Emergency Preparedness


Today is Shishi, Sixth. It is the Third Month the Eighteenth Day. Boker, Morning. Yom, Day.

Are you prepared for an emergency? Yes, it makes sense to be prepared. But I am not talking about being fanatical.

The question is if we had or have a plan, and what a plan does or is.

I don't know if anyone catches my drift.

For I didn't know if we had a plan.

I was in the American Red Cross. I became a Lifeguard and a Lifeguard Instructor and Lay Responder Instructor. But I don't know who already had a plan. Before 9-11. About what?

Earthquake? Um...


Not rations that might be military or something.

What do we know?

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness. Let the Professionals do their work?




Who has the knowledge? Version of to preserve knowledge? Not a conspiracy? Fact finding recovery etc.... Clearing your mind? When is a word aptly spoken, or a testimony rightly given? What is the right time to say or think something, for after you have is that your testimony before God and or will you ever be able to do so again?


Did we or do we need someone to provide stability, (-someone who is stable), grounded or who can ground us? Do we need to remember anything? Have people already done so? What about when people live their life without a care in the world or they are doing something unrelated? Okay. So what about the importance of love and marriage and making babies to the furthering of the human race or whatever? (wrong ideas and false beliefs aside) As a Jew, or man and woman among Gentiles, be fruitful and multiply. I am not married like Yeshua and the Apostle Paul. What is the foundation for society, the bedrock? Marriage. But not to accomplish a mission. This is about things as they were, and as they ended up being. And what we have done about it afterward. Taking power as a strategy and using a pivotal point in human and American history, which should not affect us (for the future) but which has (in fact affected us), is not what this is about. Whatever part I have had to play in this I am guilty. If even for saying anything at all or even for choosing to use a computer or learn how to use a computer as a child. I must be guilty, for then others may be guilty. Then are those who are guilty worthy of punishment? Guilty of what? And as is always the case.


Isaiah 8:12 NASB - "You are not to say, '[It is] a conspiracy!' In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of [it.]


To seize power?

No. But if that must be then I cannot be the President. I could be, but we have a President. Even though I know.

And now I can be this not being the President.

I aspire to be a Rabbi and the President of the United States of America. I have been called a Rabbi.


New member
Today is Shishi, Sixth. It is the Third Month the Eighteenth Day. Boker, Morning. Yom, Day.

Are you prepared for an emergency? Yes, it makes sense to be prepared. But I am not talking about being fanatical.

The question is if we had or have a plan, and what a plan does or is.

I don't know if anyone catches my drift.

For I didn't know if we had a plan.

I was in the American Red Cross. I became a Lifeguard and a Lifeguard Instructor and Lay Responder Instructor. But I don't know who already had a plan. Before 9-11. About what?

Earthquake? Um...


Not rations that might be military or something.

What do we know?

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness. Let the Professionals do their work?



This thread has nothing to do with religion and should be posted in "the rest" category