Doug McBurney protesting for Terri


New member
Shimei said:
Doug, myself, and some other people were holding up large signs that said "Rapist" and had a profile of Bubba Bill Jeff on them. We were standing on a public sidewalk near Columbine high school. Clinton was to visit that day and right before he passed us by in his limo, the police forced us to put our signs on the ground or be arrested. Doug refused to but his sign down.
Standing for what's right yet again. He is a great guy.


And when your message fails, century after century, perhaps you'd do well to rexamine it. ;)'s NOT the's the ones who recieve the message or more to recieve it!! :rolleyes:


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Dread Helm said:
He's right whether the Shindlers agree or not.

By this reasoning you'd support Michael Schiavo.:rolleyes:

This grandstanding and chest thumping might make you guys feel better but evidently it's distressing Terri's parents. I don't blame them.


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granite1010 said:
So his own agenda is more important than what the Schindlers want and are asking for.

Nice attitude.
No. What is morally right is more important than what the Schindlers want.


New member
granite1010 said:
By this reasoning you'd support Michael Schiavo.:rolleyes:
No Michael Schiavo is a muderer and it doesn't matter what he thinks or anyone else thinks, it's about what is morally right or wrong. Michael Schiavo was morally wrong. Doug was morally right. Terri should not be killed.


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Dread Helm said:
No Michael Schiavo is a muderer and it doesn't matter what he thinks or anyone else thinks, it's about what is morally right or wrong. Michael Schiavo was morally wrong. Doug was morally right. Terri should not be killed.

He may be right but this grandstanding is absolutely absurd. And her parents want these guys to pack up and go home. Evidently their own bloviating is more important than doing the decent thing and bowing out gracefully.


Dread Helm said:
No Michael Schiavo is a muderer and it doesn't matter what he thinks or anyone else thinks, it's about what is morally right or wrong. Michael Schiavo was morally wrong. Doug was morally right. Terri should not be killed.
:bannana: Go dread, Go Dread!!!!! :thumb:


Formerly Shimei!
granite1010 said:
He may be right but this grandstanding is absolutely absurd. And her parents want these guys to pack up and go home. Evidently their own bloviating is more important than doing the decent thing and bowing out gracefully.

If Doug is right, why would he bow out?

Can Doug be right and absurd at the same time?


New member
granite1010 said:
Evidently their own bloviating is more important than doing the decent thing and bowing out gracefully.

Oh yeah go ahead. Just Bow out! Get on your knees and bow down to culture of death. You french leftist. :Commie:

I'm glad people like Doug and Karl have not Bowed out of this fight. It's bigger than Terri. It's about Right and Wrong.


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Hall of Fame
Shimei said:
If Doug is right, why would he bow out?

Can Doug be right and absurd at the same time?

Her parents have asked these people to chill out and stop getting themselves arrested. Evidently their wishes only matter when convenient.

This grandstanding has turned a tragedy into a farce and a woman's death into a horrific, circus-like spectacle.


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Hall of Fame
Dread Helm said:
Oh yeah go ahead. Just Bow out! Get on your knees and bow down to culture of death. You french leftist. :Commie:

I'm glad people like Doug and Karl have not Bowed out of this fight. It's bigger than Terri. It's about Right and Wrong.

Dread, get a clue and look before you leap. I'm a pro-life live free or die libertarian. What I am opposed to are these goons hogging the TV limelight while the Schindlers have asked them repeatedly to tone down their act.

I think a lot of these people are more interested the sound of their own voice than anything else.


granite1010]Her parents have asked these people to chill out and stop getting themselves arrested. Evidently their wishes only matter when convenient.

Like the convnience of her husband asking the court to "let her die?"
This grandstanding has turned a tragedy into a farce and a woman's death into a horrific, circus-like spectacle

You can thank Michael Schiavo, Judge Greer and George Felos for that!!!!!


New member
granite1010 said:
This grandstanding has turned a tragedy into a farce and a woman's death into a horrific, circus-like spectacle.
It is a tragedy. It is horrific. But guess what? It's bigger than Terri. It's about principle: It's about right and wrong. Other disabled people are at risk too. It's bigger than Terri. It is about right and wrong. This is disgusting


Dread Helm said:
It is a tragedy. It is horrific. But guess what? It's bigger than Terri. It's about principle: It's about right and wrong. Other disabled people are at risk too. It's bigger than Terri. It is about right and wrong. This is disgusting
:taoist: :vomit:


New member
granite1010 said:
I'm a pro-life live free or die libertarian.

Good. I'm glad you are pro life.

granite1010 said:
What I am opposed to are these goons hogging the TV limelight while the Schindlers have asked them repeatedly to tone down their act.
They are trying to bring attention to this woman's torturous death by Judicial Decree.


New member
You blinked, you missed it. The pro-life community just switched positions; it now supports assisted suicide! In their vital fight to save Florida’s Terri Schiavo from being starved to death by judicial decree, they foolishly hinged their position on the absence of a “written directive.” If the Hemlock Society had tried to pass a federal law legitimizing assisted suicide, pro-lifers would have stopped them. But pro-life leaders have so often compromised on “Thou shall not murder,” they no longer realize when they’re making concessions. They tried desperately to pass the Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act which, for the first time ever in federal law, would have legitimized state assisted suicide laws permitting “the withdrawal of food or fluids” simply with “a written advance directive valid under applicable law.” It's okay for dying people to die, it's not ok to kill them. Morality does not require ventilating and pumping fluids through a virtual corpse that has no brain activity, but starving someone to death is wrong. With this development, the pro-life movement would have people looking to “pull the plug,” and when finding no plug, go ahead and assist in suicide by starvation because of a “written directive.” And now that even pro-lifers are sliding down the slippery slope, when the culture of death wants to prevent the suffering of starvation and administer a mercy-killing lethal injection, who will be left to argue?

-Pastor Bob Enyart,

PS. Legitimize means to declare legally valid; in accordance with law.

Just thought I would repost this.


New member
Wow! This thread has gone a long way since I left for dance. I read everything, but you'll have to clarify if you have an unanswered question to which I can answer. :) But it seems like Turin and Shimei have it handled. :)

Mr. 5020

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Zakath said:
I think soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, policemen, firemen, or national guardsmen who murder people are wrong, whatever government they serve.

I am also of the opinion that if McBurney didn't have a chance of getting on camera, he probably wouldn't be there. :down:

As a matter of fact, I'm surprized one of the local Denver Christian shock jocks isn't down there trying to get his share of the limelight.

And just who would you be talking about, Zakath?