Re: Re: Evolution
Re: Re: Evolution
Originally posted by Knight
Evolution doesn't explain either one of the examples you raise.
Oh well, it does...
What is evolution? Evolving means to change in time, to form new species and subspecies.
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics: when antibiotics were first introduced all bacteria were sensitive (of course if there was proper mechanism of action), but today there are so many strains which are resistant to many drugs. The most famous is so-called MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).
What is bacterial resistance all about? Because of inborn inaccuracy of DNA replication there are always some mistakes while cells multiply. Among bilions of mistakes were very few which rendered bacteria less sensitive to antibiotics (for example extremely tiny alterations of structure of membrane cell canals result in excessive outflow of drug what reduces antibiotic concentration thus making it useless). In natural enviroment such 'mistakes' do not exist because they don't give any advantage to hosts. In places where people use antibiotics they do, because they are really profitable (bacteria not resistant die out). And prevalence of drug resistance is growing. And this is the way new species are formed. So - if during our lifetime new bacteria may be formed ('created' if you wish) it is obvious that evolution is true.
One may say that such processes do not apply to human beings. Wrong. Human tumour cells are living proof of evolution: they behave exactly the same as bacteria (what explains why cancers are so difficult to treat). So, if bacteria may evolve, if human cells may evolve why humans MAY NOT EVOLVE???
If you consider evolution to be wrong idea - show me better explanation of growing bacterial resistance...