Eve's Supremacy


New member
Gen 2:24 . . A man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

The Hebrew words for "leave" and "cleave" are a bit ambiguous; but in this case, I'm pretty sure they're saying that when a man marries; loyalty to his parents becomes secondary to his wife; for example:

One day, just for the fun of it, my dad asked his third wife what she would do in the event that he and her mother were drowning and it was possible to save only one. Which would she save; him or her mother?

Dad's wife responded that she'd save her mom because you can always get another husband but you can't get another mother.

Now supposing Dad's wife had questioned him in return. Would he save her or save his mother?

Well; according to Gen 2:24, Dad would be required to save his wife.