heal from the edges inward. Our hair follicles are also attached to sensitive nerve endings, and when strong emotions prompt our fine hairs to stand up, they are more easily touched, increasing somewhat our sensitivity to the brush of danger. There is certainly nothing useless about the equipment that produces goose bumps, and goose bumps are not the proof of an evolutionary past."
(Even Wiki says " During the formation of goose bumps, the body is warmed from the muscle tension in piloerection")
Last edited:


New member
Your zoologist studies and attempts to classify animals. Your zoologist attempts to do this within the framework of the common ancestry belief system. (We could also find zoologists who reject that belief system)
Dr. Mitchell explains evidence within the framework of God's Word.

You still are attacking her rather than her claims about goose pimples... ad hominem.

Again, what she says about function of Goose pimples is "Those muscles that tug on our hair follicles help the protective oil produced by follicles’ sebaceous glands to ooze out onto the skin. Their muscle action can also generate a bit of additional heat on a cold day, though we can be thankful that we do not have fur to impede our evaporating sweat from cooling us on a hot day. And inside every hair follicle is a supply of cells that can transform into the raw material for healing when needed. Without this supply of epithelial cells, even minor wounds would have to slowly heal from the edges inward. Our hair follicles are also attached to sensitive nerve endings, and when strong emotions prompt our fine hairs to stand up, they are more easily touched, increasing somewhat our sensitivity to the brush of danger. There is certainly nothing useless about the equipment that produces goose bumps, and goose bumps are not the proof of an evolutionary past."
(Even Wiki says " During the formation of goose bumps, the body is warmed from the muscle tension in piloerection")

I looked up the user who added that line to the Wiki page, and guess what? Here is the edit, which originally replaced an evolutionary answer with the word 'vestigal' in it:

During the formation of goose bumps, the body is warmed from the muscle tension in piloerection. In addition, goose bumps trigger the emission of an oil that actually traps air around the skin surface to provide insulation.<ref>http://aiia.christiananswers.net/resources/thoughtletters/26/</ref>

The bit about the oil has been deleted since, sensibly since it was complete nonsense, but it was all from a creationist site!

Who'd 'ave guessed? 6Days is quoting a dodgy passage from a Wiki page that had been edited by a creationist using info from a site with a 'statement of faith'.


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Gold Subscriber
6days, you have just written to Greg "Uh... Greg... Sorry but ad hominem is not a logical argument" and then you use ad hominem on me. You are the ad hominem king.
6days is attacking Greg's argument/belief system, not Greg himself.


New member
It is still not attacking the argument, attacking perceived motives instead, and so it qualifies as an ad hominem.

I think you confused things.... Greg was not attacked by me. However I did attack iouae's heretical beliefs. Is that what you are referring to?

The Barbarian

If you were to look at animals around today, show me organs which have no uses?

On some islands, there are species of beetles with perfectly-formed wings that are locked under fused elytra the hard wing covers that beetles have.

What is the use of those wings?

BTW, "vestigial" does not mean "useless." The appendix, for example, does not serve to digest plant material, as it does in other organisms. But as Darwin wrote vestigial organs often evolve a new function, even if the old one goes away.

In general, a completely useless organ will go away after a time, like the eyes of cave fish, the cervical ribs of mammals, teeth of birds, and so on.


New member
On some islands, there are species of beetles with perfectly-formed wings that are locked under fused elytra the hard wing covers that beetles have. What is the use of those wings?
If the wings are truly useless... they are useless. Lost function is consistent with a corrupted creation, and God's Word.
BTW, "vestigial" does not mean "useless."
The definition is useless.

The appendix, for example, does not serve to digest plant material, as it does in other organisms.
Evolutionists at one time claimed our appendix was useless. Science has surprised evolutionists and discovered our appendix has purpose and function. In order to save face, evolutionists now claim the appendix seems so important that it evolved independently more than 30 times. (The vestigial claim is rubbery and religious... not science)
In general, a completely useless organ will go away after a time...
Loss of pre-existing function is consistent with God's Word.
like the eyes of cave fish
Loss of pre-existing function is consistent with God's Word.
the cervical ribs of mammals
Loss of pre-existing function is consistent with God's Word.
teeth of birds
Loss of pre-existing function is consistent with God's Word.
and so on.
And so on... Science helps confirm the truth of God's Word.